
Chapter 116 High-level Puppet Beast, Great Zhoutian Extinct Sword Formation

The white-clothed woman's slender hands were secretly pinching a simple spell at this moment, and Luo Tian's consciousness wrapped it up very carefully. After a while, he finally found that the white-clothed woman's consciousness had a trace of the mysterious person who appeared inexplicably. If there is any contact.

Could it be that they are accomplices?Luo Tian couldn't help being suspicious.

At this time, the mysterious person who had already quoted 10 yuan of high-level spirit stones said, "If no one continues to increase the price, just give me the treasure map."

Seeing this, the monks of the Fire God Temple stared at the mysterious man fiercely, and many of them clenched their fists. If they hadn't been worried that they were still in the Treasure Pavilion, they would have killed the mysterious man in front of them immediately.

Many other monks were just looking at the show, and most of them looked at the mysterious man with a hint of greed and passion.

Luo Tian secretly shook his head in his heart. Since this person dared to appear alone, he is not the kind of soft persimmon that he can rub. I am afraid that he has already made careful plans for the next step, and if he rushes to snatch it, he will definitely suffer unimaginable harm. It is better to wait and see what happens.

The journey of cultivating immortality is long, and there are very few people who think like Luo Tian.There are shortcuts to take, who wants to practice hard day after day, year after year?What's more, this mysterious person in front of me not only has a treasure map, but also has a huge amount of spirit stones that ordinary people can't imagine. With great confidence.

The monk who presided over the auction was also taken aback for a moment, but he quickly came to his senses, looked around with a habitual smile, and said, "Since no one continues to bid, then this treasure map belongs to this fellow Taoist." , and ask this fellow daoist to deliver the spirit stone first!"

The mysterious man didn't speak, but just walked towards the side door of the hall. With the first step, a series of afterimages flickered behind him. After the second step, he entered the side door. The space less than twenty feet behind him was filled with dozens of people. After a while, the afterimage of the road slowly dissipated into nothingness.

Everyone couldn't help but change their expressions, this person's speed is so frightening!

At the same time, Luo Tian's pupils shrank violently, this person must not be a human race!

As we all know, due to innate reasons, the physique of the human race is mediocre, but they are faster than other ethnic groups in practicing Taoism and supernatural powers.But many other ethnic groups are born with tyrannical bodies, and the bodies of those with high cultivation levels are even stronger than magic weapons at the level of treasures.Just now this person's movement technique that implied a warning showed that his physical strength was far superior to that of a human monk. With that speed, Luo Tian could use it on his own, but it was never so easy and comfortable. It is only at this level that it can be easily done.

While Luo Tian was still thinking like this, the monks in the auction house had already started to get up and walk out, as if they had made an appointment together. Sects and some other powerful immortal cultivating families are no exception.

Luo Tian sat firmly on the spot, seemingly resting with his eyes closed, but actually he was closely observing the woman in white.When the woman in white moved slightly, Luo Tian stood up before him, and walked towards the gate with his hands behind his back.

The show is about to begin!

After leaving the Treasure Pavilion, Luo Tian immediately expanded his spiritual consciousness, and found that there were no fewer than a hundred monks ambushing around.He didn't make a sound, just wandered to the side to buy some food, leaned against a corner, and looked lazily at the distant sky, just like a hooligan with nothing to do.

Qionglai City, like other cities, has air restrictions, and people who are lower than the Nascent Soul Stage are not allowed to fly in the city anyway.Soon, the mysterious man came out of Jubao Pavilion, and the auras of many monks hiding in the dark around him moved.

Like a stroll in the garden, the mysterious man walked slowly towards the city gate.His behavior made many monks who were hiding in the dark suspicious. With such an old god, could it be that he really has a back move that can resist everyone?

As a result, a small number of monks following the mysterious man retreated quietly.

Those who have been following the mysterious man naturally include the three major sects of cultivating immortals in Huoyan Kingdom.

Suddenly, a figure in white came out of Jubao Pavilion, Luo Tian frowned slightly, and followed up, after a meal, Luo Tian noticed something different.

The distance between the woman in white and the mysterious person has always been kept within two hundred feet, and will never exceed this limit. Moreover, the woman in white occasionally makes a little trick, but it is very difficult for people to notice.

Half an hour later, the mysterious man finally left Qionglai City, and the direction he was walking was the west gate of Qionglai City.When Luo Tian came, he came in from the south gate.This move of the mysterious man is undoubtedly telling everyone clearly that he will still stay in the Huoyan Kingdom.

Luo Tian suddenly stretched out his hand and patted his forehead, how could he forget that the old man Huoyan is a monk of Huoyan Kingdom, even if he left treasures, he would stay in Huoyan Kingdom.Nothing else, this is just the idea of ​​returning to the roots of fallen leaves in every monk's heart.

After leaving the west gate of Qionglai City, the mysterious man turned into a layer of gray mist and flew away through the air with a speed that is simply jaw-dropping.

Seeing this situation, many monks from the Huoyan Kingdom who followed behind secretly no longer cared about concealing their figures, and followed up with their own means.

The mysterious man and the woman in white always kept a certain distance, and Luo Tian also kept a certain distance behind the woman in white. After leaving the city gate, Luo Tian thought for a while, took out the invisibility talisman from the Qiankun bag, and cast the spell Afterwards, Luo Tian's figure slowly disappeared.


Unexpectedly, just as Luo Tian's figure disappeared out of thin air, the woman in white suddenly turned her head, frowned slightly and glanced at the place where Luo Tian was standing just now, and immediately rode the light to go straight to the sky, and disappeared among the monks.

"She actually used a secret technique to investigate me." Luo Tian was already in the distance at this moment, and suppressed all the fluctuations in his body. Just now, he used his divine sense with all his strength, and finally found a trace of extremely weak spiritual consciousness in his hair. It was erased, and all this was instantly clear in my mind.

"That mysterious person is not a monster! It's a high-level puppet beast!"

The high-level puppet beasts were only able to be refined by some masters who are proficient in mechanical techniques in the world of cultivating immortals, and these sects and sects are all distributed in the western region of Tianxuan Continent.Like a magic weapon, this puppet is also an auxiliary means of attack and defense. The higher the level of the puppet, the more powerful it is.Even some high-level puppet beasts that have been refined by monks for a long time can compete with monks in the Nascent Soul stage.Of course, it is impossible to drive this puppet without enough spirit stones, because the source of their power is supplied by spirit stones.

The high-level puppet beasts were in the front, and many monks were behind. They flew for more than a thousand miles, and the speed slowed down after entering a vast mountain range.And many monks in the Qi refining period are even three or four hundred miles behind.

A moment after entering the mountain range, Luo Tian turned into a blue rainbow and landed on a stone pillar, groaning silently.

"This is already the fourth stone pillar of the same type." The green light in Luo Tian's eyes turned, and an extremely terrifying idea popped up in his heart. He could clearly see the route he had walked, but because of this, his complexion couldn't help changing drastically, he reached out to slap the Qiankun bag, and the Thunderbird boots immediately appeared under his feet, and he went out twenty feet in a flash.

"It turned out to be the Great Zhoutian Extinction Sword Formation!"

Luo Tian couldn't help feeling scared, and pushed the Thunderbird boots under his feet with all his strength to fly towards the way he came.

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