
Chapter 13

"Tiexiancao six qian, Mengxianhua two liang, Huang Jing five qian, golden mulberry vine four qian..."

The gray-clothed old man in the medicine hut was still circling around the few locust trees in the courtyard, muttering non-stop.

"Iron thread grass five qian, dream fairy flower two liang, yellow essence six qian, golden mulberry wood rattan six qian... The slow fire is changed from one hour to half an hour, and the martial fire is increased from one stick of incense to two sticks of incense."

In the courtyard, there was a clear and bright voice suddenly.

The gray-clothed old man was slightly angry, and when he looked up, he saw a handsome young man with red lips and white teeth looking at him with a smile on his face.

"You're so arrogant at such a young age! The way of elixirs is so broad and profound that it's as deep as the vast sea. How can you be a kid like you..." The gray-clothed old man flicked his sleeves and scolded angrily, as if remembering something, The eyes shot sharply, "Little baby, who told you to come in..."

The gray-clothed old man's words were blocked in his throat, and he never said it again. Because of this short span of time, the handsome young man had strode away, leaving only a familiar figure from his back.

"Anyway, I can't get any clues. It's better to be a dead horse doctor..." The old man in gray muttered to himself thoughtfully.


The handsome young man who couldn't help but help the gray-clothed old man was naturally Luo Tian. At this moment, his hands were behind his back, his brows were furrowed. He had just fought against Duanmu Yu. , always unable to grasp the fleeting opportunity, which really annoyed him.

"Under the eyes of the Great Elder, you still haven't shown all your cards, have you?" came the lazy voice, a middle-aged man in brocade clothes who was drunk leaned against the gate of the other courtyard and shook his head wildly, gurgling Gudong poured the fine wine in his hand down his throat.

Luo Tian gave the middle-aged man a complicated look, and said lightly, "Second Uncle, you're drunk."

"Drunk? Hahaha..." The middle-aged man burst out laughing, laughing wildly, "Back when I ruled the world, that was a huge amount of wine that would never get drunk!"

At some point, the middle-aged man's laughter stopped abruptly, and he looked at Luo Tian seriously, "Everyone thinks I'm a dandy, a complete dandy, but I'm actually a person with a story."

"I believe." Luo Tian smiled lightly, then walked to the side of the middle-aged man, stretched out his palm extremely quickly, and a gust of wind directly hit the latter's wrist which was tucked into the cuff.

A piece of light yellow object fell out of the middle-aged man's long sleeve, and fell to the ground with a stream of sparks.

"Since when did Luo Yunqi, Sword Master of Tianluo, resort to such obscene things as Mihunxiang?" Luo Tian smiled coldly, his face full of sarcasm, "Don't think that you are my second uncle, so I dare not touch you !"

Luo Yunqi still had a lazy smile on his face, looked at Luo Tian with both eyes, and was silent for a long time, before he withdrew his cynical manner, and said seriously: "Everyone said that the Luo family, you and I, two dudes, one big and one small Notorious, ridiculous, ridiculous! How can short-sighted people understand lonely people like us."

Frowning slightly, Luo Tian said indifferently: "If there is nothing else, Second Uncle, please do what you want."

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian walked towards his other courtyard without stopping at all.

"Do you want to know about your mother?"

Luo Yunqi's unremarkable words made Luo Tian's body startled, and he immediately stopped in his tracks.

"Come in and talk, I'm sure the spirits I brewed by myself won't disappoint you." Luo Tian added, "If you talk nonsense, I won't show mercy."

Luo Yunqi's lazy body straightened suddenly, and followed Luo Tian into the other courtyard.

In the other courtyard, the uncle and nephew sat down one after another.

Luo Tian held two altars of fine wine and placed them on the stone table in front of him, his words were calm and he couldn't hear any emotional changes, "My mother, didn't you go early?"

"Nonsense!" Luo Yunqi suddenly became inexplicably excited, "That's just the family trying to cover up people's eyes and ears! Hey, speaking of which, your mother is also a hard-working person."

"Where is she now?" Luo Tian seemed to have a bad omen.

"Your mother said that you can only tell you when you have reached the level of the imperial powerhouse. Even if you tell you now, it will not help!" Luo Yunqi lifted the mud from the wine jar and went to the thick layer Oil paper, a mellow aroma came to the nostrils, I closed my eyes and sniffed carefully, then raised my head and took a big mouthful.

As the wine entered his throat, Luo Yunqi could only feel a scalding heat rushing out of his stomach, like a raging fire, rapidly expanding from his body, starting to burn every tendon and vein from the inside to the outside. A drop of blood, every inch of skin, the whole person feels that even the soul is flying, and it is indescribably comfortable.

"Okay... wine!" Luo Yunqi's face was rosy, and he murmured uncontrollably, "After drinking this wine, I feel that all the good wine I drank in my previous life was fucking horse urine, tasteless!"

Luo Tian groaned inwardly, with disapproval on his face, he tapped his fingers on the table lightly, "It seems that my Luo family is not as beautiful as it looks on the surface."

Luo Yunqi stretched out his hand and hugged another jug ​​of fine wine tightly in his arms. He shook his head and sighed, "Beautiful? That's right. The Luo family will be beautiful once every 300 years or so."

"Oh, what's there to talk about?" Luo Tian leaned over with interest, glanced at the wine jar, and continued: "Of course, you can choose not to talk, but keep the wine."

"Oh my god!" Luo Yunqi cried out in great pain, leaning back slightly, a little further away from Luo Tian, ​​"I say it's okay? I know I'm good at it!"

Clearing his throat, Luo Yunqi leaned lazily on the chair, sorted out his thoughts, and said: "The Excalibur Luo family has a history of more than two thousand years, and it can be regarded as a high-ranking ancient family. There are countless strong people who have gone out of the family, as many as crucian carp crossing the river. Since the ancestors of the Luo family, every 300 years or so, there will be a "sword god" with the highest cultivation level in the world, thus Leading the Luo family to the top. Speaking of this matter, the entire Luo family, even the old people who can get on the stage, know. Otherwise, do you think that other aristocratic families are full of food and have spared no effort to attack my Luo family all these years?"

"Will one appear every 300 years? When there is no mistake?" Luo Tian felt that this joke was not funny at all.

"Believe it or not." Luo Yunqi said solemnly, "Before, there had been six 'sword gods' of the Luo family. After careful calculation, it is not far away from the birth of the seventh 'sword god'. Although Nowadays, the younger generation of the Luo family has a lot of strong people, but I am still more optimistic about you."

"Look at me?" Luo Tian was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly, "Why!"

"You and I chose the same sword!" Luo Yunqi got up and stood up with a proud expression, "Luo Tian, ​​this is fate!"

Gently stroking the black long sword in his hand, Luo Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, and said seemingly indifferently: "Second uncle, do you still want to restore your damaged dantian?"

The sound came to my ears, Luo Yunqi felt as if he had been killed by lightning.

ps: The new book update is stable.Any one of the collection recommendation or red envelope flowers will increase sharply, and it will be updated.Let's go crazy together.

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