
Chapter 289

For a time, three rolling characters in a row seemed like thunder in the void, followed by countless lightning snakes filling the void. These lightning snakes could not stop at all, and it was unknown when they appeared , filled the entire void, and attacked all monks indiscriminately.



A series of bucket-like purple thunderbolts fell from the sky, extremely dazzling, dividing the void into pieces of irregular shapes.The place where the most conspicuous and seemingly most powerful purple lightning strikes is the place where the crowd is densest.

And the monks in the crowd all changed their faces to drive the magic weapons to avoid or counterattack. Those magic weapons seemed to be at least mid-level weapons, but as soon as they came into contact with the purple thunder and lightning, those magic weapons were bombarded by the light of the thunder and lightning. Dim, a crumbling feeling in the air.Some monks were driven by the magic weapon of the primordial spirit. Under the fierce attack of the purple thunder and lightning, they were directly traumatized and vomited blood.

Luo Tian, ​​Sha Sheng and the others had already made preparations. Seeing the thunder and lightning suddenly falling from the sky, although they were secretly startled, they still retreated back without panic.The place where they were originally was at the back, plus Luo Tian and the others were of extraordinary cultivation, and the focus of Lei Dian's care was not on them, so, with only flashes of precious light on their bodies, they easily flew away from the thunder light.

Luo Tian is probably the most relaxed guy among the few. He looked at the thunder and lightning falling from the sky with his expression unchanged. The space around him seemed to be slightly distorted, and the lightning and lightning slid away from him one after another. , had no effect on him at all.

At the same time, Luo Tian moved his lips up and down in the midst of his violent retreat, as if he was transmitting a sound to someone, then he moved horizontally, and after turning a corner, Luo Tian opened his hand slightly, and flitted toward the void. Grabbing, Fu Shaoyuan, who was dressed in black, staggered out of the void in some embarrassment.

"Luo Tian, ​​what do you mean?" Fu Shaoyuan was using a secret technique to temporarily hide in a safe void, but he didn't expect to be caught by someone, how could he not be angry.

Luo Tian laughed softly: "Anyway, you are also a member of my Demon League. How can you, a master like you, easily hide in the dark and watch a good show without exerting any effort?"

"You..." Fu Shaoyuan's mouth moved, and then he yelled: "Could it be that you want to start a war with me?"

Luo Tian twitched his right hand lightly in front of him, and a yellow flame suddenly appeared on his fingertips, as if a brisk elf was jumping and dancing. There are three paths to choose from."

"Hmph! I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!" Fu Shaoyuan snorted coldly, "Do you think how many allies of the Demon League are still behind you? It's ridiculous!"

As strong as Fu Shaoyuan, he didn't want to start a full-scale war with Luo Tian at this time, because he couldn't bear the consequences.He still has more important things to do, at least, he can't be injured right now.

"Fuck you!" Two uniform shouts came, and the Zheng brothers appeared in front of the two in a little embarrassment, jumping and cursing, "Fu Shaoyuan, we still haven't rebelled! Open your eyes Eyes see clearly!"

"Hehe, my concubine did not betray me. Thank you." With a delicate smile, the flower fairy appeared leisurely.

"Neither do we!"

Then, several ugly men from Tianyinmen appeared in front of Luo Tian in unison.

"Since you didn't rebel, I'm still a member of the Demon League." Fu Shaoyuan shrugged freely, "At least for the time being."


In the next second, Fu Shaoyuan's complexion changed and he was about to cast a spell to move away, but he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder in an instant, and then took a few big steps back.

"You actually broke my left shoulder?" In Fu Shaoyuan's eyes, a pair of silver halos flashed away, but his voice was unprecedentedly calm, with no sign of happiness or anger.

"For you, it's just something that can be recovered in a moment." Luo Tian stood up and said indifferently, "There must be no one who breaks the rules and goes unpunished. Then my Magic League and those rotten alliances What's the difference? Also, if you're really not convinced, just let it go. But next time, I won't be merciful."

"you are vicious."

Fu Shaoyuan forced himself to suppress the anger in his heart, and said bitterly.

"Next, let's lay out the tactics first. Don't worry, the people of Lei Island, leave it to me."

The next moment, everyone, including Sha Sheng, was shocked by Luo Tian's shocking words.


call out!

A white light and shadow kept shuttling in the air like a dreamy phantom, and a brilliant golden light kept following behind him, and the distance between the two could not be enlarged in a short time.

"Just here."

The white light and shadow sighed secretly, then turned around and stepped on the void, calm and serene.

"Hehe, this friend is so handsome."

Soon, the brilliant golden light stretched and stagnated in the void, and a sallow-faced young man appeared. The young man was dressed in strange ancient styles, with a high crown on his head, sitting cross-legged on a four-winged golden toad, His expression was grim.Behind him, there are still two middle-aged men with gloomy faces, hunched over and drooping brows, but the palms look strangely huge and a bit weird.

The white light and shadow was Luo Tian, ​​and Luo Tian led the three people from Lei Island to a secluded place by himself, just to delay enough time.

"Young master, this man's mana is obscure, and the two old slaves are unable to see the root of it, so they cannot keep it."

The young man chuckled, shook his hand faintly, but stared directly at Luo Tian, ​​"This time you two have to make a move, and finally found a prey that interests me, let's play with him."

After Luo Tian heard the young man's words, he didn't make any gestures, and his face didn't change a bit. It took a long time before he said: "People from Lei Island. Now it seems that they are just bullying people. If you want to come, hurry up, my master. There are too many tedious things, and I don’t have time to fool around with you.”

"You don't need to be aggressive." The young man seemed to be able to read people's hearts, "I said not to let them do it, it's useless if the king of heaven comes."

The words were full of unparalleled arrogance and arrogance.

"Then make gestures." Luo Tian stretched out his hand to tear at the void in front of him, and a dark space portal appeared directly, "Do you have the guts to accompany me to walk in the turbulent flow of space?"

"Why not." The young man clapped his palms and laughed loudly, even the Four-winged Golden Toad under his seat let out a mouthful of dirty air happily and made a chi-chi sound.

"As long as you can block my three moves, the entrance quota will be handed over to you." The sallow young man looked thin, but he had great confidence. He slapped his palm against the void, and the four-winged golden toad under him let out a long cry, and then flew fast. Enter the space portal.

"You two, watch closely, don't let other people disturb us." When he was about to disappear into the space portal, the sallow youth lightly warned.


The two middle-aged men with huge palms responded respectfully, and then surrounded Luo Tian in a closed posture.

"Don't worry, this young master keeps his word." Luo Tian chuckled and stepped into the space portal.

ps: If there is no update on the same day in the future, if there is no accident, it will be added in the next few days.There is another chapter today. Recently, my life schedule is extremely disordered.

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