
Chapter 283 What are you?


It was just a series of pleasant laughter, all the bloody men in the whole passage who dared to attack the flower goblin immediately withered more than half, and most of the rest were full of anger and powerless, and fled in embarrassment.

Luo Tian Yuanshen numbed very slightly, and the mana in his body circulated slightly, and then sent a voice to Sha Sheng and the Zheng brothers, "Be careful, this is the charm of the flower fairy. Hua Shendao, hmph, it is really extraordinary."

The entire passage is extremely long and far-reaching, and the wide passage is filled with colorful halos, leading to a deep and distant place.

The four of Luo Tian belonged to the last group of people who entered the passage, and apart from dealing with some unsightly guys along the way, they were also unimpeded.But now I met a flower fairy.Everyone was also extremely puzzled. With the cultivation of the flower fairy, I am afraid that she could have obtained the top [-] places in the channel, but why is she hanging behind slowly?

"Several, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Soon, the flower fairy gave the answer charmingly.

Luo Tian and Sha Sheng thoughtfully passed a tacit look. Since the two of them dared to enter this passage, they were fully sure that they could get the quota.What's more, Daqian Daqian and Wu Yi temporarily gave the two of them a messenger jade token, as long as they crush it, the two of them can break through the void and arrive in an instant. Langhua Qingyun, unless a monk in the distraction period came here, it would be really difficult to keep Luo Tian.

It's just that with the growth of Luo Tian's cultivation now, his state of mind and vision are already extremely high, and he is in a calm mood.Right to look at the variety of living beings.

"Why the third child? Playing with her?" Sha Sheng smiled, and then sent a voice transmission to Luo Tian.Although Sha Sheng is also very afraid of flower fairies, but not to the point of fear.What's more, there is a third child who is like a monster by his side, so he would be happy to see the third child compete with the flower fairy.

Luo Tian rolled his eyes upon hearing this, but did not speak.

"Hua... Miss Hua, what are you waiting for us?"

The Zheng brothers looked at the flower fairies bitterly. The two brothers were full of confidence in bullying other people. Bullying the flower fairies was indeed a bit timid.

After all, the flower fairy is a flower fairy, and she is also a person who has experienced countless turmoil. Compared with the uneasiness of the Zheng brothers, she is more interested in the treacherous brother behind the Zheng brothers. Slightly upturned.

"Of course I'm waiting for my partner." The flower fairy chuckled lightly, frowning and smiling with infinite charm.

"Not interested in."

Luo Tian said lightly, and kicked the Zheng brothers staggeringly, "Go ahead."

Luo Tian is such a person, he doesn't speak dark words in front of the wise, since the flower goblin has already sensed the unusualness, he doesn't have to continue to put on a pretense, and directly made his position clear.From Luo Tian's point of view, women are difficult to deal with, especially a lawless woman like the flower fairy, who can kill people no matter in bed or off, so it's better not to have any interaction with her.

"Hey, don't be so heartless, handsome boy. He has been waiting for you for a long time. If there is no credit, there will be hard work, and if there is no hard work, there will be fatigue, right?" A few days of people's plans.

"Young Master Luo, fuck her, fuck her!"

The Zheng brothers suddenly had no psychological burden, perhaps because they also knew that the target of the flower fairy was not themselves, and shouted with red eyes, lest the world would not be chaotic.

"Fuck your sister!"

Sha Sheng held one hand in each hand, and the two guys who hugged their necks were almost out of breath before letting go.

"My sister is only seven years old. Of course, as long as Young Master Luo doesn't mind, we have no objection here."

"..." Sha Sheng was directly defeated by the shameless Zheng brothers.

"Step aside."

Looking at the flower fairy who was getting closer and closer, Luo Tian instinctively sensed a hint of danger, gave a low drink, and then pushed towards the void with one hand, a light gray vortex column of wind flashed out of thin air, and swept towards the flower fairy go.

"My little brother is so cruel."

