
Chapter 163 Juntian Cudgel, Monk's Divine Power, Dongfang Potian's Misery

"... "

But what happened next almost made Niu Zhongqi's lungs explode.

It turned out that Luo Tian didn't react when he heard that the other party was a strong man in the Mosha Heaven Realm. He walked forward with a very flat expression.

But then Niu Zhong's face became extremely happy. It turned out that opposite to the fifth jade bridge where he was, there was also a gigantic monster wandering around. When he stared at it, it turned out to be an old acquaintance.The Nine Nether Stone King of the Netherworld Heavenly Realm, this guy has appeared the last time he came, and he is really difficult to deal with, and this guy is said to be the first stone monster after the birth of the Netherworld Heavenly Realm, and his body is inherently indestructible.However, Niu Zhong happened to bring the secret treasure to restrain him this time...

"Dear little brother Stone King, Brother Lai Niao..."

Niu Zhong rushed forward with a big stone hammer in his face excitedly, shaking his huge bull head excitedly.

"Niu Zhong! It's you? Damn it...you're a sneak attack again!" The Nine Nether Stone King had just arrived, and it was inevitable that he would have to get used to it for a while, but before he could react, Niu Zhong's excitedly flushed cow The face appeared in front of him with a sinister smile.


Nine You Stone King was caught off guard by Niu Zhong's hammer and fell back one after another. Even his arm raised to resist the hammer in Niu Zhong's hand rubbed bright sparks, and he couldn't help roaring at the moment.The Nine Nether Stone King was really aggrieved. Just after this happened, he was almost thrown back to the Nine Heavens Realm by Niu Zhong. If it wasn't for this surge in cultivation, he would be the first to be eliminated, and by then the entire Nine Heavens Realm would definitely be eliminated. laughing stock.

"Niu Zhong, the anger kills me!"

The Nine Nether Stone King roared and punched out, hitting the stone hammer heavily, and the enormous force immediately smashed the huge bull out.

"Yo ho! Brother Shiwang's strength has improved a lot!" Niu Chong laughed happily, and then gave a shy smile, "Dear brother Shiwang, look below."

The Jiuyou Stone King realized something was wrong, but immediately Niu Dazhong stomped on the ground, and the ground suddenly emitted a series of transparent blades that were invisible to the naked eye, and shot towards the lower body of the Jiuyou Stone King very quickly.

"The slut is heavy, sneak attack again, stupid..."


At this moment, Luo Tian could also vaguely hear Niu Zhong's fierce beating and scolding, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, the Nine Nether Stone King was really miserable, and even if he died, he would be pissed to death by Niu Zhong of…

"Boy, come here for the first time? It's an honor that you will be the one who dies the least painfully among the nine people." Seeing that Luo Tian just didn't take advantage of his arrival to sneak up on him, Shi Chu had a crush on Luo Tian. With a hint of goodwill, he grinned and said, but his smile is really ugly, because his teeth are all extremely sharp, which looks creepy.

Luo Tian quietly floated in mid-air, with his hands behind his back and chuckled lightly, "This sentence is also what I want to tell you."

"seek death!"

Shi Chu's temper was extremely violent, the huge stone stick in his hand shook violently, and his figure disappeared in place immediately.

At the same time, a hint of sarcasm emerged from the corner of Luo Tian's mouth, and he said softly, "Invisibility Talisman, open!"

Boom boom boom!

The extremely fast figure of the originally domineering Shi Chu suddenly appeared in the void, and then a layer of Qinghua suddenly surged in the void, and immediately there appeared countless spiritual talismans floating in midair. Time has counted the talismans, and it can be seen that there are so many talismans that it is simply outrageous.Otherwise, Shi Chu's extraordinary speed would not be forced to retreat in embarrassment halfway through the journey.

"Spiritual talisman!" The stone grinned, and his figure returned to the original place in an instant. Just now, his speed that almost reached the limit of monsters was unstoppable, and he hit more than ten talismans, although he only suffered a little. Slightly injured, but if you continue to rush forward, you will inevitably be restrained by the magic talisman. At that time, the human monk who is staring at you next to you will definitely take the opportunity to make a move.

