
Chapter 207 Princess Dou, Farewell Brothers

The Doshita Umbrella is an ancient treasure with amazing defensive capabilities, although it is also very compatible with Luo Tian's own spiritual root attributes, and belongs to the magic weapon of the fire attribute.However, Luo Tian hadn't fully refined the Tushita Umbrella, so it couldn't make it work as desired.Secondly, the jade flute in the silver-clothed woman's hand is not extraordinary.Therefore, Luo Tian was restrained by the opponent's strengths due to his own weaknesses, and the Dushi Umbrella was naturally unable to resist, but this had nothing to do with the Dushi Umbrella itself.

But even so, Luo Tian possessed two magical treasures with amazing defenses. With both treasures together, even the frightening strength of the silver-clothed woman would not be able to defeat Luo Tian in a short time.

"The jade flute of heaven and earth! Which princess of the Bai family are you?!"

Sha Sheng frowned and meditated for a moment, then suddenly his expression changed, and he called out to the silver-clothed woman in the air, and also grabbed a dark brown cloth that looked like satin in his hand. When it is taken out, it is like smoke and mist, which is faintly visible, and almost merges with this space, which is extremely mysterious.


After hearing Sha Sheng's words, the silver-clothed woman raised her hand and grabbed the star-absorbing cold flame back into her hand. The cold flame immediately wrapped itself around his palm, fingers and wrist, like a dancing elf, extremely beautiful .

"Uh, you can actually see through my origin?" The pair of big eyes on the delicate face of the silver-clothed woman were also quite surprised. She pointed at Sha Sheng with the Qiankun jade flute in her hand, and after a moment of silence, she suddenly giggled coquettishly. Who is it? It turned out to be you, a dead crab!"

Sha Sheng's face darkened, and he said: "I still think it's some woman who is indifferent to my perfect appearance! It turns out to be the third princess of the Silver Shark Clan, Bai Yan'er!"

With a chuckle, Bai Yaner immediately leaned back and laughed, and said with a delicate smile: "No wonder my second sister refuses to agree to marry you, and you are too narcissistic."

The old face turned red for the first time, and Sha Sheng said angrily: "Bai Yan'er, our two clans have always been well waters and river waters, why are you hurting my brother now? Even though I, Sha Sheng, are not as strong as you, I will definitely make a difference with you today Let's compare!"

Bai Yan'er smiled, looked at Luo Tian with a slight frown, and sighed softly: "I didn't expect that the young master of the Cancer clan, who has always been so high-spirited, has a brother? But today is the dispute that your brother started first, No wonder I, Bai Yan'er, acted cruelly!"

"One person does things and one person is responsible." Luo Tian smiled lightly, and gave Sha Sheng a reassuring look. He held the Xuanji Yugui in his hand, and held a small mountain peak in his right hand. Next is."

"You—" Bai Yan'er raised her eyebrows, and the evil spirit between her eyebrows slowly gathered again, and said with a sneer, "Okay, today I will spare your life for Sha Sheng's sake. But you offended this princess, and you will be punished." But it is indispensable!"

Luo Tian couldn't help laughing, and said, "What are you! Do you treat me like meat on a chopping board?"

In fact, Luo Tian also understood Bai Yan'er's cultivation in an instant. The peak cultivation of the sixth-order monster was indeed much higher than that of Sha Sheng, who only had the mid-term cultivation of the sixth-order monster.However, the other party was stealthily spying on the side first, and after being seen through by others, he wanted to kill him, which had aroused the murderous intent hidden in Luo Tian's heart. After all, the Great Demon Lord Luo is not a good person, and this woman dared to fight in front of even more ruthless people. If you don't agree, you will kill...

With a bang, Luo Tian directly sacrificed Fen Baoyan without even saying hello. Sha Sheng next to him rolled his eyes when he saw it. The third child, your grandma has a leg, can you be a little graceful?

A pitch-black mountain swelled rapidly, turning into a black shadow and pressing down from the mid-air, with an extremely mighty momentum, but the strong wind brought by the Fen Baoyan falling from the sky broke many trees.

Bai Yan'er is so infuriated, she is the third princess of the Silver Shark Clan, she is rampant in the Tianxinghai South Region, whoever sees her is not frightened, let alone make a move, even flattering has to be careful not to be photographed on the horseshoe.Now, the man in Tsing Yi in front of him really didn't know what to do, he had already forgotten his previous promise to spare the other party's life, and the star-absorbing cold flames rushed out, and a layer of cold current burst out of his body, turning Countless snowflakes flutter in the sky.

