
Chapter 294


Looking at the halo of the colorful battle suit on Luo Tian's body, most people would think it was teleportation. In fact, not to mention that Luo Tian is only at the peak cultivation level in the early Yuanying stage, even the monks in the out-of-body stage and the distraction stage are probably both. Impossible to teleport, teleport, that is a supernatural power that can only be displayed by ascending to the immortal tower and becoming a fairy.On the other hand, Luo Tian also practiced several kinds of kung fu, and fused several kinds of kung fu into one place. When he was in the Yuhuachi of Bodhi Mountain, he initially fused three kinds of peerless miraculous kung fu. Now after such a long time of tempering, The new kung fu fused by Luo Tian has achieved some success, and after the small success, Luo Tian discovered that besides the Subduing Demon Ganghuo, he has an extra supernatural power, which is the seven-colored battle that can be condensed in an instant. Clothes, this colorful battle suit wraps around his body like colorful clouds, and he doesn't feel any pressure at all, but in the clouds, Luo Tian has the supernatural power that can teleport, and the defense of this colorful battle suit is also extremely frightening , although Luo Tian has not yet encountered a master monk who can force him to display the seven-colored battle suit, but he can vaguely feel the unusualness of the seven-colored battle suit.

However, since ancient times, there are advantages and disadvantages. With Luo Tian's current cultivation base, he can use the colorful battle clothes for at most fifteen minutes. Mana is also difficult to support the astonishing consumption of the colorful battle suit.This is only related to whether the mana is deep or not, and has nothing to do with the primordial spirit.


Luo Tian's speed was getting faster and faster. In the end, he almost didn't even show his shadow. He just felt a breeze blowing in the air, and Luo Tian's figure had already gone out a hundred feet. With Luo Tian's current understanding of the colorful battle suit, at most Can only teleport a distance of hundreds of feet.However, in a battle between monks, let alone a distance of hundreds of feet, sometimes even a distance of one foot and one inch can determine the winner in an instant.

"Huh? There seemed to be someone there just now."

At this time, the six standing straight silver shark clan guards with guns rubbed their eyes in disbelief, but after Yuanshen quickly poked out, he found that there was nothing in front of him.

"Damn it!" Another guard yawned, but his energy was high, "We'd better concentrate, so as not to be mixed into the bedroom of the three princesses by some people. It’s not worth mentioning, but at least we must fulfill our responsibilities, lest the higher-ups blame us, and no one will be able to shirk the blame!”

"That's right." The other guards echoed, their exhausted bodies instantly revived, and if outsiders saw it, they would lament how strict the rules of the Silver Shark Clan were.

Carefully restraining his spiritual sense, Luo Tian only dared to release his spiritual sense to investigate within a radius of four or five feet. He was afraid that the masters of the Silver Shark Clan would notice if his divine sense was released, but it was precisely this way that Luo Tian escaped.

You know, the patriarch of the Silver Shark Clan has no children, only three precious daughters who are afraid of being melted in his mouth. This time, he has spent a lot of money to invite relatives publicly, and the defense of the three princesses' palaces is temporary. It has become the most guarded place of the Silver Shark Clan.It can be said that there are three steps and one post, five steps and one sentry, the entire periphery of the palace is almost constantly flowing, either openly or secretly, countless masters are lurking.

Like a sneaky flower picker, Luo Tian cautiously walked around a corner, then suddenly his expression changed slightly, and he dodged into a shadow, using the Five Elements Teleportation Technique with all his strength, and quietly hid himself.

With a sound of wave, a thoughtful figure flashed past, but after a few pauses, he quietly disappeared with a doubtful sigh.

Luo Tian, ​​who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help but licked his lips lightly, his forehead was almost sweating, the defense of the Silver Sharks this time was too troublesome.Just now that person Luo Tian noticed that at least he had the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul stage, and even such great masters acted as guards, which would kill him.

Sure enough, Luo Tian, ​​who was hiding in the shadows, waited quietly, not in a hurry, and soon, the figure just turned back again.Ordinary monks trust their own intuition very much, they will not give up just once, and they often come to a conclusion after being extremely suspicious and confirming again and again.

Luo Tian waited for the figure to disappear again and sipped a cup of tea, then turned his heart away, the colorful halo on his body flashed very faintly, and then went out for a hundred feet in an instant. The moment he landed, there was a flower bush, a There are countless exotic flowers and plants in this flower bed, full of pungent aroma.


Luo Tian couldn't help but took a deep breath, his luck was really good this time, and he was almost about to touch the formation mechanism.Fortunately, under the influence of everyone in the formation of Sha Sheng, Luo Tian now has a lot of knowledge about the formation, and he quickly sees that this formation is not some strange and dangerous formation, but just a few ordinary formations. It's just that the investigative formations were circled together, and now they took a step carefully and moved quickly.

Generally speaking, if it weren't for the complicated formation, there would be no one guarding the eyes of the formation.It took Luo Tian less than half an hour to get out of the strange formation this time, and when he looked up, he could vaguely see the princess' bedroom more than a thousand feet away.At first, Luo Tian wasn't completely sure that it was the princess bedroom where Bai Yan'er was staying, but after a few traces of divine sense, he found that the guards here were unprecedentedly strict, so he made a decision.

After a while, Luo Tian finally stood dangerously outside the princess' bedroom for the time being, already dripping with cold sweat, the strength of the guards was really terrifying.Looking at the great opportunity in front of him to enter the princess' bedroom with only one teleportation, Luo Tian hesitated. If he teleported into the bedroom, there are countless hidden guards in the bedroom, then things will be a bit big, Luo Tian Tian Dou is fierce, but even a good tiger can't hold back a pack of wolves. There are thousands of guards from the Silver Shark Clan. Luo Tian thinks that he can only lose if he fights against them.

It took the longest time this time, and it took half an hour before Luo Tian successfully sent a trace of consciousness into a space where the guards were the most lax in the princess' bedroom. Maid, there are only three most powerful auras, and it seems that they are the three princesses.

Seizing the moment when the guard turned around, Luo Tian exerted all his strength at this moment, and with an extremely fast teleportation, he sneaked into the princess' bedroom without any danger.What made Luo Tian a little speechless was that he misidentified the wrong direction and sneaked directly into the boudoir of a princess. He couldn't help looking at the familiar face who turned around quickly with bitterness on his face.

"Who are you? What's the matter with my Silver Shark Clan?"

Fortunately, now that Luo Tian is afraid of being recognized before going out, he has restored Han Yi's appearance and clothes.What surprised him was that the princess he met in front of him was the eldest princess of the Silver Shark Clan, Bai Yan, whom he had met once.

"Princess, don't panic, I'm here to find Yan'er." Luo Tian said in a low voice with a bitter face.

"Oh, you actually know me?" Bai Yan frowned, "I won't call anyone here for the time being, my little sister will come over later, and if you're lying, you'll know it once you try."

This white smoke is really a woman who does not give in to a woman, Luo Tian sneaked into her boudoir, she did not panic at all, but was extremely calm.

Sure enough, after a while, Bai Yan'er's voice came from outside, "Elder sister, younger sister is here."

Pushing the door and entering, Bai Yan'er saw Luo Tian at a glance, she was shocked immediately, and then gritted her teeth fiercely: "I didn't expect it to be you, Han Yi, where are you going to escape this time?!"

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