
Chapter 180 Sword Formation Locking the Sky

A calm old voice came, the voice was not loud, but it clearly fell into the ears of all the monks within a few miles.

Then, the owner of that voice did not appear, as if he had spoken empty words.

Only Nangong Liuli's face was very indifferent, with a hint of joy quietly flashing across her face.

"Thousands of miles of sound transmission?" Su Muyun and the suzerain of the Fire God Temple looked at each other with a trace of horror in their eyes.The two of them have high cultivation bases and extremely rich knowledge and experience. It is natural to see at a glance that the person who is speaking is at least a hundred miles away at the moment, and they are only using their supernatural powers to transmit voices in advance.

Just when Su Muyun and the two were hesitating whether to kill Luo Tian and Monk Mingyue first, a gray shadow walked from the air step by step like a stroll in a courtyard.

"So fast!"

Not only Luo Tian, ​​but all the monks present had only one thought in their minds at the moment.Because every time the gray-clothed figure took a step in the air, it was a distance of more than a hundred feet, and there was no fluctuation in the surrounding space, as if this person had already merged with the sky and the earth.

"This man, the old man has taken care of you today, do you have any objections?" A gray-clothed figure emerged from the void with a clear appearance. It was an old man in gray clothes whose beard and hair were as white as silver threads, and whose face was as white and smooth as a baby. The old man has a square face, and it can be seen from his eyebrows that he must have been a handsome and handsome young man when he was young.

There was a blue light in Luo Tian's eyes, and he was puzzled in his heart. He didn't know this gray-clothed old man himself, and he had never seen him before. Why did he stand up for himself?You know, he wants to stand up for himself, and offend the three most famous sects in Huoyan Kingdom.Moreover, the aura on this person was extremely obscure, his spiritual consciousness swept over, as if sweeping through a piece of air, this level of cultivation was like, like the feeling given to him by Mr. Fang from the Profound Fire Forbidden Land...

Could it be a great monk at the Nascent Soul stage or above?Luo Tian's heart skipped a beat immediately.

"Senior's lesson!" Su Muyun bowed slightly, "This person has formed a great enmity with the three major sects of my Huoyan Kingdom, and I am afraid it will not be resolved in this life. If senior let go today, each of my three major sects owes senior a favor, is it okay? "

"Hmph!" The gray-clothed old man snorted coldly, "You are worthy of negotiating terms with this old man? Also, you little guy hiding in the dark, get out!"

After finishing speaking, the gray-clothed old man reached out and grabbed a certain place, and the space immediately rippled, and immediately, a slightly embarrassed figure was abruptly photographed from the void.

"He Cangkong!"

The lord of the Fire God Temple and Su Muyun shouted together with slightly surprised expressions, and at the same time they were shocked by the unpredictable method of the gray-clothed old man. One must know that the lord of the Luo Yun Sect, He Cangkong, has a higher level of cultivation than the two of them He made a move, but in front of the gray-clothed old man, it seemed that he was powerless to fight back!

"If Huo Huo was here, I might still be a little bit afraid, the current Luo Yunzong?..."

The gray-clothed old man stared at Luo Tian with his eyes, and his lips moved slightly, but he sent a voice transmission to He Cangkong.

"Senior, you and the Patriarch existed in the same period!" A black glow appeared on He Cangkong's face, and then disappeared instantly, which shows the violent fluctuations in his heart.

"For the sake of the flame old man, get out of here, or don't blame the old man for not being sympathetic." The gray-clothed old man said lightly, without any emotional fluctuations,

He Cangkong's complexion changed, and he opened his mouth to transmit a few words, and then fled through the air without stopping.Afterwards, the Luo Yunzong disciples headed by Liu Qingfeng also quietly dispersed.

Su Muyun and the suzerain of the Fire God Temple didn't know why He Cangkong, the old fox, retreated so willingly, but they expected it to be the deterrent of the old man in gray. In addition, Luo Yunzong had all retreated, and the two couldn't help but frowned slightly.

"I'll give you a quarter of an hour. If you don't retreat, just stay here." The gray-clothed old man looked down upon the monks like an emperor, making them feel as if they were being targeted by a ferocious poisonous snake.

"Monk, leave this place quickly, the farther the better!" At this moment, Luo Tian said solemnly to Monk Mingyue.