The flower fairy gave a strange cry, but a trace of solemnity and coldness flashed in her eyes, and immediately circles of petals on her body flew out abruptly, flying towards the light gray vortex wind column, and those petals were quickly connected into a The ropes of petals surrounded it in an enveloping gesture.

Crack cack.

The moment the petal rope approached the light gray vortex column, it was swallowed by an invisible and inexplicable domineering force, making a crisp sound, and immediately the petal ropes burst, and the light gray vortex column swallowed it. After the petal rope, it seemed that the range expanded a lot at once, gradually spreading towards the surroundings, and the void in the passage twisted continuously, which was extremely frightening.

In the end, after taking a few steps back, the flower fairy looked at Luo Tian and the others who had disappeared long ago with horror on her face, and murmured, "What kind of skill is this that possesses such overwhelming power?"

After finishing speaking, the flower fairy stomped her feet, gritted her silver teeth and shot out towards the void in front of her.

"It's not that easy to get rid of my old lady."


"No. 30 nine."

The Zheng brothers screamed, looking at the monk who was defeated by the two of them in name but in fact with the help of the supernatural powers of the two macho men behind him, they still had an uncontrollable sense of pride in their hearts.No matter what, it's finally a cool time, isn't it.

Seeing this situation, not only did Luo Tian and Sha Sheng not relax, but their expressions became more solemn.

"Third, did you find out?"

Luo Tian nodded and said, "I've noticed it a long time ago. We've come all the way, and there are more and more monks in front of us. It seems that the scene we expected has finally appeared. Let's go and see who is the expert. "

"Luo Tian!"

A shout came from the depths of the colorful tunnel, and then a light and shadow quickly appeared in front of Luo Tian. The closer it was, the more terrifying the temperature in the space.

Another monk from the Fire Demon Palace.

Luo Tian stretched out his spiritual sense, and felt that there was no one else within ten miles around, his eyes turned cold, and he took a step forward, and his whole body immediately met the person who came.He and the Fire Demon Palace had formed a relationship long ago in the sea of ​​​​red flames and blood, and now the other party is even more persistent, so he doesn't have to be too merciful.

Punch out.

Luo Tian only used one punch, and countless entangled light gray whirlpools the size of a millstone appeared in front of him, engulfing the menacing Fire Demon Palace disciple, and before the Fire Demon Palace cultivator had time to exert his strength, Then he shook his hand and threw out a dark yellow lightsaber, directly shooting in through the vortex group, directly strangling the cultivator of the Fire Demon Palace and destroying him physically and spiritually.

Seeing this, the Zheng brothers couldn't help but secretly swallowed their saliva, and looked at each other. They felt that the man just now was a peak cultivator in the middle of the alchemy stage, but he didn't even hold on to a single move in front of Luo Tian. Heaven-defying cultivation?

"Should I come out by myself, or let me ask you to come out?"

Luo Tian looked indifferently at a space and said softly.

"Hehe, this Taoist friend has a strong cultivation." A loud laugh came, and immediately, the void in front of him twisted for a while, and then seven or eight monks in yellow clothes appeared.The headed monk in yellow held a folding fan, with a fair face and a smile on his face.

"People from Liuli Island?" Sha Sheng's brows were filled with evil spirit.

The Zheng brothers were already explaining to Luo Tian the origins of these yellow-clothed monks.

"I didn't expect that the Xuanyin Demon Monarch and the Cancer Demon Monarch who have gained fame recently also know the place of my origin. It's a great honor." The leader of the yellow-clothed monk smiled and cupped his hands, harmless to humans and animals.

"Is something wrong?"

Luo Tian asked indifferently.

"I'm not talented, but I'm willing to form a temporary alliance with others to fight against others. I wonder how many of you can agree?"

"What are you? Are you worthy of an alliance with the two demon kings?"

Suddenly, there was another gloomy scream in the void, which was extremely uncomfortable to hear, and made people feel dizzy.

ps: If there are few updates recently, please don’t worry, it’s because I’m busy with papers.Don't worry, the owed chapters will definitely be repaid.

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