
Chapter 332


A gust of wind suddenly blew up above a certain sea area of ​​the Cancer Clan. After the gust passed, a blue light burst out, and then a space gap suddenly appeared in the void. After the space gap overflowed with green light, it finally closed slowly.

"finally reached."

Luo Tian smiled lightly, looked at Bai Yan'er who was full of curiosity, and couldn't help but smile.

"Hey, it turns out that the Cancer family also looks like this, and it's not much different from the Silver Shark family." Bai Yaner looked at it for a while, and said involuntarily.

"Sea areas are generally like this." Luo Tian said helplessly, and immediately his spiritual consciousness came out, covering a radius of more than ten miles.

The place where the two are located should be the core area of ​​the Cancer clan that Sha Sheng mentioned. There will definitely be cancer masters hiding and patrolling secretly, so Luo Tian unabashedly releases his consciousness to attract the attention of the Cancer masters. , arousing their vigilance.

What Luo Tian didn't expect was that someone from the Cancer family was attracted, and he was an old acquaintance.

Of course, the person on the opposite side did not expect that the young man in front of him who was clearly a master of the Nascent Soul stage was Luo Tian.

He stared wide-eyed for a long time.

"Why... it's you?" The man opposite had a wry smile on his face, and his eyes were extremely horrified.

Luo Tian shrugged and smiled, "What a coincidence, Hei Er."

It turned out that the person from the Cancer family was the captain of the second division of the Cancer family's law enforcement team, the black second who had fought Luo Tian once.

"Aren't you in Sanyuan Island?"

"Yeah, yeah, I think the scenery of the Cancer Clan is pretty good, do you want to visit the Cancer Clan? By the way, Hei Er, is your patriarch back yet?"

"I..." Hei Er's eyes darkened, and he almost fainted. The scenery of the Cancer tribe is not bad?Go to the core area of ​​​​the Cancer family to see the scenery?I still need to find the patriarch, according to the fiery temper of the patriarch... Wait, is it the matter of the young patriarch?

"Hei Er, have you found out who it is?" At this moment, a dignified voice flashed in Hei Er's mind.

"Reporting to the patriarch, it's the young master's sworn brother Luo Tian." Naturally, Hei Er didn't dare to lie and answered truthfully.

"Oh, I'll go out and pick him up myself."


"What the hell are you doing?" Naturally, Luo Tian could see Hei Er's complexion changing one after another. With Luo Tian's current level of cultivation, he could only forcibly eavesdrop on the sound transmission of monks whose cultivation was below the alchemy stage, while Hei Er was the alchemist. Hei Er feels very good to Luo Tian, ​​and Luo Tian will not be too idle to inquire about other people's affairs. What he wants to do most now is to give him the second day in the Hei Lian space. Send away the two robbers who squandered the spiritual fluid pool.

"The patriarch welcomes you!"

Hei Er yelled loudly, and the monsters floating secretly on the surrounding sea sank back into the sea. They also felt Luo Tian's breath before, and knew that Luo Tian was a great monk. If it wasn't for orders, who would want to fight against such a master?

Whoa whoa whoa!

Pieces of sea water rose from the sea surface, forming a huge cocoon, and then the whole cocoon shot a wave of water straight from the center, and after the water wave rolled endlessly, it turned into a water bridge and spread out.

Then a middle-aged man in brocade clothes slowly appeared from the water bridge and walked towards Luotian step by step.Behind him were many murderous shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

"Restrain your breath, don't let the guests see the joke." The middle-aged man in Jinyi gave a low voice, and then squeezed out a few smiles on his face, "Is it Luo Tian boy?"

Luo Tian was taken aback for a moment, then thought of his relationship with Sha Sheng, nodded quickly and said, "It's the boy. This time the boy is here..."

"Needless to say, it's all that rebellious son." The middle-aged man in brocade clothes waved his hand, and his originally red and shiny face turned red a bit, almost turning into the color of the bottom of a pot, and then he sighed heavily He said, "Come in and talk."

