
Chapter 334 Yuyang Country, Poisonous Miasma City

To be honest, brothers Wu Ren and Wu Yi cannot be blamed for this incident. The two brothers have no accomplishments in formation, and Mrs. Wen and Daqian are also not good at formation. His accomplishments are not as good as Sha Sheng alone.Brothers Wu Ren and Wu Yi dared to restore the ancient teleportation formation because they had a fragmented atlas in their hands.

It was just an insignificant negligence, and Luo Tian's journey home might have changed.


Profound Sky Continent.

An inconspicuous corner in a city, this place seems to be a poor area of ​​the city, but it looks like spider silk dust is everywhere, as if no one has lived in it for a long time.Everything here is eerily quiet, except for the chirping of birds and the chirping of crickets from all around.

Whoa whoa whoa!

A wooden house made of pine wood collapsed without warning, and immediately dust flew everywhere, and a blue figure rushed out of the dust in embarrassment.

"Which shameless guy actually built the other end of the teleportation array underground?"

The cyan figure was Luo Tian. At this moment, Luo Tian was suspending in the air with a gloomy face. He couldn't help but look at the surrounding environment. At the same time, his spiritual consciousness surged out quickly, covering the city in almost one breath.

The scale of the city is neither big nor small, in Luo Tian's view, there are a few faint monk breaths in the city.Of course, to Luo Tian, ​​this faintness is still a superior existence to ordinary people.

"Huh? Four monks at the foundation stage and one monk at the alchemy stage. The mana in the alchemy stage cultivator's body is mixed and impure, and the foundation is unstable. It seems that he only made a breakthrough recently." Luo Tian thought for a moment, Then it turned into a ray of light and flew towards the outside of the city.

"Poisonous miasma?"

As soon as Luo Tian flew out of the city, he frowned slightly and looked at the colorful smoke outside the city, and then his heart moved, and he quickly lifted into the air, flew directly to the high altitude and looked down, he couldn't help being slightly stunned.


Rao Tian has experienced countless winds and rains, and has never seen such a large-scale painting in the secular world. I saw that the entire city with a radius of twenty miles was completely wrapped in colorful poisonous miasma, and no entry or exit was allowed. Near the poisonous miasma area, could it be that he swayed and fell to the ground, and then turned into a pool of blood after a while.

So vicious!

Luo Tian was secretly startled, who on earth had such a big resentment and wanted to kill the entire city.With Luo Tian's cultivation base, he originally wanted to leave as soon as possible, but Bai Shijie once told him that on the road of cultivation, don't just focus on the progress of cultivation base, but also accumulate some merits. too appalling.Just like Bai Shijie himself, he killed too much at the beginning, which caused him to summon a double catastrophe when he crossed the catastrophe. If he hadn't cultivated the Yuanshen silver beads, he might not be able to survive the catastrophe.

Therefore, Luo Tian decided to take a look at the situation, and if it wasn't too difficult to solve, he would be happy to accumulate such a great merit.

Thinking of this, Luo Tian restrained his spiritual sense, made a little identification of the direction, and landed directly at the gate of the largest house in the city. He changed himself, and Yi Rongsha covered his face, and directly transformed into a middle-aged scribe.

With a backhand shake, a gold-painted folding fan appeared in Luo Tian's hand, he couldn't open it, and he yelled casually: "Great catastrophe, great catastrophe."

"Hey, that scholar, stay away from here!"

Luo Tian approached the vermilion lacquer gate while talking, and the guard standing outside the gate shouted directly.

"I'm tired of working! How dare you even come to the City Lord's Mansion?"

Luo Tian turned his hand and grabbed it, and several silver ingots appeared out of thin air in the other palm behind his back. Then Luo Tian took out three sound transmission talismans, and silently recited the formula. The sound transmission talismans flashed and disappeared out of thin air.

"Brother, please inform the city lord that I have something important to discuss." Luo Tian smiled and threw the silver ingot in his hand.

Several guards were overjoyed when they saw this, and immediately took the silver ingot and put it in their arms, "I can inform you on your behalf, but I can't guarantee that the Lord City Lord will see you."

"Thank you."

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian paced back and forth at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, not in a hurry, neither fast nor slow, very leisurely and comfortable.

Whoosh whoosh!

Before the guard who went in to report came back, three lights and shadows galloped over the city lord's mansion. Just as the three lights fell, they saw Luo Tian, ​​and they all saluted with shock.

"Don't say anything, just go in and talk."

Luo Tian seemed to just flipped his sleeve casually, and then the three monks who were quite famous in the city felt that a high mountain was blocked in front of them, and they could no longer bow down.

So, before the notification came, Luo Tian swaggered into the city lord's mansion with three monks, while the guards who were teased by Luo Tian secretly using the five ghost transport technique to take the silver ingots were still standing there with their heads full. Foggy.

"Damn it, did we offend a big shot this time?"

"Shut up! I must go to the temple to offer incense and pray this time!"

After a while, Luo Tian entered the hall of the City Lord's Mansion with the three trembling foundation-building monks.

"Huh? Why do you three brothers have time to come here today?"

A rough man with beard and iron armor stood up and smiled quickly, but the melancholy in his eyes still did not escape Luo Tian's eyes.

"Brother Dao, this senior summoned the three of us!"

The only female monk among the three foundation-building monks looked at Luo Tian respectfully.

"I... have seen Senior before!"

The city lord bowed deeply to the end, "Liang Hui, the city lord of Nanming City in Yuyang Kingdom, welcomes senior. It's really splendid to see you here!"

"Stop talking nonsense." Luo Tian waved his hand and sat down unceremoniously, "Call out the man from the City Lord's Mansion."

A trace of surprise flashed across Liang Hui's face, and he was about to order someone to invite that old ancestor out.

"Haha, this Taoist friend has profound cultivation." A long laugh came, and then an old man with white beard and hair flashed in from outside the hall.

"Congratulations to senior Liang Tianming for advancing to the alchemy stage."

The three foundation-building stage cultivators quickly saluted, feeling astonished. Liang Tianming was still in the foundation-building stage Dzogchen cultivation two months ago, why did he advance to the alchemy stage after two months of absence?

"Based on you, you are also worthy of being called a fellow Taoist?" Luo Tian tapped his palm lightly with the folding fan in his hand, and casually glanced at Liang Tianming.

Liang Tianming only felt chills all over his body. The coercion brought by this kind of momentum was too strong, it was like a dragon staring at an ant.

Immediately, Liang Tianming saluted respectfully under the incredulous expressions of the four foundation-building monks, "I have seen you, senior."

The ranks in the world of cultivating immortals are so strict!The strong are respected!The weak have no right to speak at all!

Luo Tian waved his hand and said, "Tell me, why is Nanming City trapped by poisonous miasma?"

ps: Make up for the chapter owed on Tuesday.

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