
Chapter 224 Vajra Warrior Puppet

"Extreme South Plateau?!"

Sha Sheng let out a strange cry, and then looked at the Zheng brothers with complicated eyes.

"Boss Sha, what's the matter?" Luo Tian was also a little surprised when he heard the words, "Where is that place on the Extreme South Plateau?"

"Hey, two masters, let me tell the story." The youngest of the Zheng brothers said with a smile, "The extreme south plateau is opened every hundred years. It is said that the extreme south plateau is the tomb of a monster emperor in ancient times, and it is everywhere. Treasures of heaven and earth. It is a once-in-a-hundred-year opportunity for us monks in the Southern Region."

"Anyway, I have never participated in it once. I heard that the extreme southern plateau is too ferocious, and countless monsters live in it." Sha Sheng said, it's not that he doesn't want to go, it's just that he is the only seedling in Lao Sha's family. Patriarch Lao Sha refused to let him go.

"Anyway, as long as I am a monk from the Southern Region, I can enter it, I'm afraid..." The Zheng brothers continued to bewitch, and to be honest, if their four-member combination entered it, even if they couldn't win the first prize, it would be almost the same.Of course he hoped that the two of Luo Tian would be tempted so that he could go in with them.

"Arbitrary entry?"

Luo Tian also frowned when he heard that, "Then Shenfeng Island is so close to the entrance of the Extreme South Plateau, we will definitely send people there."

"That's natural, Shenfeng Island harvests the most every time, whoever makes him a landlord!" The eldest brother of the Zheng brothers curled his lips.

"Go and have a look, third child." Sha Sheng looked eager to try.


The extreme south plateau is still nearly a thousand miles away from Shenfeng Island, but with the strength of the four of Luo Tian, ​​they arrived at the entrance of the extreme south plateau in less than two days.According to the Zheng brothers, every time the Extreme South Plateau is opened, there are two entrances, and the other entrance is reserved for those old guys with amazing cultivation.

"Damn it, there are so many monks here this time, I should have killed a few more." The eldest and younger Zheng brothers shouted violently, gnashing their teeth. If there are too many people, the chance of getting the treasure will naturally be greatly reduced. They all want to get more treasures.

Luo Tian didn't even lift his eyelids. Although the Zheng brothers were extremely murderous, they were considered normal in his eyes. The world of cultivating immortals is always prey to the weak. Either you kill me or I kill you.

"Wow, there are so many people, grandma has such legs!" Sha Sheng looked far and wide, and saw that the ice field outside the entrance of the Antarctic Plateau was already densely packed with hundreds of people.Or gather together in groups to talk in a low voice, or sit cross-legged and adjust breath silently.

"It's pretty quiet!"

There was a strange laugh, and then a young man in gold clothes led a group of people to jump off a silk magic weapon and landed on the ground with a bang.

The few monks who were closest to him looked at each other, and then they were all taken aback, and their expressions became more and more ugly.

"It's those bastards from Lei Zhu Sect!"

The Zheng brothers also changed their complexions, and then said bitterly, with a look of fear on their faces.

"Thunder Bamboo Sect?" Luo Tian couldn't help being startled.

"Third brother, let me tell the story." Sha Sheng squinted his eyes slightly, and shot out a cold light, "The main altar of the Thunder Bamboo Sect is located between the Eastern Region and the Southern Region of the Tianxing Sea, and it is a very famous wall grass sect. If the Eastern Territory is beneficial, they will pester them and say that they are the forces of the Eastern Territory, and the Southern Territory is beneficial... No, they are here."

Sha Sheng shrugged helplessly, listening to the meaning of his words, he also despised the shameless style of this Thunder Bamboo Sect.

"The extreme southern plateau is allowed to enter like this?" Luo Tian chuckled, "As far as I know, the people in the southern region are not such waste, right?"

