
Chapter 266 Aurora 2 Immortals




Except for Mr. Feng who was slightly injured, the other three people were almost uninjured.Besides, the few people present are all heavyweight master monks, at least in the Tianxing Hainan Region, they are also people who stomp their feet and shake their feet. How have they ever received such naked|naked threats?

But the four people present are all old guys who have become fine. Since the other party dared to be so blatantly arrogant, there are only two situations. One is that the old man riding a donkey is a lunatic, and the other is that he has considerable confidence in his own strength.Of course, it seems that the latter is far more likely than the former.

For a while, everyone remained silent in unison.

The old man on the donkey was not in a hurry, he sat on the donkey, groped for a long time, then grabbed a tobacco stick, smoked the tobacco, and puffed out the clouds, feeling very comfortable.

for a long time.

Born on Green Devil Island, the red-faced man who has been titled Green Devil for generations, that is, the father of the Zheng brothers laughed dryly, and said awkwardly: "This fellow Taoist, could it be that he also came here for the wind beads of Shenfeng Island?"

Wu Yi, an old man riding a donkey, smoked a dry cigarette arrogantly, without saying a word, a vague expression of disdain appeared on his face in the lingering smoke.

Qingmo scratched his head resentfully, and quietly took two steps back like a child who made a mistake.

After a while, Wu Yi finally finished smoking the dry tobacco, and said lightly: "What is that wind bead? Is it worth the old man's own hand? This old man is only entrusted by others. Also, the red-faced guy, you have to Comparable to my old man's peers?"

"..." The green devil's face was half red and half white when he heard the words. Most of them were angry at the old donkey rider in front of him who didn't give him any face. Of course, he was not a fool. He, why let him be the first to test this old guy who suddenly appeared?

As a result, a very delicate balance was created in the arena. Mr. Feng, who was originally injured, got precious time to recover from his injuries. It's not a simple matter anymore.

The old Taoist priests of Zhengyang Palace and the head teacher of Leizhu Sect seemed to be asleep, and it was difficult for foreign objects to impress their calmness.

"Hey, a bunch of scheming little guys."

Wu Yi, the old man riding a donkey, said with a deep smile, it was creepy.


Almost at the same time, Luo Tian had already wiped out the three extinct volcanoes on Shenfeng Island one after another. With his incomparably powerful body and good magic weapon for protecting himself, he captured the wind beads and the unexplained three forces guarding these three active volcanoes. The wind beads in hand are all snatched.

"Go, go to the fourth extinct volcano."

Luo Tian smiled lightly, and then led Sha Sheng and a group of captives to the extinct volcano in the southeast of Shenfeng Island.There, there are still many chaotic forces occupying the Tianxing Hainan Region.

In fact, the three major forces of Thunder Bamboo Sect, Zhengyang Palace and Qingmo Island occupied three of the four extinct volcanoes, and the last one was naturally handed over to other mixed small forces. The three major forces are not fools. The reason why you have to give others some soup is naturally a deep understanding of this.

The howling cold wind swirled endlessly in the sky, bringing out the sharp sound of howling ghosts and wolves.

Suddenly, a group of monks appeared in the strong wind.

"Third, it's my turn this time?"

Sha Sheng grinned, gearing up, watching Luo Tian clean up three groups of monks one after another, Sha Sheng's hands were naturally itchy, and he couldn't wait to show it right now.

Luo Tian patted his forehead weakly, and said with a wry smile: "Don't kill too much, the rest is up to you."

"Grandma's leg!" Sha Sheng didn't even say hello after hearing this, and flew towards the extinct volcano not far in front of him, screaming, "Is there anyone still breathing? If so, hurry up and give me Hand over all the wind beads, I'm here to rob you!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Don't say that Sha Sheng's voice is loud enough, but he is not loud enough. Just the huge aura that came from a group of monks just now, even monks with a little cultivation can feel it.Hearing Sha Sheng's roar, naturally the file flew into the air from near the extinct volcano.

"Who is this so unruly?"

"Grandma's! Who is screaming?"

"Are you looking for death?"

The next moment, when many monks were not paying attention, Sha Sheng had a sinister smile on his lips, and then flipped and pushed his hands, several light spots broke through the air and flew towards the ground.

Among them, Luo Tian has spiritual eyesight, so he can see clearly. Only Hu Ge's junior sister, Xiu Mei, frowns slightly, and looks at Sha Sheng in surprise.

Luo Tian could see it clearly, knowing that what Sha Sheng shot out was a high-grade spirit stone.There can only be one result when the spirit stone is thrown out like this.This guy Sha Sheng is setting up formations again. It is estimated that those monks waiting for a surprise attack will be in trouble.

"A bunch of greedy trash, whoever calls me again will kill him!"

Sha Sheng yelled domineeringly, and looked at the dozens of monks in front of him with disdain.

"court death!"

"Fuck! What are you bragging about!"

call out!

Sha Sheng didn't bother to explain more to the group of guys. He walked up to one of the monks and grabbed the monk's neck with his hand. It seemed that he had been with Luo Tian for a long time. Sha Sheng's body The Fa has also made great progress.


Sha Sheng pinched the monk's neck, and then let his soul escape from the dead body without paying attention.

"I'll give you three breaths of time. If you don't hand over the wind bead, you will end up like this. Do you understand? Do you understand enough? I don't want to explain it to you stupid pigs a second time."

After finishing speaking, Sha Sheng laughed wildly and threw the wishful barrier in a certain direction, and the void was distorted immediately, and then a panicked figure escaped from the void, with a look of horror on his face, screaming Said: "Ruyi Divine Obstacle, Sha Sheng from the Cancer Clan!"

"Practice for me!"

Sha Sheng chuckled, and randomly pinched a formula with his palm. The wishful barrier that seemed to be able to travel in the void immediately turned into dust all over the sky, and then shot out sporadic light spots like corn, and finally quickly gathered into a cloud. The flames, wrapped the monk firmly in it, only heard a scream, the body of the monk who seemed to be getting slower and slower, as if he had fallen into a quagmire, was stained by countless starlight flames, and then began to appear one by one. The pothole was getting bigger and bigger, and the monk's soul seemed to be burned to ashes by the spark before he could escape.

Ruyi Shenhuo.

Luo Tian was startled. Sha Sheng had boasted to him that the ancient magic weapon was the real thing, not an imitation at all.Luo Tian didn't care about it at the time, Quan Dang Sha Sheng was afraid of losing face, now it seems that this Ruyi Divine Obstacle is not an imitation, otherwise it would be impossible to activate the pure and domineering Ruyi Divine Fire.

"I remember!"

Suddenly, a monk pointed at Luo Tian with a pale face, his arms trembling, as if he had seen a terrifying demon.


"I remember!"

Suddenly, the fly whisk in the hands of the old Taoist priest from Zhengyang Palace shook uncontrollably, and he looked at the old donkey rider Wu Yi in horror.

"I didn't expect you, old man, to have ascended to the Immortal Realm yet. This, how is this possible? The two Immortals of Aurora..."

ps: There is one more chapter, it will be a little later.

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