
Chapter 113 Blood Demon Eight Banners, Qionglai City

"Do you think I will definitely agree?" Luo Tian snorted and laughed, showing a nonchalant look on his face, and then struck with two fingers, several flames emerged from the palm, and kept jumping out of nowhere on the palm , emitting an unimaginably high temperature, it seems that the water mist in the air around him has turned into light smoke and curled up.

Unexpectedly, after hearing Luo Tian's words, the feminine young man let out a loud cry, and spurted out a straight and fast blood arrow from his mouth. The phantom slowly rose to the sky, and then a huge blood-red skull came out with a screaming sound, and slowly condensed into a huge figure with countless ghosts crying and howling. The banner trembled slightly in the air, and a long blood-colored river suddenly poured out from the void. For a moment, it was like a galaxy hanging upside down, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

Luo Tian stepped on the light and shadow of the thunderbird, flashing again and again, the footwork of his feet was extremely mysterious and mysterious, at the same time his eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the long bloody river in the sky that spanned hundreds of feet, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he blurted out exclaimed: "Blood Demon Hachiman!"

The reason why Luo Tian was so impressed by the Gorefiend Hachiman was that the refining of this magic weapon was too vicious and vicious, which was out of harmony with heaven.The Blood Demon Hachiman is a unique magic weapon created by a peerless demon head True Lord Blood who roamed the Profound Sky Continent a hundred years ago. To refine this magic weapon, you must first pour the first blood with the blood and soul essence of thousands of boys and girls. On the demon banner, it is called Yuanshen Blood Demon Banner.Afterwards, it is necessary to feed and conceive the first blood demon banner with the blood of countless virgins and virgins, which consumes countless manpower and material resources, and if you want to transform the second blood demon banner Until the eight-faced blood demon banner is refined, it is not known how many boys and girls will be slaughtered.The blood demon Hachiman, who looked at the feminine youth, had already refined the third blood demon banner, and this person had slaughtered at least [-] boys and girls.


Luo Tian's eyes were red. Even though he acted both good and evil in his previous life, he had never done such an outrageous thing, otherwise he would not be able to survive the final calamity and ascend to the Immortal Tower.At this moment, seeing the vicious methods of the feminine young man in front of him, the murderous intent in his heart soared, he stretched out his hand to touch the void, and the unrepaired water-covered bead spun around with a touch of brilliance, and then sucked up the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for miles around, splitting into dozens of A crystal bright light group flickered down in the void, covering the huge blood-colored figure hanging high in the sky.

There was no trace of blood on the face of the soft young man, and he sternly shouted in the shadow of blood: "What about the treasure? Today I sacrificed the blood demon Hachiman with my half-year-old cultivation base. Naturally, I will not let you survive. Die!"

As soon as the words fell, the blood-colored long river that poured down violently shook violently, as if a fast-moving river turned into a black dragon, and the crystal light ball that was covered with water droplets suddenly looked like a flat boat in a squall. From time to time, it looks like it will go out at any time.

Chi Chi!

The water-covered drops suspended above Luo Tian's head did not know when it changed. An extremely thin crack appeared on the originally crystal-clear and smooth surface, and then the crack spread continuously, like a boiled chicken egg being smashed by gravity. , In less than a moment, the crack spread to the entire surface of the bead, shaking uncontrollably.

"Quack, the Gorefiend Hachiman can defile magic weapons. Unless your magic weapon is a spirit weapon, you will not escape death today!" Numb.

This person is the most powerful enemy since his debut!

The primordial spirit in Luo Tian's body seemed to be faintly being pulled to the outside by an inexplicable force, and he was shocked. This person was actually superior to Dongfang Potian by virtue of the blood demon eight banners. It seemed that his spiritual sense was not enough. Breaking through to the alchemy stage, forcibly suppressing the cultivation base is the only way.


At this time, under the unrivaled pressure of the blood-colored river, the water-covered drop above Luo Tian's head suddenly exploded into a cloud of powder and scattered with the wind. The waves of the water flowed up against the long bloody river.

"Huh?" Yin Yun, who was hidden in the Kui water formation of the Eight Desolation, suddenly frowned, looked to the southwest direction with gleam in his eyes, pondered for a while, and took a step in the void, and reached the distance of hundreds of feet in an instant. outside.

However, Luo Tianfu water drop was destroyed, and a sharp pain quietly came from the soul, and he knew that the cover water drop had left a trace of powerful consciousness, and his thoughts changed sharply. And some other insignificant magic weapons were driven out, and the last wave of water following the water-covered bead poured into the long bloody river.


Then, a flame imprint suddenly appeared between Luo Tian's brows, and with a low drink, a few drops of red blood essence gushed out of his brows, attached to each magic weapon with incomparable precision, and then quickly melted into it Among them, the rays of light on those magic weapons soared, and suddenly they pushed back the long bloody river that surrounded them, and then there was a loud bang, and several vortexes of incomparably abundant spiritual energy quietly appeared in the void and spread rapidly. open.

"Blood shadow escape method!"

As soon as Luo Tian gritted his teeth, he did not hesitate to exhaust his energy and vitality and used the top escape method recorded in his previous life memory. Cooperating with the extremely fast thunderbird boots, he only needed to dodge to reach hundreds of meters away, and once again With a flash, the figure disappeared without a trace, leaving only an unpredictable trail of thunder and flames.

"Damn it!" Caught off guard by Luo Tian's self-detonation, the feminine young man was so embarrassed that he even destroyed both sides of the Gorefiend Hachiman, which had been refined for nearly a hundred years with essence, blood and primordial spirit. The blood streamer of the primordial spirit, which was full of holes, was seriously wounded and dying. If he hadn't possessed a secret method, the magic weapons just now would have exploded, killing him physically and mentally.

Suddenly, the feminine young man's complexion changed drastically and he looked into the distance. Without hesitation, he stretched out his palm and slapped Tianling's cover forcefully, and then a light and shadow quickly escaped. At the same time, his whole body exploded into a cloud of blood, and then the light and shadow Immediately merged with the huge blood shadow in the air, and broke through the air.

Less than three breaths after all this, a stream of white light descended from the sky, his face was full of gloom. Just now, Yin Yun clearly felt the explosion of water droplets in this direction. The murderer who killed his only beloved son must be here. Appeared, but let him observe for a long time, except for the spiritual power fluctuations in the air that had not faded, there was no one within a radius of ten miles.

Yin Yun quickly expanded his spiritual consciousness unwillingly, twenty miles, forty miles, seventy miles...


There are two flowers on each table.

At this moment, Luo Tian has already appeared in Huoyan Kingdom more than [-] miles away in a very weak state. As early as when he went from Xianxiamen to Huanglong Mountains, he had a thorough understanding of all the surrounding areas. It is not without reason that the direction is Huoyan Kingdom.When he was talking with the feminine young man just now, he instigated Xiao Hei to use the mind-reading technique that he had just learned, and searched for the secrets buried deep in the heart of the feminine young man. After all, I just realized it, and I just searched for a few words.

Nine Flames Profound Art, Luo Yun...

And the place Luo Tian wants to go at this moment is the nearest city of Qionglai in Huoyan Kingdom.

Right now, what Luo Tian needs is to recover his mana as soon as possible.

With a loud bang, Luo Tian fell from the sky like a meteor, and crashed deeply into a mountain peak.

ps: I have been too busy in recent days, and I have caught up with writing transitional chapters, so there are few updates.However, everyone can rest assured to recommend collections, it is still too early to be on the shelves.

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