When Luo Tian said a word, Sha Sheng and the Zheng brothers looked at each other in dismay.Then Sha Sheng sighed with a livid face, "Although the Thunder Bamboo Sect is a fool, they are very good at being human. Every time it is beneficial, they will still give great gifts to the major forces in the southern region. It is an ordinary channel, so no one will make things difficult for them. The major forces will not make things difficult for them, and ordinary monks will naturally not go to dogs to get mice, but the guys sent by Thunder Bamboo Sect are pretty good every time. , even if ordinary monks are unhappy, they are not their opponents."

"So, both of you have also received the benefits of Lei Zhujiao?" Luo Tian smiled lightly.

Sha Sheng and the Zheng brothers nodded silently.

"Since that's the case, I won't pursue it any further. I hope that the Thunder Bamboo Sect will be more restrained." Between the opening and closing of Luo Tian's eyes, a green glow flashed away. Sure enough, the strength is quite good. The youth who will lead the Thunder Bamboo Sect this time is In the middle stage of alchemy, there is also a master monk hidden in the team at the early stage of Nascent Soul stage.

"Hey, third child, what are you afraid of? After a while, the Zheng family and I will humiliate these bastards." Sha Sheng laughed, "I'm just a casual cultivator now, I don't know anything, I don't see anything. ..."

The Zheng brothers were also a little excited when they heard the words, but then they thought that all their magic weapons were taken away by this ugly bastard, and they couldn't help feeling a little disheartened.

"Give it back to you, your magic weapon is too rotten..." Sha Sheng casually threw all the magic weapons of the Zheng brothers back to them. As the young master of the Cancer clan, how could Sha Sheng look down on the Zheng brothers' rags? iron.

The Zheng brothers' eyes lit up when they heard the words, and when they looked at the group of Lei Zhu Sect members in the field, there was a hint of murderous intent in their eyes.

"It's a real failure, none of them has the guts." The golden-clothed youth headed by Lei Zhujiao sighed pretendingly, then looked at all the monks present with a domineering look, and said softly.The sound was not loud, but it spread far away in an instant.

"Yuan Xiaoer from Thunder Bamboo Sect, I have been unhappy with you for a long time!"

"Beat him a bitch!"

Hearing this, several bloody monks cursed angrily at once, and then rushed over with flying swords and other magic weapons.

"A bunch of jumping clowns."

The young man surnamed Yuan from the Thunder Bamboo Sect shook his head, then stretched out his hands, and quickly formed a seal in the air. A rosy glow came out of his body, and immediately, a two-headed lion with its teeth and claws appeared in front of him, and it roared. Then he rushed towards the monk in front of him quickly.

"This is... a puppet beast?" Luo Tian frowned and blurted out.

"That's right. The Thunder Bamboo Sect is most famous for its technique of manipulating puppets. Otherwise, even if he was a monk at the alchemy stage, he would have been besieged to death." Sha Sheng's lips curled up, looking down on this sect.

Jingle Jingle!

Those two-headed lions were really ferocious, and even ignored the many magic weapons attached to their body, making a burst of dense light noises, allowing numerous magic weapons to draw countless shallow or deep scratches on its body surface.


At this time, among the many magic weapons, a square heavy hammer fell from the sky, smashing the head of the puppet beast's double-headed lion, and then layers of black light like silk threads gushed out from the square heavy hammer, directly shooting into the puppet beast's body , directly blasted the core of the puppet beast to pieces, and the puppet beast directly collapsed to the ground, motionless.

"The people of Shenfeng Island are kind."

The young puppet beast surnamed Yuan was destroyed, so he was not angry, but instead he laughed, "Since the fellow Taoists from Shenfeng Island came very early this time, let's warm up and try the mid-level puppet beast that I have recently comprehended!"

After finishing speaking, the young man surnamed Yuan stretched his sleeves, and shot out a golden brilliance quickly, and then a puppet beast that was just like a human appeared in front of everyone.

"The Vajra Puppet!"

After a long time, exclamations erupted from the crowd.

ps: It will take some time to adjust the outline in recent days.The update has been ruthless in the past few days, I haven't made much money, and people are useless.Try to speed up the plot, the development will be very fast later, this book is over, you need to take a good rest for a while.Thank you for your subscription friends.

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