
Chapter 291 Gathering Geniuses, Half-Crazy Luo Tian

Lei Fengtu, the heir of ancient Taoism.

This is the super treatment that Luo Tian and the sallow youth have just enjoyed without losing three strokes. If it were someone else, Lei Fengtu might not even take a look at him, he is really extremely arrogant.Those who are not qualified to be his opponent are not qualified to know the name Lei Fengtu.

Out of the corner of Luo Tian's eyes, Lei Fengtu caught sight of Lei Fengtu. Lei Fengtu seemed to have a smile on his face, but he couldn't tell what the intention was, which made Luo Tian slander, thinking that this terrifying guy should not bother him. It's better to be on your own, and smiled in the same way, and then Luo Tian smiled very naturally, then turned his head and walked back into the room, his back covered in cold sweat.

"Why did that guy come here too? Grandma's leg!" Sha Sheng thumped the table with a painful expression, and felt uncomfortable every time he saw him.

Taking a sip of his tea, Luo Tian couldn't help but smiled wryly and said, "How would I know, this guy is really lingering. Moreover, this guy seems to have spiritual eyes too."

Hearing this, Sha Sheng said angrily: "Nonsense, the descendants of the ancient Lei Island's direct descendants are all born with thunder eyes, which can not only see through illusions, but also have the effect of confusing the mind. To be honest, the third child, his spiritual eyes are better than yours. His spiritual eyes are much stronger."

"Damn it. Boss Sha, we don't want to beat our own people like this!"


In the next few days, Luo Tian released his Yuanshen with all his strength, and carefully searched the surrounding area of ​​more than ten miles. The courtyard they lived in belonged to the northwest corner of the Silver Shark guest room group, but the people who lived near this corner recently There are not many people, only about thirty people.

On the second day, Luo Tian went to meditate in the gazebo next to the small lake in the courtyard early in the morning, looking upright and not afraid of prying eyes.In fact, from yesterday to now, Luo Tian has already noticed at least thirty divine senses sweeping across the courtyard where he lives.

Taking advantage of his spare time in meditation, Luo Tian cautiously scanned the perfect spaces observed yesterday, but this time he found nothing.For some reason, the few perfect spaces that were extremely difficult to find that he detected yesterday with his spiritual eyes and his spiritual sense disappeared strangely.


Tuk Tuk Tuk.

At this time, there was a rhythmic knock on the door, which was just right.

Luo Tian's overall posture didn't seem to change at all, but the next moment he seemed to reach the door in an instant, and then opened the door with a solemn expression.

Of course, Luo Tianxia's immediate expression was extremely pleasantly surprised.

"It turned out to be Brother Lei, please come in!"

Lei Fengtu's smile seemed to be more fake than Luo Tian's, and his face was full of the expression of meeting an old friend by chance, "Haha, Brother Luo, I didn't expect it to be you. I knocked on the door a few times, and met you unexpectedly, it is better to meet you by chance, how about a few drinks for us brothers?"

A pair of hypocritical guys, at this moment, someone in a red robe kept muttering.These two guys were beaten to death yesterday, but today they have been upgraded to the level of brothers. They are really disgusting people, disgusting...

When the silhouettes of the two with their shoulders crossed disappeared, a smile appeared on the corner of Sha Sheng's mouth, and then he quietly crushed a magic talisman, and his figure disappeared in place in an instant.


"Lei Fengtu, if you have something to say, just tell me, you're embarrassing me."

Originally, Luo Tian thought that his drinking capacity was already a rare match in the world. Of course, drinking does not need to deliberately use mana to force the alcohol, but it is such a head-on drink, Luo Tian finds that he is a bit weaker than the sallow-faced sick man in front of him. …

Cursing secretly at the beast, Luo Tian finally began to use his method of distracting attention quietly.

"It's all right, brother Luo, let's finish this glass first." Lei Fengtu continued to toast Luo Tian with a bewildered look.


Luo Tian couldn't bear the dizziness from the alcohol, and a water arrow shot out straight towards Lei Fengtu.

"It's okay."

Lei Fengtu finally showed a slightly panicked look in front of Luo Tian for the first time, tilted his body to the side, and waved his hands.

The two middle-aged men who appeared next to Lei Fengtu almost like ghosts glared at Luo Tian. Both of them stretched out their big hands, apparently wanting to teach Luo Tian a lesson.

"Accident, this is definitely an accident."

For some reason, Luo Tian felt inexplicable horror when he saw these two strange uncles with huge palms, so he could only smile sarcastically.

"Back off, you don't need to be so cautious and sensitive when you're with Brother Luo." Although Lei Fengtu's voice was soft, there was an indescribable majesty, and the two middle-aged men retreated without saying a word, Luo Tian didn't even have the slightest feeling of his current Yuanshen cultivation.

"Brother Lei, Brother Lei!" Seeing that Lei Fengtu started pouring wine again, Luo Tian couldn't help feeling a little broken, and hurriedly shouted.

"Brother Luo's address from the heart, I like it very much."

Luo Tian: "..."


In the end, Lei Fengtu finally spared Luo Tian, ​​who was almost half-crazy, and finally stopped continuing the big bowl of dry wine.But when Luo Tian lightly got up and was about to say goodbye, Lei Fengtu suddenly called out to Luo Tian seriously.

"Brother Luo, do you know that all five hundred people from the five channels have appeared?"

"I don't know." Luo Tian suddenly became more alert for no reason.

"You must know that this time the three princesses of the Silver Shark Clan are recruiting relatives, and there are almost all talented young masters in the entire Tianxinghai whether it is open or in the dark. Isn't there any pressure on Brother Luo?"

"I would rather face them than face you..." Luo Tian muttered.

"What did Brother Luo say?"


"Oh, by the way, Brother Luo, Brother Wei suddenly wants to meet these five hundred young geniuses. I wonder if Brother Luo would like to accompany Brother Wei?"

"I do not…"

"Brother Wei knows that you will not leave Brother Wei alone..."

"... "

After getting along with Lei Fengtu, Luo Tian finally understood a truth.His own face, which was as thick as a city wall, was in front of his face, which was at least half the thickness of the sky.


Lei Fengtu half-pushed and half-dragged Luo Tian to choose a courtyard at random, then kicked the gate open with a flying kick, and the two copper rings on the door rattled repeatedly.

"Who is so unruly?!"

There was a cry of shock and anger, and then a tall man in black armor rushed out, his face was full of flesh, and he looked menacing.

"Not me."

Luo Tian reacted very quickly, and waved his hand with a smile on his face.As a result, he just turned his head halfway, and found that Lei Fengtu behind him was foaming at the mouth. People who didn't know the inside story thought he was dying.

I'm stupid!You are ruthless!

Next, before Luo Tian continued to pretend to be stupid, the huge man with a face full of flesh swung his fist the size of a sand bowl and smashed it down. When the fist was smashed in the air, Luo Tian felt that the ground under his feet had begun to shake. Trembling and shaking.

A master who is proficient in earth system Taoism!

Luo Tian's pupils shrank, it seemed that this time he really answered the words of that bitch Lei Fengtu, this time the Silver Shark Clan really gathered together geniuses.

ps: Let me tell you in advance that I will help the leader move tomorrow, so there will be no internet updates.Then if I go back to school on Sunday, I will update these two days on Sunday. If there is no update on Sunday, at least three chapters will be updated on Monday.

ps2: After all the papers are finished next week, I will start paying off the debt.

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