
Chapter 182 Tianwei, Dispersion

In the distance, the soft sunlight sprinkled the blue crystal-like sea surface with a layer of crystal-clear gold.The sea breeze hits the face slowly, with a damp and salty taste.In the depths of the ocean, countless snow-white waves could be vaguely raised high, and then fell quickly, splashing countless white water splashes.There is no wind and three feet of waves on the sea, which is by no means a lie.

"This guy."

The gray-clothed old man Yang Chiyi and Nangong Liuli stood on the hills by the sea, looking at Luo Tian who was sitting upright with closed eyes not far away, they both had wry smiles on their faces.Along the way, he passed through seven or eight countries, big and small. This daring guy just robbed them all the way. Although he couldn't rob some real treasures of sects, he robbed a lot of spiritual stones.Among them, an old monster in the Nascent Soul stage who was in latent cultivation was drawn out. If Yang Chiyi hadn't made a move, this guy would have undoubtedly died.

In fact, Yang Chiyi knew in his heart that he was really acting as a shield for this guy this time.But Yang Chiyi was also very depressed in his heart, who asked him to ask for this guy?Another light glance at Luo Tian who seemed to have realized something, Yang Chiyi's eyes flashed a gleam of admiration, this son's understanding of the way of heaven is simply monstrous, given time, he may not be able to become a strong man of his level.

"Okay, I'm really sorry to let you two protect the law!" After a long time, Luo Tian stood up and said quite politely.

Yang Chiyi and Nangong Liuli rolled their eyes at the same time, this guy can be a good person, he is a typical guy who is cheap and good-looking...

Half a day later, the three of Yang Chiyi, with ugly faces, boarded a rented double-decker wire wooden boat.

The whole ship is luxuriously decorated, about fifteen feet long and three feet high, and there are more than thirty sailors and helmsmen alone.The money for leasing the big boat was naturally provided by Yang Chiyi, but the three of them were first-class gods in the eyes of ordinary people, and they had a lot of spiritual stones, but there were no yellow and white things such as gold and silver. Once, the gentleman on Liangshang took care of the wealthy families in the surrounding towns...

"You, really..." Nangong Liuli couldn't laugh or cry. If word got out that Yang Chiyi, who was famous overseas, actually went to steal for the boat money, I'm afraid half of Tian Xinghai's jaw would fall off.

"Boss, hurry up and order some expensive seafood, I'm hungry!" Luo Tian didn't care about it, licking his face and bossing around at the owner of the big ship, just like a dandy.

Hearing the words, Yang Chiyi couldn't help but stare fiercely at Luo Tian, ​​and angrily walked into the flower hall of the cabin first.

Nangong Liuli also looked convinced, and walked into the flower hall with a wry smile.At their level, there is no need to eat and drink. They have already reached the level of bigu. As long as they have enough heaven and earth spirit energy or spirit stones, they can survive for several years.

After a quarter of an hour, a table full of various seafood was served.Sitting alone at the table, Luo Tian politely asked Yang Chiyi, who was huffing, and Nangong Liuli, who covered his mouth and chuckled lightly, then shook his cheeks and began to eat and drink.What's even more exasperating is that this guy smacked his mouth while eating, as if the seafood was hard to find in the sky, and the ignorance in Yang Chiyi's heart was burning, and he wanted to slap this guy. I went to the sea to feed the sharks, but when I thought this guy was still useful, I flicked my sleeves, walked out of the flower hall, and went back to the guest room.

Nangong Liuli also went to the deck with the excuse that the flower hall was too stuffy.

Luo Tian finally showed a wry smile as he held half a crab that had been gnawed terribly.Nayang Chiyi asked him to go to Sanyuan Island in the eastern region of the Tianxing Sea this time, and Yang Chiyi refused to ask any more questions.Luo Tian's ability to observe words and expressions is so strong. Seeing Yang Chiyi's appearance of trying to hide, he already guessed something in his heart.This old guy must have something extremely important this time.But the more important the matter is, the more turbulent Luo Tian's life will be. At this moment, Luo Tian is almost unreasonable and reckless all the way, but Yang Chiyi can't hold back his anger. It seems that this trip is really a narrow escape...

In the middle of the night, Luo Tian wore a green robe and stood quietly on the bow deck of the ship, looking at the sea in the night, he could only hear the sound of rushing water, coupled with the sky full of stars, it formed a A rare atmosphere of tranquility.


Suddenly there was a strong wind on the sea, blowing Luo Tian's clothes rattling, Luo Tian was not afraid of this mere gust of wind, but immediately the wind became louder and louder, and in the end, countless pieces of cloth were torn apart The sound made the eardrums hurt.

Luo Tian frowned slightly, his eyes flickered blue, like two jumping will-o'-the-wisps in the boundless night, he could see through the distant night in an instant.

"not good!"

Luo Tian exclaimed in surprise, and his voice immediately spread throughout the entire ship, "There is a hurricane coming, and the boss turned quickly!"


Yang Chiyi and Nangong Liuli turned into streamers, and flew out of the guest room the next moment, looking into the distance with puzzled expressions, and then their expressions became very ugly.

"Hurricane, it turned out to be a hurricane. Look at the wind, it's like a dragon or a tiger, it's still a tornado in a hurricane!" Yang Chiyi withdrew his gaze and said solemnly, "I didn't expect that the old man has existed in the world for hundreds of years, and the second This is the first time I have encountered such a rare storm of Tianwei..."

"Can I dodge?" Luo Tian also put away his foolish look and asked hastily, even if he was a top player in the distraction stage, he might not be able to resist such mysterious and panic-stricken heavenly power.Tianwei is beyond human power to resist.

