
Chapter 233 Competing for Lingbao and Demon Emperor's Blood Essence

No one would care about the seemingly sad and unlucky tiger man, because the restriction left by the demon emperor Huntian has already started to operate spontaneously.Countless streaks of rays of light rose up, and the divine light was brilliant, rolling up to the sky high above the sky, and the whole world seemed to tremble suddenly.

Baoguang soared into the sky.Even though Yang Baisha and his four great monks with amazing supernatural powers had no time to stop them, they stood quietly in the void, their faces as calm as a pool of stagnant water.

"The strange treasure is born!"

"Don't squeeze, fuck it, I saw it first..."

"I'll kill you, I'll use it for a ball first!"

Many monks from the Southern Region entered the Extreme South Plateau this time, and some monks from other sea regions came to fish in troubled waters.However, most of those who fish in troubled waters are casual cultivators. If people can see their backgrounds at a glance, they will be attacked immediately.Therefore, they mingled cautiously in the crowd in order to gain some chance.

But chance, there is no special luck, it is generally based on strength.

Therefore, before seeing the strange treasure, many monks had already launched a vigorous duel.

"The way of heaven is running, and the cycle of reincarnation is endless."

There was a soft sigh, and then a slender hand carved out of beautiful jade suddenly stretched out from the float on the Hongqiao. The flawless hand slapped lightly in the air, and a white jade-like light gathered from the air. It was done, and immediately shot straight into the restriction in a foggy manner.

The restriction left by the demon emperor is of course no small matter, as soon as the white jade divine light entered, it caused huge waves.The several powerful monsters trapped in the restriction have long been about to move, seeing this, they couldn't help but growl in unison, each displaying their supernatural powers.

The first one is a giant wolf whose whole body is casted in silver. The whole body is silver and white, which is similar to ordinary wolves. Only the third eye born on the forehead is amazing.Astonishing astonishment, a silver light shot out from the third eye, and the surrounding space immediately shattered a lot, and it was the first to meet the divine light of white jade.

Followed by a colorful little snake, the little snake has gray pupils, and when it opens its mouth, there are two streams of smoke, one red and one green.While the two streams of smoke were still in the air, there was a soft hissing sound, and the space collapsed piece by piece, with unmatched power.

The last monster is the most peculiar. I saw that his face was full of eyes, his body was extremely tall, more than twenty feet high, and his mouth full of fangs roared. Immediately, countless monsters appeared in the void in front of him. The densely packed eyes, the chaotic rays of light burst out from these eyes, intertwined into a seemingly irregular net.

These three monsters are actually stronger than the other.Especially the last giant, which looks like a multi-eyed giant that only existed in ancient times.

Mrs. Wen didn't make any other movements. The white jade light remained motionless under the attack of the three monsters. The light never fades away.


The incomparably powerful magical powers of the three monsters immediately opened a bigger gap in the restriction, and even the void was shattered a lot.

But the Huamang in Mrs. Wen's hand was still as straight as a wolf's smoke, and the supernatural powers of the three monsters collided with the white jade divine light, just like they collided with the air.But to the dismay of the three spirited monsters, the attacks of the three of them could even shatter the space, but they couldn't completely annihilate the white jade light.

Yang Baisha, the old monster Binghe, and Mr. Feng immediately showed admiration on the faces of Mr. Wen. Mrs. Wen has been practicing for so many years, and it seems that her cultivation base and supernatural powers have made great progress. I am afraid that even the top experts from that place cannot stop her. edge.

"Turn the wheel, reverse."

Mrs. Wen gave another soft shout, and the color of the white jade light suddenly turned into jet black, and it opened slowly, and then turned into a huge wheel, swallowing all the magical powers of the three monsters. Then disappear.


"not good!"

"Your grandfather's!"

"Grandma has a leg!"

The three of Luo Tian were still struggling in the distance, and more and more monks gathered around them, and finally beheaded more than ten monks under the fury of Luo Tian and Sha Sheng, and this group of red-eyed monks restrained a lot.This created a small vacuum around the four of them.

At this moment, half of the restrictions in the valley were broken, and countless monsters rushed out, and they started to attack as soon as they saw human monks.All of a sudden, colorful smoke flew in all directions in the air.

The four of Luo Tian suffered miserably, and fled around in a panic, in a panic.


A ray of purple light flew out from the valley, and then the valley shone like stars, shining brighter colors.


"It's mine, wow haha... Ah, you sneak attack me like a dog!"

When many monks saw the purple awn flying, they were all excited, and all kinds of tricks came out one after another.Only Luo Tian and Sha Sheng are still calm, but seeing the red eyes of the Zheng brothers, it seems that they also want to share a share.

"Go if you want, don't worry about it. I don't need it for now." Luo Tian saw through the minds of the two of them at a glance, and said with a faint smile.

"Snatch your sister, it's my brother's!" The Zheng brothers saw that there was something they didn't understand, and they rushed forward with a roar.

"Old guy, why don't you fight for it? It's a spiritual treasure!" Sha Sheng said, looking at the still calm old Taoist priest.

The old Taoist twitched his mouth, "To be honest, Pindao is going crazy thinking about it. However, he is not strong enough. Otherwise, if Pindao shows his power, how can there be such a group of bastards?"

call out!

At this time, Luo Tian seemed to have discovered something, and with a movement, he jumped directly onto the top of the tree, and after a few vertical leaps, he flew towards a quiet small valley in the distance.

"Old man, wait for me." Sha Sheng howled, and then said seriously to the old Taoist priest, "Old man, go find a place where there is no one to hide, and I will come back to pick you up later. "

After finishing speaking, regardless of the old Taoist's objection, he drifted away towards Luo Tian.

"Your grandfather, do you really think you can get rid of the poor Taoist?" The old Taoist screamed strangely, and ran wildly at an extremely fast speed.Every step was five or six feet away, and when he ran, an inexplicable repulsive force seemed to grow on his body, and all the monks who approached him were thrown away.

The place closest to the valley is naturally occupied by the most powerful monks.After the demon emperor's restriction was broken, some powerful monks could still use some magical powers.Of course, the four of Mrs. Wen were not affected in the slightest.

Under the restriction, there are densely packed ancient buildings, which are currently being shrouded in a layer of glazed phantom light, flickering and flickering.


There was a strange whistling, and then flew out accompanied by countless colorful brilliance.

"The blood of the demon emperor!"

I don't know who exclaimed, and then everyone's mind boiled.Each of them used their magical powers to grab a bright red gemstone mixed in the colorful brilliance.

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