For a moment, the star-absorbing cold flame was like a huge blooming flower, supporting the falling Fenbaoyan, and then Bai Yaner put the jade flute of heaven and earth in Bai Yaner's hand to her mouth, and a more passionate tune than before resounded throughout the sky , as soon as this song came out, the sea water around the island almost slowed down. If you look carefully, there are many fine ice balls in the sea water.

When Luo Tian saw this, he naturally wouldn't sit still. A layer of yellow flames slowly floated on his body, and the mark of flames appeared between his eyebrows.

With the help of Xuanji Yugui, the Fumo Ganghuo was not as weak as Luo Tian's alone. There was only a flash of flames, and the Fumoganghuo instantly hit the cold smoke around Bai Yaner's body. snowflake.

An unexpected scene appeared!

Fumo Ganghuo is specialized in subduing the world's evil spirits and is extremely heretic, but at this time, Fumoganghuo can't compete with the cold smoke from Bai Yaner's jade flute and the snowflakes around her body.Luo Tian was startled, and then suddenly realized that the Qiankun jade flute in Bai Yaner's hand was not only a righteous thing, but even the kung fu she practiced was a righteous kung fu. Art investment division?

"Third son, don't get entangled with her any longer. Bai Yan'er's sect is the Snowy Island in the Eastern Region of the Star Sea. If you don't have the means to completely kill her, it's better not to act rashly!"

Sha Sheng watched anxiously, but he couldn't help, so he had to send a voice transmission to Luo Tian.

Snowy Island!

Luo Tian's pupils shrank. In the ancient Taoism that besieged the Xuanyin Sect, there were three sects and four sects in the Second Palace and Two Islands, and this Xueyu Island was one of the two islands.Moreover, this island has been passed down for thousands of years. In terms of real strength, it is much stronger than the thousand-year-old sect of the Southern Region's Bishui Palace.Although Bishui Palace was also one of the second palaces that besieged Xuanyin Sect, but the strength of Bishui Palace is actually among the eleven forces, firmly occupying the bottom one.


"You know what..." Sha Sheng had just cursed halfway, then stared dumbfounded at Luo Tian taking out more than a hundred talismans, almost all of which were mid-level or above.

Boom boom boom!

There were bursts of explosions caused by the magic talisman, Luo Tian weakly retracted Fen Baoyan, and fled with Sha Sheng.It still consumes a lot of spiritual consciousness to attract more than a hundred middle-level and above talismans in one go. Besides, ordinary people can't take out so many talismans in one go like Luo Tian.

Bai Yan'er let out a muffled snort, the corners of her mouth were brightly colored, but a trace of blood overflowed.Immediately, he looked at Luo Tian with resentment, and his figure jumped into the sea water like light and lightning, and disappeared.

The magic talismans in the air were only aroused for a small part, and seventy to eighty pieces exploded one after another in the empty air, and for a while, it was as gorgeous as fireworks.


"Boss, third brother, you guys have a good trip!" Inside the light mask, Zhang Qian held a chicken leg in the corner of his mouth, and waved his hand sadly, "When my cultivation base grows enough to break through the restriction left by Master, I'll just let you go!" Go find you, you must not die young!"

Luo Tian and Sha Sheng, who had just flown out not far away, also had watery eyes in their eyes. When Zhang Yu's bastard words came out, the two of them trembled so badly that they almost passed out and fell from the sky into the sea.

"Second brother, your grandma has a leg!" Sha Sheng jumped on his feet and turned his head, cursing, "Fuck all the way, I and the third child are not dead yet! Ying your grandma's leg, die your grandma's leg..."

Luo Tian quickly recovered his expression of neither sadness nor joy, and said to Zhang Yu lightly: "Second brother, Mr. Sha and I will eat Xinghai delicacies all over the place for you, so you don't have to worry about us. Huh?"


Sure enough, Zhang Que let out a miserable cry.

Luo Tian and Sha Sheng burst into the distance laughing loudly...

ps: After typing the last word in the hospital, my waist is about to break, at least, the four shifts I promised are done!I am a person who talks about credibility... so there will still be a large-scale outbreak next week, because the editor said that there will be a block next week.Regarding my protest, the editor only left one sentence and then drifted away: Outbreak, treat yourself like a beast... Poor me, there is no small universe... By the way, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, at least three more.Please be considerate, I have been in poor health recently and died again.

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