"Look at our fate." Yang Chiyi pondered for a moment, "Don't look at the hurricane approaching, but it is still hundreds or even thousands of miles away. If we work together, we may not be able to escape this calamity!"

"Boss, turn quickly!"

Yang Chiyi yelled fiercely, shaking the surrounding sea water to spurt out countless waves, it can be seen that the depth of his cultivation has reached the pinnacle.

"Let me wait for the three of you to contribute." The ship owner has been sailing on the sea all year round, so he has a lot of experience and knowledge. When he saw this, his face paled. The direction, and strive to avoid the century-old hurricane.

"Open it for me!"

Yang Chiyi then squatted on the deck with his legs as if they were rooted. Luo Tian and Nangong Liuli felt that the whole ship seemed to sink. Immediately, Yang Chiyi shot out his hands like a dream. Countless dense palm phantoms suddenly appeared in the void. Looking carefully, the countless palm phantoms turned into a big hand, which slapped fiercely on the surface of the sea, stirring up huge waves, everywhere. The chilly water mist trembles with the wind like a veil.

"I..." The owner who kindly poked his head out to remind Luo Tian and the others to quickly enter the cabin saw such a weird scene, the muscles on his face trembled and screamed in a language that Luo Tian and the others could not understand , as if seeing a ghost!

Immediately afterwards, Luo Tian also waved his big hand, and a blue light palm appeared out of thin air, imitating Yang Chiyi's vigorous push and push in the sea water, also speeding up the progress of the big ship.

Nangong Liuli naturally did the same.

"I..." The owner of the ship yelled in terror, but his voice could hardly be heard far in the strong wind, and immediately fell back to the cabin with white eyes.

After the meal scene.

"It's too late!" Yang Chiyi's face turned reddish, it was obvious that the continuous operation of magical powers just now was a waste of mana.

"What's next?" Although Luo Tian was so bold, he couldn't help trembling his legs when he saw the hurricane that was approaching like a dragon and a tiger. Judging by the appearance of the hurricane, he probably just passed by, at least hundreds of miles away. scope.


Yang Chiyi's body suddenly separated into two clusters of gray light, directly enveloping Luo Tian and Nangong Liuli, abandoning the big boat, and quickly fled in the air.

This old guy's cultivation is really abnormal.Luo Tian saw that Yang Chiyi was only a dodge, and he was two hundred feet away. I am afraid that the great monks in the Nascent Soul Stage did not have such speed.

"Oh shit!"

At this time, Yang Chiyi in the gray glow couldn't help but swear.

Luo Tian looked through the gray light, and couldn't help but turn pale with shock, the hurricane was so fast, it was already tens of miles away.


After three breaths, the hurricane finally involved Luo Tian and the three of them. Luo Tian saw from a distance that the big ship made of iron wire wood fell apart, was crushed by the hurricane, and quickly disappeared in the wind. middle.Afterwards, it seemed as if a mountain had crashed into his body, and under the agitation of his internal organs, he spat out a bloody arrow fiercely.

"Keep your mind tight!"

Yang Chiyi yelled, and then shook his hand and threw something out, which turned out to be a black iron shield. The shield was suspended above Yang Chiyi's head, emitting layers of electric light, unexpectedly temporarily protecting the three of them.

"Oh, it's a pity that the old man relies on supernatural powers to fight against others. If he has a defensive magic weapon, it will be easy to pass this time." Yang Chiyi said regretfully. what?I'm afraid that the immortals would not dare to say that they have such means.

Luo Tian rolled his eyes when he heard the words, the corners of his mouth twitched, with an expression that wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, poor ghosts are poor ghosts, and he wanted to save face, saying that he only relied on magical powers to fight against the enemy...

Until now, Luo Tian still stays on the ground without panic because he can hide in the space of Hei Lian.However, beads of sweat appeared on Yang Chiyi's forehead, Luo Tian couldn't help but said in astonishment, "Old guy, even if you're not used to using magic weapons, it doesn't have to be so difficult, right?"

"Fart!" The mana in Yang Chiyi's body was circulating, and he finally stabilized the crumbling black iron shield again, "In this dragon and tiger storm, the monks under the Nascent Soul stage were captured by Tianwei, and they couldn't use any magic weapon at all, old man Being able to survive until now is enough to make the Star Sea proud!"


Luo Tian's expression finally changed this time, and he quickly separated his mind, but was shocked to find that the connection between himself and the magic weapon of Hei Lian had been cut off.

"The old man can't hold it anymore! Hurry up and dive into the water!" Yang Chiyi yelled with a flushed face at this moment, and quickly fell towards the sea.

After falling into the bottom of the sea, the power of the hurricane still did not decrease, on the contrary, with the power of the water, it became even stronger. Even people like Yang Chiyi relied on magical powers to protect the two of Luo Tian, ​​but Yang Chiyi was also a human being. , It was obvious that he couldn't hold on at the back, so he had to let Luo Tian loose.

"Boy, within 20 years, you will go to Sanyuan Island in the Eastern Region of the Star Sea! Otherwise, even if this old man chases you to the ends of the earth, I will kill you!"


Countless waves of water entangled and directly separated Luo Tian and the three of them.However, Yang Chiyi still relied on the final explosion to protect Nangong Liuli, while Luo Tian was thrown away...


Luo Tian cursed wildly, but the hurricane swept Luo Tian into the depths of the hurricane.

"Kill your sister! I don't know if I can live this time..." Immediately, Luo Tian's voice was interrupted by the hurricane that cut his face like a knife. Fly away in the direction of fluttering.

ps: Dazhang.

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