I Am Gwen's Spider-Man Mentor.

Chapter 92 Rebellious Kiss

Chapter 92 Rebellious Kiss

Suddenly, Gwen Stacy's eyebrows suddenly became clear, and the girl felt that she had to do something!
To be a good Spider-Woman, you must do things that belong to Gwen Stacy one by one. Avoiding the feelings that belong to Gwen Stacy will not make Spider-Woman better.

To focus, you have to give yourself a reason to focus!

Everything happened in a flash - she suddenly took a step forward, closed her eyes, stood on tiptoes, and kissed Raymond's lips without warning.

At this moment, Raymond felt as if time had stopped.

All the sounds in his world disappeared in an instant, and he could only hear his heart beating violently, as if it was about to break through his chest.

Countless images flashed through his mind in an instant.

It's not that he hasn't expected this, but he always thinks about too many things, including the difference in their identities, the possible consequences of the teacher-student relationship, the danger to Gwen, and the variables that he may encounter...

This concern was so deep and heavy that it made him breathless and made him dare not think about it. He could only avoid it from now on——

Raymond knew that he had 1 reasons to reject this relationship, but as long as he saw the girl's beautiful blue eyes, his heart softened into a puddle of mud and water, and he would always be disappointed if he refused. I can't say anything.

Raymond is always thoughtful and forward-looking when doing things, while Gwen - whether as Spider-Woman or Gwen Stacy, she is bold and decisive, daring to think and do, as if failure never exists in front of her.

"That's what I want!" The professor, who usually had a cold face, suddenly had wet eyes.

The girl's kiss was passionate and intense.In front of the heroic Spider-Woman, the self-possessed Raymond Xu lost his defenses step by step, and was invaded and captured by Gwen step by step!
He subconsciously and greedily breathed in the fragrance of the girl, which was completely different from Zhao Helen. If the fragrance in Dr. Zhao's hair was decorated with a sense of nobility that only appeared at dances, then it was so special. The scent of warm golden hair is closer to the smell of the girl next door.

At this moment, he just wanted to abandon all reason and thinking, be willful and indulgent like a child, without thinking about the future or paying attention to outside voices.

What superheroes, what destiny, what comic plots... none of these have anything to do with this moment. At this moment, he just wants to belong to the girl in front of him who is kissing him passionately.
At this moment, he just wants to be with Gwen, the girl who rebelled against all his social rules, rebelled against all the glib words and was entrusted with virtual snakes.

For a moment, Raymond's mind also lost balance. He held the slender Gwen tightly in his arms with both hands, as if he wanted to press her soft body into his chest.

The teacher and the student kissed passionately and passionately, as if they had forgotten each other's identities, as if they no longer cared about any secular prejudices... To Raymond and Gwen at this moment, everything was unimportant, this The only thing left in the world is each other.

The kiss was passionate and long, as if they were retaliating to release their suppressed feelings - until the concept of time seemed to be over, they let go of each other, looked at each other and reminisced.

Although the kiss was indeed beautiful, Raymond, who was attacked by Gwen's direct ball, was still a little confused - he had seriously thought that this thing should be more ceremonial.

But Gwen Stacy is an informal girl. Sometimes her intuition and sensibility can trample her reason under her feet. She wanted to do it, so she did it.

It's rebellious, it's Gwen Stacy!
After a long time, the two of them let go of the embrace that confirmed their feelings.The two people who looked at each other saw countless joy in each other's eyes——

In Gwen's eyes, this is one of the few times when Raymond can take off his 40-year-old disguise and return to a 24-year-old young man...

Only she, Gwen Stacy, can find and have this kind of moment! ——The girl thought so, and she actually felt a little possessive about the person in front of her.

"This is a bit...sudden..." Although he was happy, Raymond was a little frightened. He gasped violently: "You...I...we..."

"Shh!" Gwen boldly put her index finger to Raymond's lips, "If you can't speak, don't speak!"

Gwen Stacy, who was so reckless, was now astonishingly bold, as if some seal had been lifted, forcing the emotionally reserved Raymond Xu into a corner——

"You told me to face myself!" The girl, who was a head shorter than Raymond, looked up at her mentor with stubbornness in her eyes. "This is what I want to do!"

"I hate running away from my feelings anymore, and I hate pretending to be someone I'm not." Gwen emphasized to Raymond word by word, "Gwen Stacy is Spider-Woman. Spider-Woman is Gwen Stacy, and I don’t need to use one identity to escape the difficulties of another!”

"But Gwen..." Now it was the startled Raymond's turn to gasp for breath to relieve his shock, "We are..."

"What does it matter!" After being provoked by Raymond, the already bold girl became even more fearless. "It's not because of that twisted relationship that we have a good impression of each other!"

"But Gwen..." Under Gwen's bold surprise attack, Raymond's disguise was finally torn apart.The professor who was always arrogant and always confident in the past bowed his head to his students, like a shy little boy who was just starting to fall in love: "You... give me time to react!"

"What time do you need to react?" Gwen took a step back and put her hands on her hips.