Seeing this, Luo Tian couldn't help but feel tense. You must know that he had already arranged the talismans in a short time when Shi Chu came down, and he even spent a high-level invisible talisman. Among those talismans, there were only more than ten feet It was a low-level talisman, the others were middle-level talismans, and there were even a few powerful high-level talismans mixed in, but the opponent barely suffered any damage when he broke in suddenly.If it were me, I'm afraid I couldn't do it easily.

But fortunately, Luo Tian stroked his hand on the Qiankun bag confidently, the talisman should be enough to last until the end of the battle.Because Monk Mingyue used poison to overthrow the entire Green Flower Python Clan, many monsters of the Green Flower Python Clan died. Luo Tian took advantage of this golden opportunity to use his method of refining spells, killing hundreds of monsters. The inverse scales of the green flower python were peeled off, and all of them were made into mid-level and high-level talismans.

"Jun Tian Bang, Bing Feng Yu Qing Tian!"

At this time, the two arms of the stone tree with long green hairs suddenly swelled up, and they were several times thicker than before. The huge stone stick in his hand was raised high with both hands, and then the rough Layers of icicles suddenly grew out of thin air on the surface of the stone stick, and the icicles even extended beyond the stone stick, spinning endlessly in the air.

There was a crackling sound, and the stone stick in Shi Chu's hand stretched out of thin air, and instantly shattered the countless magic charms arranged by Luo Tian. The countless magic charms were detonated at the same time, causing waves of chaotic spatial ripples.

call out!

Shi Chu's body was like lightning, and in the blink of an eye, he almost shot across the void like a meteor, rushing towards Luo Tian.

After being stunned for a moment, Luo Tian immediately came to his senses. He slapped the Qiankun bag with his big hand, and countless magic talismans made of the reverse scale of the green flower python flew out again. His hands flew up again and again, and dozens of magic talismans suddenly appeared in the void in front of him. , At the same time, purple clouds and rays of light were transpiring on Luo Tian's body, and his body surface was wrapped in a layer of orange flames, which looked like countless colorful smoke, lingering.

"seek death!"

With an extremely dexterous reversal of Shi Chu's wrist, the Juntian stick swayed softly like noodles, bypassed the area of ​​the magic talisman, and hit it head-on again with a howling wind.

Ding Ding Ding!

Luo Tian held the Five Poison Sword in his left hand, and the Xuanji Yugui in his right hand. The two magic weapons had collided with Shi Chu's Juntian Cudgel countless times, and even his arm was slightly numb, and he took a few big steps back in the void. Stabilized his figure.

Shi Chen didn't look much stronger than Luo Tian, ​​his bulging arms also shrunk a lot, and he took a step back in the void, secretly horrified in his heart, looking at Luo Tian with a touch of dignity.

"Hey! Little lady, don't run away, wait for the Sa family to strip you naked and then rectify the Fa on the spot..." The third jade bridge next to Luotian is Monk Mingyue. This guy still had a sad face at the beginning, but now he is full of vigor.There was a sea of ​​white clouds floating above his head, and he was holding a moon-covering shovel in his hand, fighting fiercely with a girl in pink with a beautiful face and a slender figure. At this moment, the girl in pink was almost biting her silver teeth. The ugly monk opposite was really shameless and shameless. !Not only the words are molesting, but even the direction of the attack is the extremely secret part of the woman.


At the same time, Dongfang Potian of the Ninth Jade Bridge was almost about to collapse in depression. He saw a red armor appearing on his body at this moment, giving off countless blushes, but his opponent could hardly see him, only a The extremely thin golden thread flew around Dongfang Potian, and Dongfang Potian also looked extremely frightened. Before the golden thread came close to his body, he waved the cold moon scimitar in his hand and slashed infinitely. The crystal brilliance prevents the other party from approaching.

Who is the other party?How could Dongfang Potian be embarrassed so easily?

Soon, Niu Zhong gave the answer. I saw the stone hammer in his hand whistling with the wind, and he didn't forget to shout: "Friends from the Ninth Jade Bridge, work harder, and send the congratulations of the auspicious heaven for Lao Niu." Kill the chick!"

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