
Chapter 190 Variation 49 Heavenly Tribulations!

"Fourty-Nine Heavenly Tribulations!"

Tantaiyun's eyesight is very sharp, and he explained the cause of the vision in the sky in one go.You must know that the Four Nine Heavenly Tribulation is also called the Small Heavenly Tribulation. Generally, only monks who form alchemy or treasures are unearthed can trigger such celestial phenomena.But Tan Taiyun knew that in the world-shattering battle thousands of years ago, the top magic weapons in Xuanyin Sect were snatched by various sects. Nowadays, apart from the Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra, there is probably nothing in Xuanyin Sect. An object worth coveting.

In the air, the black cloud suddenly shed a layer of light, but it was a strange vortex formed by the thunder, the electric snake, and the fire. Each vortex revealed a palpitating aura, as if a giant bird. His eyes look down on all beings.

What surprised everyone in Xuanyin Sect was that the celestial phenomena formed during the four or nine days of calamity remained motionless for more than ten days, just suspended in the sky like that.There was no such thing as the legendary thunderbolt falling down.

In the blink of an eye, one month passed, and the four or nine days of calamity still hadn't come.Now everyone, including Tantai Yun, couldn't sit still. Logically speaking, with the head teacher's current cultivation base, it shouldn't be so difficult to get through this little catastrophe.

Let's not mention the worries of everyone in Xuanyin Sect.It is said that there are indeed some extremely tolerant monsters and old monsters peeping in the thousand miles of sea area. They hide so deeply that even Luo Tian can't detect their existence in a hurry.

Six hundred miles southeast of Cathode Island, there is a dark water cave five hundred feet below a fast-flowing sea.There is even a thousand-year-old monster living in the water cave. This monster is an ancient alien species of five-flowered golden carp who has cultivated the Tao, and his cultivation is quite impressive.At this moment, the fish demon shook its fish head with two long beards, and suddenly spoke with a big mouth that reached to the cheek, "Since fellow daoist Wu is here, why don't you come in and have a talk?"

"I knew I couldn't hide it from you, an old bastard."

A cold snort came, and immediately, a middle-aged man wearing a robe of water and fire suddenly appeared at the entrance of the water cave, frowning slightly and looking into the water cave, "Could it be that fellow Daoist Yu wants to test the technique of breaking the ban?" ?”

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist Wu's technique of breaking the ban is so powerful that it shakes the stars, how dare Yu show off his big axe in front of Luban's door?" Fluorescence, however, removed the restriction.

The middle-aged man called Fellow Daoist Wu took a step forward, and the next moment he appeared in front of the fish demon. He was a middle-aged man with a sallow complexion. He had a long face and wide eyebrows, and a pair of mung bean-sized eyes gleamed strangely. blue mans.

"Fellow Daoist Wu came here this time to obtain the vision of catastrophe on Cathode Island?" The fish demon waved his big hand, and a round bluestone appeared in front of the old demon Wu.

The old demon Wu was also polite, and sat cross-legged on the bluestone, sneered sarcastically and said: "You don't speak dark words in front of Ming people, does Yu Daoyou really think that someone is going through the catastrophe? Everyone knows it in their hearts, so don't do it." Do you go around in circles?"

The fish demon frowned, and said seriously: "Fellow Daoist Wu, what you said is wrong. Could it be that the celestial phenomenon is the result of the unearthed treasures? The Xuanyin Sect is in decline now, so where are the treasures left!"

The corner of Wu Laoyao's mouth twitched, and he continued: "There is no thunder from the sky for a month, so who will believe it?"

After hearing the words, the fish demon became silent, and after a long time said: "What do you think, Fellow Daoist Wu?"

The old demon Wu smiled faintly, and asked inappropriately: "You must be Daoist Yu's third catastrophe not much later than Wu, right?"

The fish demon's expression changed when he heard the words, and he quickly regained his composure.

Monsters, spirits and ghosts practice against the sky, and they have to survive nine catastrophes before they can ascend to the immortal tower and achieve immortality.It is the first time to advance from a fifth-level monster to a sixth-level monster, and so on. It is the eighth time for an eleventh-level monster to advance to a twelfth-level monster.The twelfth-level monster is the last catastrophe, and this catastrophe is divided into nine minor catastrophes. The power of these nine minor catastrophes increases exponentially each time, and if you are not careful, you will be wiped out. end.Therefore, compared to human beings, there are only three catastrophes, four or nine, six or nine, and nine or nine.The path of monster cultivation is extremely difficult.

The Wu Lao Yao and Yu Yao are at the peak of the sixth-order monsters. If they want to successfully advance to the seventh-order monsters, they must survive the second catastrophe.However, most monsters rely on their long lives to gradually improve their cultivation, which is much better than humans.But there is also a huge flaw. If there is no expert guidance for this monster's practice, it is just a casual cultivator, and the slow growth of cultivation is the second best. The most important thing is that there is almost no way to cultivate the soul and consciousness.As we all know, the cultivation of spiritual consciousness cannot keep up with one's own cultivation, and if one wants to survive the catastrophe, the possibility is very slim.

"You don't need to play charades, you don't have to play charades, just speak up if you have any ideas." The fish demon finally sighed softly and said.

"If we talk about the defensive magic weapons in the world, the Xuanyin Sect has the most." Wu Laoyao said lightly, "Whether it is the physical defense magic weapon or the primordial spirit defense magic weapon, it goes without saying that it is important to you and me. This time The strange celestial phenomenon above Cathode Island is likely to be treasure unearthed. If these treasures are magic weapons for the defense of the soul, it will be easy for you and me to survive the second catastrophe. Support, at worst, reincarnate and rebuild, and save the miserable end of being wiped out."

"This statement is true." The fish demon nodded, and then asked in a very puzzled manner, "Friend Wu means nothing more than you and I teaming up. I wonder if you have asked Old Demon Sha for his opinion?"

Old Demon Wu smiled wryly, "I've contacted you a long time ago, that Old Demon Sha's nephew was beheaded by the evil star of the Xuanyin Sect, and at this moment he was so angry that he wanted to slaughter the entire Cathode Island to avenge his nephew. , where would you agree to go to Cathode Island with you and me?"

"Hmph! That old demon has been in seclusion for too long, and even his brain is rusted! It's just a nephew, compared to your future, it's nothing to mention!" But if you and I join forces, as long as we don't show off too much, the little evil star must not be able to detect it."

"That's exactly what I mean!" Old Demon Wu clapped his palms and laughed loudly, "It's not too late, you and I will set off right away. Even if Old Demon Sha seeks the bad luck of the evil star, he can help us a lot!"

The fish demon laughed loudly, and said: "Fellow Daoist Wu is really exhaustive, admiration!"



A few days later, on this day, the thunder, electric snake, and fire circling over Cathode Island suddenly stirred up, and immediately the three merged into one, transforming into an endless vortex, and immediately, a colorful sky thunder Slashed fiercely from the center of the vortex.

"It turned out to be a mutant catastrophe that is rare in a thousand years!" Tantaiyun looked at the colorful sky thunder with a sad face, and said with a wry smile.

The three elders behind him were also full of surprise, "Mutation Heavenly Tribulation?"

"The mutant catastrophe is five times more powerful than the normal catastrophe."

"..." Only then did the three elders realize the power of it, and their faces changed drastically, "Then the head teacher?"

"Look at the good fortune of the head teacher, we are really powerless to help." Tan Taiyun shook his head and sighed.

ps: There are updates, upload as much as you write today, be crazy.

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