
Chapter 178

"Fen Baoyan!"

The complexion of Dongfang Potian, who was standing in the air, changed. Although he only knew the name of the magic weapon in Luo Tian's hands, he didn't know the specific power of this treasure, but with Luo Tian alone holding this treasure, it could overwhelm all the experts in the Nine Heaven Realm , It made him feel extremely jealous.

"The dragon turns into fire, and the fire turns into a dragon!" Dongfang Potian threw out the Dragon Sword, and quickly played out several spells in his hand. The slightly bent arms, waist and thighs gave people the illusion that they were at the same time. Countless mysterious arcs are derived.

In the end, a fire dragon suddenly took shape, let out a dragon roar proudly, and then stared down at Luo Tian condescendingly.

Luo Tian's expression didn't change at all, without seeing what he was doing, he gently lifted Fen Baoyan up with both hands, and Fen Baoyan rose in the air against the wind, and in the blink of an eye, he met the fire dragon formed by the Dunlong Sword , the two clashed abruptly, and a lot of sparks burst out.

Dongfang Potian felt a huge force coming from his body, which made him tremble a few times. He couldn't help feeling a little frightened by Luo Tian's secret method of instantly improving his cultivation. He has experienced countless times in his life, but he has never heard of such a heaven-defying secret method.

Luo Tian waved his arms again and again with an ice-cold expression, and shot several times at Fen Baoyan in the air, Fen Baoyan slammed down on the fire dragon transformed from the Dunlong Sword again and again with a loud explosion. The fire dragon was slammed by Fen Baoyan one after another, and he wanted to fight back unwillingly, but it had little effect. For a while, the fire dragon was almost crushed and beaten by Luo Tian, ​​leaving no chance.


At this time, Monk Mingyue, who was fighting against Liu Qingfeng, was surrounded by some stronger monks from the three sects. He panicked for a moment, and was slapped on the back by Liu Qingfeng's magical powers, and immediately vomited blood and flew out. A black palm print suddenly appeared on Jia, and even traces of black air emerged.


As soon as Luo Tian raised his calf, he was about to make a move.

"Quack, brother, don't worry, you can easily deal with such small characters." Monk Mingyue's mana turned sharply, and after spitting out a mouthful of jet-black thick blood, he laughed loudly, and immediately stretched out his hand to slap the Qiankun bag, with a solemn expression on his face. He took out a nine-section long whip.But seeing that the whole body of this whip presents a dark black, simple and unremarkable, with the flick of Monk Mingyue's wrist, each of the nine whip joints emits a layer of blurred light, forming layers of water-like circles, among which are even more There are countless dark blue beads the size of peanuts, faintly revealing bursts of palpitating whispers.

"Old man, it's time for you to play." Monk Mingyue lovingly stroked the nine-section long whip, and a sneer flashed across his face immediately, "You guys dare to sneak up on Sajia in close quarters, I'm tired of it!"

clap clap!

Monk Mingyue turned his wrist, and the nine-section long whip actually brought up the air flow in the air, and then a burst of thunder burst out, and the few monks who approached for a surprise attack were directly whipped out. When you touch the nine-section long whip, you will be sucked by a strong force, and then the dark blue ball contained in it will suddenly fall on it, and it will explode with a bang, and the extremely rich water blue ripples will spread rapidly. For a moment, not only was the magic weapon half-destroyed, but even the body was blown to disgrace. Even the unlucky monk who was closest to him still had his body destroyed.

"Leave it!" Monk Mingyue laughed loudly, rolling a nine-section long whip, the suction on the whip sucked the opponent's primordial spirit, and immediately the dark blue ball directly blasted the primordial spirit into ashes.

Nine Yuan Sunflower Water Whip!

Luo Tian's pupils shrank suddenly. This magic weapon ranked 110th and seventh on the list of rare treasures. It is rare in the cold iron world. After countless years, it can automatically generate sunflower mines. Although the sunflower mines are not as powerful and vicious as the sunflower mines, they are enough to deal with ordinary monks.

Thinking of this, Luo Tian knew that Monk Mingyue had such a top-grade water-type magic weapon in his hands that specially restrained the monks of the Huoyan Kingdom. With all his worries, under the flick of his fingers, countless purple sword qi gushed out from his fingertips like long swords. In a moment, the purple lotus sword energy formed a purple lotus sword array, directly enveloping Dongfang Potian within it.

"This, this is..." Dongfang Potian's Dunlong Sword turned into a fire dragon against Fenbaoyan, and there was an extra magic weapon in his hand. Nearly infinite sword energy was cut out.However, he didn't know that once the purple lotus sword array was formed, it would flow continuously. After he destroyed several sword qi, the rest of the sword qi would be replenished immediately, and then the purple lotus sword qi would be generated by itself.

"What are you waiting for!"

Dongfang Potian faced Shang Luotian and was suppressed by the opponent all the time. He was already battered, but at this time he shouted loudly into the void behind him.

"Come out!" Luo Tian snorted coldly, and suddenly grabbed at the void, and a blue light palm suddenly slapped it down.

"Sure enough!" A woman shouted coquettishly, and immediately a flower basket filled with countless exotic flowers appeared out of thin air, and bursts of petal rain emerged, easily dissolving the blue light palm into nothing.

"It's you!" Luo Tian stared closely at the woman in white who suddenly appeared, "Nangong Liuli, do you think I really dare not kill you?"

Nangong Liuli was dressed in white, looked at Luo Tian with a calm expression, and sighed softly: "Why are you doing this? Wouldn't everyone be happy to walk with me?"

"Fellow Daoist Nangong, you and I will work together to kill this beast as soon as possible!" Dongfang Potian shouted anxiously. At this moment, he is not the opponent of Luotian who has cast the Dafa of Demon Explosion, and he is extremely anxious in his heart.

Nangong Liuli didn't speak when she heard the words, but pondered.

Luo Tian also flashed a terrifying wave in his heart. He had seen Nangong Liuli in the Cangwu Mountain, and he was only a low-level warrior at that time, but her cultivation base was not very high at that time. High-level monsters can make it hurt.But why did this woman suddenly grow so fast?And chasing after yourself?Thinking quickly, Luo Tian connected the memories in his mind in an instant, and found that there was indeed something wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong specifically.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Luo Tian's face became more and more resolute. If this Nangong Liuli joined in, he might have to fight for his life...

"Lightning and driving electricity!"

Taking a deep breath, Luo Tian entered into a strange situation with all his mind. Later, his hands were like holding the sky, and his arms were raised flatly. Then he let out a hey, and sat down on his butt He fell to the ground, panting heavily.

There was a strange change in the Fenbaoyan in the air at this moment, the treasure slowly rotated, and then a ray of light shot straight up into the sky, which was going to trigger thunder and lightning above the nine heavens.

The monks who originally planned to attack Luo Tian suddenly felt a wave of horror in their hearts, and they lay down on the ground tremblingly, not daring to move any more.Even though the thunder and lightning above the nine heavens is not like the thunder from the sky, it still has a natural deterrent, which is not something a small foundation-building monk can resist.

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