
Chapter 158 2 Channels

In the palace where the undead demon king is.

On the left below stood Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue, and on the right was Yang Yue, the patriarch of the Huanhuo Clan.

"Let's go."

The dancing flames on the high platform suddenly spawned three big hands, and they grabbed Luo Tian and the other three respectively. The speed was not fast, but it made people feel that there was no way to avoid it.

The next moment, the entire hall became empty and silent, and the flames on the high platform and the three of Luo Tian completely disappeared.

"Close your eyes."

Yang Yue's voice rang in Luo Tian's ears, but Luo Tian saw Monk Mingyue still looking around curiously amidst the messy and forceful tearing, and smiled wryly in his heart. The monk offended Yang Yue, and there really was no good fruit eat.

Later, an incomparably strange force wrapped the three of them tightly, and then the world spun...

"Spray apricot honey on his face..."

Monk Mingyue only felt a strong wind on his body. He was so oppressed that he couldn't even open his mouth. After finally opening his mouth, he was shocked to find that the sound didn't come out at all, but was bounced back by the strong wind around him. When he came back, the countless sounds of "spraying his face with apricot nectar ah ah ah" tortured the monk's ears for a cup of tea. When his ears almost lost consciousness, he felt his eyes light up and his body sink, but fell from the sky.

A big hand stretched out across the sky, supporting the monk Mingyue with an extremely ugly face. It was Luo Tian who had no time to transmit the sound to the monk.

"Monk, are you alright?"

"What did you say!" Monk Mingyue's voice was so loud that Luo Tian was almost startled.

"Don't pay attention to him, he must have opened his mouth to speak in the space channel just now, and his ears are temporarily deaf." Yang Yue's gloating voice sounded in Luo Tian's mind, but Luo Tian's body shook, his heart was shocked, and the space aisle?That undead demon king can actually open up a space channel in the mysterious fire forbidden area that is much tougher than the outside world, perverted...

There was a wry smile on Luo Tian's face, and he sent a voice transmission to Yang Yue: "Daoist Yang Yue, please don't remember the villain's mistakes, don't bother the monk..."


Seeing that Luo Tian was helping Monk Mingyue to speak, Yang Yue just hummed, and immediately flew through the sky with the Escaping Light.

"Remember, keep the same movements as me, otherwise you will be sucked into the Yin-Yang Tianchi in advance, and some will suffer."

Luo Tian didn't care about other things, he grabbed Monk Mingyue, put him on the Five Poison Sword, and followed Yang Yue to fly away.

It took about a meal before Luo Tian caught up with Yang Yue who was in front of him. The wind howled in the sky, and the aura of heaven and earth was extremely chaotic.


At this moment, Yang Yue's body sank, and he fell straight down.

The green light in Luo Tian's eyes was bright, and he immediately saw the scenery on the ground clearly through countless clouds and mists. This place turned out to be a long emerald green river, winding and spreading into the distance.Unexpectedly, the Profound Fire Forbidden Land, shrouded in flames and smoke all year round, has such a quiet and beautiful place.

Following Yang Yue, Luo Tian also fell from the sky.

"Brother Han Yi, where is this place?" Monk Mingyue still hadn't recovered his hearing. With a loud roar, countless birds in the surrounding woods and grass flew into the sky in fright. People swooped in, spit out black saliva in the air, and could smell the stench that made people want to vomit from a long distance away.


Yang Yue's red lips parted slightly, and then her jade hand waved lightly towards the sky, a huge force gushed out from her body, like a hurricane rising from the ground, containing countless wind blades, which rushed over Flocks of birds are all shrouded in it.Then there was a scalp-numbing creaking sound, and the countless birds in the air were smashed to pieces under Yang Yue's random blow. It was like a blood rain fell in the air, and they were quickly dyed into a shocking streak of blood red. red cloth.

Seeing this, the other birds scattered and fled in all directions, never daring to approach here again.

"Haha, Yang Yue, this time you represent the Immortal City to enter the Yinyang Tianchi again?" After walking for a while, the three of Luo Tian saw a tall figure slowly walking out of the misty mist in front of them. A monster with the head of a bull and a human body.

A quasi-sixth-order monster!

Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue, who had gradually recovered his hearing, shrank their pupils in unison. This big man turned out to be a peak fifth-order monster, and had already stepped into the realm of a sixth-order monster with one foot.However, Luo Tian felt a little relaxed immediately. Fortunately, this guy has not really entered the realm of a sixth-order monster, so he doesn't have to be too afraid of him.

Yang Yue said coldly: "It's none of your business? Niu Zhong, don't think that your father is the Juli Demon King so I dare not touch you, get out of the way!"

"What a show!" The cow grinned grinningly, "Yang Yue, I will definitely marry you as my wife!"

After finishing speaking, Niu Zhong flew upside down and quickly disappeared into the mist.

The son of City Lord Juli?

Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue stared wide-eyed. Could it be that the Juli City Lord is a buffalo spirit?

However, Monk Mingyue immediately looked at Luo Tian rather ambiguously, and said with a smile: "Brother Han Yi, your rival in love has appeared, how do you feel?...Ah!"

Before he finished speaking, Monk Mingyue let out a scream and fell flying out.

"That... Monk, this bastard is so unscrupulous, I will reprimand him!" Seeing Yang Yue's uneasy expression, Luo Tian laughed dryly, fearing that Chi Yu would be hurt.

"What a pair of gangsters..." Monk Mingyue followed from behind with a bruised nose and a swollen face, jumping up and down and yelling at him from time to time. On the surface, it seemed that Yang Yue just threw him into the air. In a short breath, Monk Mingyue was beaten hundreds of times all over his body, and even the peerless appearance he was so proud of was almost disfigured, and he was very angry for a while.


On the bank of the long river, there are countless space fragments floating slowly, swimming slowly.It exudes bursts of grotesque and colorful brilliance.But it is such a beautiful scenery, but no one dares to approach it lightly.

"Too scary."

After a long time, Luo Tian, ​​who stood by the river and watched, sighed softly. Any piece of space fragments might kill Luo Tian in an instant. Consciousness is shaking.


After a while, three blurry big faces slowly formed from the void, and said coldly with an indifferent voice, "In half an hour, the Yinyang Tianchi will open. The three outside human monks are about to Hurry up. Now it is necessary to tell you that when the Yin-Yang Tianchi is opened, there will be two passages. According to the old rules, there is a quota for those who have the blood order in the Xuanhuo Forbidden Land, and enter from the left passage. The alien monks who have the blood order, Enter through the passage on the right. If there is any violation, the three of us will kill it immediately!"

ps: Heroes are awesome, take the time to code out a chapter, if you come back early at night, there will be another chapter.Recommend collection, let's go, collection has always been more than recommendation, sweat.

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