
Chapter 268 Surrender, or both body and spirit will be destroyed!

In fact, the purpose of Luo Tian's doing this is very simple, that is to deter.He just wanted to use force to frighten Mr. Feng, of course, he still has a follow-up.

As for Luo Tian's newly mastered Seven Shocking Forms, he has temporarily mastered the first form after continuous practice and comprehension along the way. As for the second form, he has only completed most of the comprehension, and there are still some outlines that he has not comprehended Thorough, of course, with the comprehension ability of Luo Tian's two generations, it is so difficult to comprehend the shocking seven moves, especially starting from the third move, Luo Tian may not be able to comprehend even if he wants to, because practicing the third move The most basic requirement of the formula is to reach the Nascent Soul Stage.

As for the others, especially the Daluo Scripture that Luo Tian practiced in his previous life, Luo Tian didn't intend to practice it again. He must practice the Daluo Scripture. Worry about going crazy.However, the three kinds of profound arts on his body have already begun to merge, and all of them are peerless classics no less than the Da Luo Zhenjing. If he suddenly cultivates the Da Luo Zhenjing, Luo Tian is not sure whether the Xuangong will backfire. In case of backlash, there will be no bones left.Luo Tian is very courageous, but he is not so big that he does not take his own life seriously.Anyway, the Great Luo Scripture now has a successor, and Luo Tian doesn't have any grudges in his heart.

chi chi-

The red, orange and yellow flames around Luo Tian have already merged into one place, forming a huge light group with almost indistinguishable colors. Luo Tian's powerful spiritual power poured in frantically, faintly smearing the flames in the huge light group. The crazy and irritable fire attribute spiritual power has been eliminated a lot, and it has always been developing in the most stable and peaceful direction.After the rapid condensation, the huge ball of light suddenly transformed into a beam like a rainbow bridge and flew down from the air, bringing with it a majestic and turbulent hot temperature. There is a very weird fuzzy feeling on it.

Mr. Feng looked up at the sky, his expression suddenly changed, because he smelled a dangerous breath from the horses flying down in the air, he believed that even if he stopped all the opponent's attacks, he would have to pay some The price will do.

Boo Boo!


Luo Tian is not a good man and a faithful woman. He doesn't think that he can easily take down the long-famous Mr. Feng with the help of the half-handedly shocking seven moves. Now Luo Tian can vaguely infer Mr. Feng's cultivation by using the Xuanyin Supreme Dao Sutra. Because, the late stage of the Nascent Soul Stage is even the Dzogchen Stage of the Nascent Soul Stage which is only half a step away from the out-of-body stage.With only such a slight difference, I am afraid that Mr. Feng will be able to travel the world with his soul out of his body.

The out-of-body period and the Nascent Soul period can be regarded as a small gully, and it can also be regarded as a watershed.The out-of-body stage monks have more advantages than the Nascent Soul stage monks because the out-of-body stage can already temper the primordial spirit by leaving the body. Peak cultivation base, distraction period.

The two abnormal noises before were the result of Luo Tian waving the Xuanji Yugui with his left hand, and smashing Fen Baoyan down with his right hand.

For a moment, Mr. Feng was almost blocked by the three streamers all his way out, so he could only retreat one way.But what kind of person is Mr. Feng?In any case, he is also a well-known master monk in the Tianxing Hainan Region, but now he retreats in embarrassment under the attack of a junior who only has a late-stage alchemy cultivation.After the news got out, Mr. Feng might be ashamed to hang out in Tian Xinghai, not to mention there are some big monks such as Qingxin Daoist and Qingmo who are all around.

"Extreme wind!"

Mr. Feng's face regained his composure. Immediately after he let out a low drink, layers of blurred brilliance appeared in his hands, and then he closed them suddenly, and then quickly moved to both sides. Wind blades that could induce the void took shape very quickly, bringing With the whistling sound of piercing through the air, it moved towards the horse that fell first.

Ka Ka Ka!

Next, Mr. Feng loosened his hair, and kept walking in the void with mysterious footwork. It seemed that every step he took, there were some cracks in the void.Then, Mr. Feng's two pupils suddenly became as black as ink, and he pulled two straight and huge black giant swords with both hands, and threw them fiercely into the air.


After a loud bang, the brilliance shot out in all directions, and the rays of light flowed everywhere.

Luo Tian flew upside down for dozens of feet in the air before he stopped the pain that made his whole body almost collapse. The gap, but with my current strength, I shouldn't have a big problem against ordinary monks at the beginning of the Nascent Soul stage.

With disheveled hair, Mr. Feng only took half a step back on the spot. Only he himself knew how dangerous the fight was just now.If he hadn't displayed the Dao Transformation attack method in Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra in time, he might have suffered a small loss unknowingly.

Taking a deep breath, Mr. Feng lowered his eyebrows, seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be saying to Wu Yi, the old donkey rider, "If you continue to be so rude, I will kill you no matter how old you are. about you."

Unexpectedly, Wu Yi, the old donkey rider, shrugged his shoulders when he heard the words, "I said, if you try to kill Luo boy, I will not stop it. I am just responsible for the three of them not to do anything."

After finishing speaking, Wu Yi pointed out Taoist Priest Qingxin, Qingmo and Lei Zhujiao all heartlessly.

Mr. Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"In that case, do you think there is such a small chance? You are deceiving yourself."

Luo Tian laughed, now that his physical body is incomparably strong, and he has recently refined a lot of pills, his recovery speed is still firmly at the level of the top three perverts in Tianxinghai.

"Boy, don't be too crazy." Mr. Feng couldn't help but narrow his eyes, like a cheetah that chooses to eat someone, ready to unleash a killing blow at any time.

What responded to him were three fingers, Luo Tian's three fingers.

"Three breaths, within three breaths, if you can't defeat you, I will let you do what you want." Luo Tian had a lazy smile on his face, as if he was not facing a giant in the world of cultivating immortals like Mr. Feng, but just an innocent Ants with no resistance.

Mr. Feng was very uncomfortable, whether it was physically or psychologically, he had never seen such a crazy young man.

"Of course, if you lose within three breaths, you will have two choices, surrender, or destroy both body and spirit!"

After Luo Tian finished speaking, he stomped the void with his big feet, and his whole body flickered quickly. His erratic figure seemed to be blown by a gust of wind. Even Mr. Feng felt that this person's movement speed was almost the same as that of Shen Fengdao. .

When did the Taiyin Sect have such an amazingly talented young junior?The murderous intent on Mr. Feng's face is fleeting. If this young man who is too evil is not wiped out today, it will become a serious problem in time.

Except for Mr. Feng, Qing Mo and others beside him had the same idea.

"Want to kill me? You're not good enough!"

Luo Tian laughed loudly, the inexplicable power in the depths of the soul suddenly shot out from the soul, turning into a very faint golden light.In the golden light, there seemed to be an extremely delicate and complicated spell shining.

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