"If you don't leave the Sa family, you won't go. Brothers for the first time will always be brothers. Don't worry, even if the Sa family dies, I will take you to the underworld to play with women..." Monk Mingyue thought for a moment, and said resolutely.

"Get out!" Although Luo Tian was moved in his heart, his words were extremely anxious, "The man in gray is here for me, and he will never stop you from leaving here. Don't worry, if I escape, I will definitely Will go find you!"

"Here, okay. You should be more careful. If it's not possible, our brothers will fight with them, and we will drag a few of them who are enough to die together!" Monk Mingyue quickly weighed the situation in front of him, knowing that he was here, Not only will it not be of much help, but it will also slow down.

"Everyone, there will be a time later!" Monk Mingyue chuckled, lying on the condensate gourd, and wanted to leave here.He has already made a secret decision in his heart, if he escapes this time, he will definitely recover today's place ten times and a hundred times in the future.

"Want to go?"

Su Muyun still had some fears about Luo Tian who was protected by the old man in gray, but he didn't have so many scruples about Monk Mingyue. Speaking of which, Monk Mingyue was also a monk born and bred in Huoyan Kingdom. , it may be difficult for ordinary people to find out, but Su Muyun has long been clear about its details.It's just a casual cultivator, without any expert support behind him, how can he let him go away calmly?

"Zi Yao Lei Guang Huo!"

Su Muyun flicked it with his fingers, and a stream of purple flames with a long flame tail shot toward Monk Mingyue's back extremely quickly.

"Old Su dare you!"

Luo Tian yelled violently, and threw Fen Baoyan in his hand very quickly. He was the first to block Ziyao Lei Guanghuo and Monk Mingyue, and the Ziyao Lei Guanghuo hit the huge mountain of Fenbaoyan , There was a loud noise, but it was blocked.And that precious rock was hit by Ziyao Lei Guanghuo for dozens of feet before it stabilized, and a lot of fine sand and stones fell from the mountain peak.

During the whole process, the gray-clothed old man didn't make a move, but looked at Luo Tian with a flat face. After spitting out blood, his body swayed a few more times, and his gaze towards Fen Baoyan also had a tinge of heat, but it dissipated immediately. .

"Han Yi, do you want to die?" Su Muyun's eyes suddenly shot out two purple lights, and he was overwhelmingly suppressed.


The old man in gray just waved his hand lightly, and Su Muyun's aura immediately dissipated, and he spit out a mouthful of blood, and then he seemed to be hit by a giant hammer and flew hundreds of meters away.

"... "

At this moment, everyone became silent.While waving his hands, he seriously injured a monk in the late stage of alchemy, what kind of cultivation is this?

"Monk, I hope you and I will see each other again."

Luo Tian felt that Monk Mingyue had disappeared quickly at this moment, probably tens of miles away. After a few breaths, Monk Mingyue's aura completely disappeared from Luo Tian's perception. He who had a condensed breath gourd in his heart was considered to be an alchemy at this moment It's hard to catch up with the early monks.

With a soft sigh, Luo Tian suddenly disappeared in the air.

"What about people?"

The gray-clothed old man felt the space around Luo Tian fluctuate slightly, and the whole person disappeared. Immediately, his spiritual consciousness spread rapidly, and he couldn't detect any aura within a radius of a hundred miles, and his face turned ugly.


Seeing this, the suzerain of the Fire Temple immediately fled away. The mysterious old man in gray seemed to be in a bad mood, so it's best not to vent your anger on yourself.

"You can't run!"

The slightly angry roar of the gray-clothed old man spread throughout the Huoyan Kingdom in an instant, and immediately, countless wind pillars appeared in the sky above the entire Huoyan Kingdom. If you stand high in the sky, you can see these wind pillars. Formation, all closely connected, nothing can resist.

"Hmph, this old man doesn't believe that you can escape from the Huoyan Kingdom under the Great Zhoutian Annihilation Sword Formation!"

The old man in gray snorted coldly, and his voice spread throughout the Huoyan Kingdom again, "From today onwards, Huoyan Kingdom is only allowed to enter, not to leave, and anyone who breaks the law will be killed!"

In Luo Yunzong's Huanhuo Pond, the Youshui poisonous dragon with a cultivation base of as high as the sky couldn't help but change his face, his consciousness was like a flying arrow, and instantly smashed the water waves stirred up by Huanhuo Pond, and flew away through the air.

"Which old monster was born?"

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