Seeing this, Luo Tian didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly set foot on the water bridge with Bai Yan'er.

It's just that all the shrimp soldiers and crab generals next to her didn't have a good look at Bai Yan'er. After all, the second princess of the Silver Shark Clan rejected Sha Sheng's marriage, and almost the entire Tian Xinghai knew about it.

The bottom of the sea is grotesque, with countless fish and shrimps swimming around, which is very pleasant.There are also countless dark green aquatic plants and bright corals interspersed, which looks not much different from the core area of ​​the silver shark family.

Arriving at the main hall, as soon as Luo Tian sat down, he arranged a defensive magic circle and directly photographed Xiao Hei and Sha Sheng.

"Grandma's leg! Third, your brain is broken. Didn't my brother say that you don't want to get me out if there is nothing important... Huh? The scenery here is familiar? Ah! Third, hurry up and let me go back , why did you send me to the old man so quickly? My brother hasn't soaked enough..."

"Yes, master, I want to go back!" Xiao Hei also said with a resentful expression.

Luo Tian's face was full of righteousness, but he was unmoved.

"Beast!" The red-faced middle-aged man flicked his sleeves and yelled angrily, "Sha Sheng, you bastard...ah, you are trying to piss me off...I really want to give you to...ah...don't let me fuck you less Dim sum... you..."

"Sha Dahai, the patriarch of the Cancer Clan, really has such a bad temper." Bai Yaner murmured to Luo Tian via voice transmission.

"Say less." Luo Tian frowned. Sha Sheng is his good brother, and Sha Dahai is his elder. What's more, Sha Sheng even sacrificed his life to save his own life. Even Bai Yan'er can't say Half of the Cancer family is not.

"Understood." Bai Yaner looked terrified, because she saw the fleeting anger and disgust in Luo Tian's eyes just now, and she didn't dare to continue. Generally speaking, Bai Yaner is still a very traditional A woman, she will not let her husband bear the infamy of injustice.

"Patriarch Sha, you don't have to reprimand elder brother, this matter is my fault."

"I know!" Sha Dahai's face turned serious, "This matter is your fault, but as the young master of the Cancer clan, if he didn't even save his sworn brother, I would have slapped this bastard to death with my own hands! Cancer Although the people of the clan are domineering and arrogant, they have always been righteous!"

"Then big brother?" Luo Tian quickly winked at Sha Sheng.

"Old man...Father, my son has caused you to worry, and he deserves death." Sha Sheng has always known, always known, that his father has always been extremely strict with him, hating iron but not steel, but his doting on him has never stopped , His physical body was destroyed, and he was also very distressed, but he could only hold it in his heart and couldn't say it out.This is how my dad expresses his feelings.

"Not much to say." Sha Dahai sighed, "Father, I'm proud of you this time! Because you didn't embarrass my Cancer family!"

"Clan Chief Sha, that big brother's body..." Luo Tian quickly reminded.

"If you want to fuse the body of the powerful ancestors, you must dissolve the blood and plasticize the bones. Can you endure the pain that is more unbearable than the mountains of knives and seas of fire?" Sha Dahai shouted at Sha Sheng.

"Yes." Sha Sheng nodded immediately, because he wanted to eat and drink spicy food with Luo Tian, ​​so hurry up as soon as possible.


It was already three days after everything was ready, Luo Tian did not forget to kick Xiao Hei to Sha Sheng, after all, with Xiao Hei present, even if a tyrannical Yuanshen came, Xiao Hei could handle it.

Immediately, Luo Tian took Bai Yan'er back to Yuchi Island with peace of mind, and he wanted to retreat, to retreat to death.

ps: I had a meeting yesterday, I owe a chapter, I will remember it.These days are the National Defense Student Test and so on. I will pay off the debt as soon as possible and feel relaxed.This chapter is the last chapter of this volume, and tomorrow will be the next volume, Zong Tianxuan.

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