
Chapter 298

Cursing the two sluts in his heart, Luo Tian stepped on the teleportation array leading to the east while everyone was dumbfounded.

The monks behind them could hardly help moaning, these four guys are simply not human...

Of course, compared to the previous monks who have been teleported away, these latter monks are really advancing or retreating, and they all scold Luo Tian, ​​Sha Sheng, Lei Fengtu and Huo Yunye in their hearts. The shameless guy actually occupied one direction by himself, it was like keeping the posture of a pot.

"It's not that easy to take us all together!"

All of a sudden, the hundred or so monks behind were all filled with righteous indignation, and then rushed directly to the east where Luo Tian was located under the puzzled eyes of the silver shark guards.Just because the other three people are really famous for killing, many monks were killed by Sha Sheng, Lei Fengtu and Huo Yunye when passing through the first passage, but Luo Tian only made a few shots. And the targets of those shots were either completely wiped out or had the shameless intention of letting others suffer for the last time. Therefore, Luo Tian became the soft persimmon among the four.

"Why are there more and more people?"

Luo Tian leaned on a large stone pillar with his hands folded. At the beginning, there were very few monks who came to the east, and Luo Tian watched coldly. Anyway, for him now, it is easy to get the moon silver stone. He is now in What is considered is how to charge more for the star stone that day.But then there were nearly [-] monks who rushed in, Rao Yi Luotian's concentration could not help but frown, I have to say, although these monks are fighting alone, almost no one is against Luo Tian under his full strength If the three-in-one enemy comes forward in one breath, even Luo Tian will choose to avoid it for the time being.

Next, Luo Tian's eyes turned cold.

It turned out that almost all the monks who came in looked at Luo Tian with hostility and sarcasm.

Against me?

Luo Tian sneered in his heart, if you are not afraid of death, just come.

Soon, within half an hour, there was a faint tremor in the trial space, and then a space portal slowly opened. Luo Tian saw at a glance that this was not the so-called space portal, but the image caused by the space formation .Speaking of which, apart from the ancient Six Great Ways and the ancient Four Great Ways, Luo Tian really didn't believe that there was another force in this world that could open up a truly independent small space.


The moment the portal opened, some monks rushed in impatiently, and their figures disappeared quickly.

"Come on!"

What made everyone very depressed was that Luo Tian was one of them.The position he was in before was at the end, but Luo Tian moved extremely fast.

Next, 200 people scrambled into the portal one after another. After Guanghua flashed wildly, tranquility was quickly restored.This strange situation happened in the four gates respectively, which made the guards of the Silver Shark Clan bewildered. They wondered if this group of genius monks were all deluded by lard. They really thought that there were countless magic treasures of spirit stones inside. ?

"Where's Luo Tian?"

"That guy slipped so fast that I didn't have a chance to show off my skills."

"It doesn't make sense."

"It's too shameless!"

"It's okay to ignore this kind of clown who ran away."

Just as many monks glanced at me proudly, in front of the trial space, in a dense forest outside the Grand Canyon, Luo Tian sneered all over his face, wanting to give the young master a blow, are you not qualified?

"You idiots, my master is waiting for you in front, hurry up, you won't be able to ravage me if you slow down!" Luo Tian's voice sounded like thunder in the east of the trial space, and in an instant, Sha Sheng, Lei Fengtu and Huo Yunye couldn't help but Qiqi looked towards the east. They immediately felt Luo Tian's soaring aura, and couldn't help but smile on his face. This guy finally started to get real.

"Ah! That bastard is ahead, go, go and kill him!"

"kill him!"

More than 100 monks flew towards the place where Luo Tian made his voice. Of course, there were dozens of monks who kept an eye on them and quietly headed towards the middle. After all, as long as the moon silver stone is in hand, who would be stupid? Do you want to find trouble with Luo Tian, ​​the evil star?It seems that those idiots rushing over still haven't heard of the famous name of Demon Lord Xuanyin.

"Ah, there is an ambush!"

Boom boom boom!

These more than 100 monks quickly found where Luo Tian was based on their spiritual sense, but what greeted them next was a series of formations. Although these formations could not kill the more than 100 monks, they gave everyone It's still possible to cause trouble.

With a smile on Luo Tian's mouth, Xiao Hei, who was lying on his shoulder with an excited expression, reached out and grabbed Xuanji Yugui and Fen Baoyan in the void, and the next moment Xuanji Yugui Gui's dark yellow light and Fen Baoyan's thunder and fire, together with Xiao Hei's figure like a black phantom, directly crashed into the crowd. One was caught off guard, and the other was well prepared. As high-strength, almost all of them were above the alchemy stage, and Luo Tian and Xiao Hei killed seven or eight of them in an instant.

Retreat with one hit.

As soon as Luo Tian and Xiao Hei succeeded in the blow, they moved towards another direction very skillfully, but there were a lot of Qiankun bags in their hands.Luo Tian secretly thought of Monk Mingyue, who was the one who taught him how to cheat, but now it seems that this is really a way to get rich quickly.

"Junior brother, I want to avenge you!"

"Brother, why did you get killed by this guy?"

Many red-eyed monks couldn't help shouting angrily, and then chased after Luo Tian with red eyes.It's just that you don't know if you don't chase, and you are startled when you chase.Luo Tian used his teleportation supernatural power, how can they catch up with that speed?

After a long time, there were less than [-] monks chasing Luo Tian. These [-] monks either had a deep hatred with Luo Tian, ​​or they were self-reliant.It has to be said that the combination of Luo Tian and Xiao Hei is too terrifying. In just half a day, the two of them killed forty or fifty monks, all of them completely destroyed.The ruthlessness of the attack was simply much higher than that of Sha Sheng and the others.

"Third brother, be careful!"

As he gradually approached the gate of the central area of ​​the trial space, Luo Tian suddenly received Sha Sheng's mind transmission, and then felt a chill in his body, and countless flying snowflakes suddenly appeared in the air. These snowflakes did not fall to the ground, but instead It is constantly hovering and converging in the air.

Then, making Luo Tian's eyes tear open, a bright red figure directly stopped in front of Luo Tian, ​​wrapped in countless snowflakes, and then the wishful barrier on Sha Sheng's body was quickly wrapped, but still did not block the snowflake's attack, The left arm broke immediately, and then exploded into a cloud of blood.

In the end, Sha Sheng's whole body was completely covered by snowflakes, no matter how Luo Tian used his Taoism and magical powers, he couldn't blast away the seemingly thin snowflake barrier in a short time.

"Blast me!"

Sha Sheng yelled angrily, and then exploded his body, finally opened a hole in the snow, and then Luo Tian stretched out his hand to close it, and instantly sent Sha Sheng into the black lotus space.

"The people in the snowy land, yes, very nice." Luo Tian laughed lowly, and then a flame imprint quietly appeared on his forehead, his eyes were green and radiant, his hair fell down all of a sudden, and he flew high, "Three The Nascent Soul Stage monks teamed up to perform the secret technique, you must have conspired a long time ago? Unfortunately, Boss Sha lost his body in order to save me. You, use your life to pay for it!"

Luo Tian, ​​who had never been angry before, for the first time, finally ran away in order to save his Sha Sheng!

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