After this liberating kiss, Gwen, who had been under pressure and sad all night, finally laughed and scolded the "little boy" in front of her: "I see you are so self-reliant there, I'm annoyed, okay?" ? "

At this time, the status of the two people suddenly reversed. The 20-year-old Gwen Stacy seemed like a mature big sister, but the 24-year-old Raymond Xu actually showed a shy look, as shy as a 16 year old little brother.

"Consider this kiss as a thank you." Gwen said her words confidently, "You comforted me some time ago, and you helped me block SHIELD this time..." The girl who took the initiative As if releasing his long-suppressed nature, he approached Raymond: "Also, you and Helen Zhao have nothing to do with each other, right?!"

"Ah?" Raymond was confused by Gwen's question, "Dr. Zhao? It's nothing..."

Gwen looked at Raymond with suspicious eyes, and her burning gaze almost made Raymond jump. Only then did the girl withdrew her "heat sight" and said with a speculative tone. : "It's fine if it's nothing."

"Don't get too close to her in the future!" Gwen stood in front of Raymond and seriously poked his shoulder with her index finger, "This kiss is not without price!"

Seeing the blonde girl "declaring sovereignty" with her teeth and claws in front of him, Raymond was so happy that he didn't know how to place his hands - he just laughed like a fool.

Seeing his appearance, Gwen couldn't help but raise her eyebrows and said teasingly: "I pretend to be calm and mature all day long. Those who don't know better think you are not 24, but 48~!"

"You are obviously not a few years older than me, but you act like a successful and tenured professor all day long, pretending to be an old scholar..."

Completely tearing apart the depth of Raymond's defense, the armored group named "Gwen Stacy" was galloping recklessly, just like the German army racing in Kiev and Smolensk in 1941 - a girl who had taken the initiative. Finally, I was able to fully vent my long-simmering emotions: "Are you tired?"

"This is not..." Raymond lowered his head and explained softly to Gwen who was pressing closer: "We are...teachers and students..."

"What do teachers and students have..." Gwen turned around. She said this with a guilty conscience - although she and Raymond Xu had a tacit understanding for a long time, but somehow Mei Associate Professor Long’s words have always hung in the girl’s mind like the sword of Damocles:

"Actually, I'm not against teachers and students...but she has little experience after all. Professor Xu is already a top figure in the science and technology industry. If the two of you are too novel and can't get along together, it will be hurt!"

This sentence made Gwen always feel distressed in the past two days. Sometimes the girl even resented her lack of experience and accumulation.

Coupled with the sense of crisis brought about by Helen Zhao joining Professor Xu's laboratory - the girl keenly sensed the abnormal intention of this beautiful Asian doctor towards Raymond. There were also many Raymond and Helen Zhao, and Gwen became increasingly uneasy.

So, Gwen decided to use the most Gwen and most Spider-Man way to deal with the problem - three times, five times, two times, and a quick knife to cut through the mess!
In this matter, the girl has always been quick-tempered. She believes that as long as she acts quickly enough, she can avoid many problems!

As for the troublesome issues that arise from this—Shoot!Is now the time to think about those things?

Gwen has always had a character that does what she says and has an unstable temperament, so this "rebellious kiss" is not surprising.

Raymond took the initiative to hold the girl's hands and pulled her to him.After all, he has four more years of experience, so the issues he considers are more realistic: "You know, with our current status..."

"I know!" Gwen pushed Raymond away impatiently, "It can't be made public, right?"

"I don't care about feathers..." Raymond panicked and explained to Gwen who looked angry, "I was afraid that you would be..."

"Being described by unscrupulous tabloids as a scheming girl who seduced her mentor?" Gwen smiled, "I don't care. I promised not to make it public because of you."

The blonde girl took her next words very seriously: "During this period, after Kingpin said that, I also thought about it. You are right. To fight crime better, you must have more Great power to overwhelm those people..."

"This is your ideal, so I promise to use all the means I can and can help to help you, protect you, and realize your ideal."

After saying this "affectionate confession", the girl coughed slightly to cover up her embarrassment.Then he added: "After all, if you succeed, Spider-Woman can feel a lot more relaxed, right?"

"Gwen..." Raymond lowered his head, took the blonde girl's hand, and drew circles in her palm with his thumb, "I'm sorry..."

"Nothing to be sorry for!" Gwen tossed her blond hair back and put her hands on her hips, "This is a favor you owe me, so remember to pay it back~"

"I've been..." Raymond couldn't help but laugh when he heard Gwen say this, "I owe Kingpin, I owe Nathan, and I owe you, I really owe a lot of favors! "

"What?" Gwen became arrogant, "Don't want to?"

Raymond smiled and held the girl in his arms, and used his fingers to trace the pink highlights at the end of the girl's blond hair: "No, no, my Gwennie."

"Hiss..." The girl in her arms trembled, and then complained softly: "It's a bit numb."

"What did you say?"

"It's nothing!" When Gwen raised her face, she regained the confidence of a rebellious girl. "From now on, when there is no one else around, you can just call me that!"

 1 version has been reviewed, which is after deletion.

  Thanks again to the author’s girlfriend for the revision!
(End of this chapter)

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