
Chapter 134 Qianyang Cave, Xuanji Yugui

Mysterious Red Tower!

Luo Tian couldn't help being horrified, since the moment he stepped into the world of cultivating immortals, this was the third time he had seen the red pagoda.Every time I see the red pagoda, I am in a different place. Could it be that there are many red pagodas?

Later, when the two of Luo Tian approached the red tower, the red tower suddenly revealed a forceful aura that was almost condensed into reality, and the turbulent air wave was hard to resist.

Yang Yue, the patriarch of the Huanhuo Clan, waved his arm, and a flame barrier immediately appeared in front of her. Even so, Yang Yue was forced to take a few big steps back.

The purple awns were released, and Luo Tian, ​​who was wearing a purple robe, pushed out his hands one after another, palms formed of orange flames slapped towards the void in front of him, and immediately, Luo Tian was shocked to find that the aura was actually straight. Refers to the soul of Luotian.

Attack Yuanshen!

As soon as Luo Tian's complexion changed, even Zixiayi and other treasure-level magic weapons could not resist this inexplicable Yuanshen attack. After a momentary miscalculation, it was too late for Luo Tian to escape, so he could only helplessly feel the powerlessness The primordial spirit attack invaded the consciousness.

Suddenly, a monstrous black lotus flower appeared above Luo Tian's head. At the critical moment, the magic weapon of the black lotus finally automatically protected the lord again.The black lotus floating in the air emits traces of black light, continuously merging into Luo Tian's body, and the powerful aura attacking the primordial spirit in Luo Tian's body was forcibly expelled from Luo Tian's body under the power of the black lotus magic weapon out.


Luo Tian heaved a sigh of relief immediately, and stared at Yang Yue, the patriarch of the Illusory Fire Clan, very unkindly, his voice was piercingly cold, "I wonder if Fellow Daoist Yang Yue can give me a reasonable explanation?"

Luo Tian's words were not polite. The other party brought him to such a dangerous place. If he hadn't possessed such a heaven-defying treasure as the Black Lotus Magic Treasure, he might have capsized in the gutter and completely scattered his consciousness.In the realm of cultivating immortals, the primordial spirit is the most important thing. Even if the body is destroyed, the primordial spirit can be seized again or a new body can be re-refined by some kind of secret method.But if the primordial spirit and consciousness dissipate, no matter how strong your body is, you will have no choice but to be wiped out as a walking dead.

Yang Yue, the patriarch of the Huanhuo Clan, frowned, looking thoughtful, looking at her expression, it seemed that she had never seen such a change.However, Luo Tian remained unmoved. The intrigues of monks in the world of cultivating immortals are more terrifying than those in the ordinary world. Sometimes, just for a magic weapon, close relatives can kill each other. He is also someone who has experienced it. Moved by the change in appearance.

a long time.

Yang Yue sighed softly and said with a wry smile: "Fellow Daoist Han Yi, I have never encountered such an accident. Whether you believe it or not, this is not because I have deliberately framed you. Because I invite you to come here, Not to put you to death."

Luo Tian had a gloomy face, thought about the matter carefully, and then calmed down a little, "Daoist Yang Yue, no matter whether this matter has anything to do with you or not, if something like this happens next time, don't blame me for turning your back on me." ruthless!"

Huanhuo patriarch Yang Yue's complexion changed slightly when he heard the words. She is also a monk in the late stage of alchemy, and now Luo Tian and other monks in the late stage of foundation stage say such words that do not give her the slightest face, and she is a little bit embarrassed. But after thinking about it, he didn't have an attack because he needed to rely on this person later, but there was a trace of resentment in his heart for Luo Tian's ruthlessness.

"Come with me." Yang Yue walked forward slowly, "Keep an eye on the position under my feet, don't blame me for not reminding me in advance."

Luo Tian smiled wryly in his heart, touched his nose, women are really narrow-minded.

To Luo Tian's surprise, the purpose of the two's trip was not the red pagoda, but a cave mansion covered behind the red pagoda. Above the cave mansion was written three large characters, Qianyang Cave.

Before entering the cave, Luo Tian glanced at Hongta again from the corner of his eye, and then followed Yang Yue into Qianyang Cave.

As soon as he entered Qianyang Cave, Luo Tian was shocked again. Although the fire aura in Qianyang Cave was not enough, after Luo Tian carefully absorbed a little, his heart was finally shaken.

The fire aura here can be absorbed directly without any refining process!

Luo Tian's eyes finally lit up. If he cultivated here, his cultivation would grow at a rapid rate.

Although the Huanhuo Patriarch turned his back to Luo Tian, ​​he seemed to know what Luo Tian was thinking at this time, and said coldly: "If it hadn't been for the violent and violent fire aura tide that began to appear in Qianyang Cave a few years ago, the aura here would be stronger than The outside world is ten times more intense."

ten times!

Luo Tian swallowed his saliva with difficulty, my mother, if I had been allowed to practice here earlier, and with the golden alchemy in my hand, I am afraid that I would be able to form the alchemy smoothly within five years.


At this time, there was an extremely violent howling sound from the depths of Qianyang Cave, and layers of wind waves mixed with flames and light spots slowly pushed forward and spread. Wherever the wind waves passed, the deep black rocks were immediately scorched. It was burning red, as if the rock was constantly burning.

"Master, it's fire in the air and fire in the stone!"

Xiao Hei, who was sleeping soundly on Luo Tian's shoulder, directly opened his blood-colored eyes, and anxiously sent a voice transmission to Luo Tian, ​​"These two kinds of strange fires come out at the same time, even if you practice the ancient martial art Jiu Yan Xuan Gong Can't resist!"

Just when Luo Tian was hesitating, Zhang Yangyue of the Illusory Fire Clan gave a cold snort and waved out a stream of sparks. The sparks automatically condensed in the void in front of him, and finally turned into a red jade tablet only three or four inches in size. There is no decoration on the red jade tablet, the four corners are flat, and the front and back are smooth like a knife.

"Hundred Flame Profound Fire Monument, now!"

Then Yang Yue let out a low cry, and the fiery red jade tablet grew rapidly, and finally turned into a red stone tablet with a height of two feet. The stone circled slightly in the air, and then flew towards the depths of Qianyang Cave. , with the appearance of the Baiyan Xuanhuo Monument, Luo Tian found that the fire in the stone and the fire in the air that he could not resist were slowly fading away at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yang Yue's complexion was extremely serious, and when he put his hands together, he formed several shapes of flames in an instant. After dispelling the hand formula, Yang Yue seemed to have suddenly suffered from a serious illness. His face was almost bloodless, and his delicate body was about to fall down land.

A big hand appeared out of nowhere, grabbed Yang Yue's slender waist, flew up gently, and followed the Baiyan Xuanhuo Monument.

"Be careful." An imperceptible blush appeared on Yang Yue's pale face. It's just that Luo Tian is an old-fashioned person, and his eyes didn't even look at Yang Yue in his arms. .

"This time, it was the Xuanji Yugui that appeared, and the fire aura tide in Qianyang Cave was caused by it. This thing has already given birth to spirituality, so be careful!"

Luo Tian nodded, and green light suddenly appeared in his eyes!

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