
Chapter 336 The No. 1 Genius in Southern Border, Unstoppable!

The ghost-faced spider, so to speak, can be regarded as a monster on the rare book, although it is at the bottom of the list, but it can be listed in the rare book, which naturally has its unusual features.It is recorded in the rare book that the ghost-faced spider grows to the peak and can reach the sixth-level monster, and the special thing about the ghost-faced spider is that this monster cannot spin silk, but it is born with four poisonous glands in its body, which can spit out a steady stream of blood. The poisonous mist, the poisonous mist is extremely corrosive, no matter whether humans or animals get caught in it, even the primordial spirit may be completely corroded. Monster beasts, that is also not to be underestimated.

And the ghost-faced spider in front of him not only had a ghostly ugly face, but also had two rows of sharp fangs growing upside down on the lower jaw. At this moment, colorful venom was dripping from the fangs, emitting a foul smell.Under the huge body of two feet tall and five feet long, there are a total of sixteen hairy long legs with sharp claws.

"Wow, it's so scary and scary!"

Luo Tian couldn't help screaming when he saw it. It was obvious that this ghost-faced spider had reached the peak of the fifth-order monster. I believe that it would be difficult for an expert in the alchemy stage to come and get it in a short period of time.

Sang Yun, the blue-clothed old man, couldn't help but blush when he saw this, hum, so what if he has a high cultivation level, he knows how powerful the ghost-faced spider is, and Luo Tian just now showed that Luo Tian's primordial spirit has a very deep cultivation level, but the ghost-faced spider The spider has been drawn out by himself, and now it is just a walking corpse. He really doesn't believe that the ghost-faced spider's physical body can be tyrannical, and he can't do anything to the mysterious strong man in front of him.

In fact, after only a few breaths, the old man in blue, Sang Yun, was dumbfounded.

Luo Tian just pretended to be that way before, even Xiao Hei who was a dragon turtle couldn't stand Luo Tian's beating now, not to mention the ghost-faced spider who was several levels worse than the dragon turtle.

Luo Tian first popped a purple lotus flower with his fingers, and immediately sliced ​​off one arm of the Ghost Face Spider.

"Impossible!" Sang Yun, the old man in blue, roared, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying.

"It's still pretty solid."

Luo Tian was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that the ghost-faced spider's body was still so solid, and the purple lotus sword energy couldn't cut off the opponent's arm directly, so he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

That being the case, then I will add a fire.

After Luo Tian thought about it, he broke away from the golden light of Taiyi Jinmu Ruyi, and then flew towards the ghost-faced spider with his bare hands, as fast as lightning.

Click click!

Afterwards, it became Luo Tian's performance completely alone, only hearing the continuous sound of bones breaking, flying back to the original place with the old god Luo Tian on the ground.


A layer of blood mixed with poisonous mist and water exploded and fell directly from the air, corroding the ground into pitch black, obviously extremely toxic.

To tear apart monsters with bare hands? !

Everyone collapsed and looked at Luo Tian as if they were seeing a ghost in daylight. Although they didn't see exactly how Luo Tian made a move, it was obvious that Luo Tian didn't use any magic weapon.

Without using any magic weapon to assist, tearing a fifth-order peak monster into countless pieces with bare hands, is this **** human or not? !

"Hand over your eyes."

Luo Tian is too lazy to talk nonsense with Sang Yun, obviously his patience has reached its limit, no matter how flattering Luo Tian is, he doesn't mind using the soul search technique directly, anyway, at most it will take a little more time, after practicing the Xuanyin Supreme Dao Sutra, Luo Tian is probably the person with the highest level of cultivation of this scripture nowadays, and he no longer needs to worry about the backlash of the soul search technique. After all, the Xuanyin Taishang Taoist scripture is the supreme treasure for cultivating the primordial spirit.

The blue-clothed old man Sang Yun's complexion fluctuated. After a long time, he still waved and threw a dark red jade tablet with an ugly expression, and then jumped up and flew towards the distance in a very lonely manner.

Luo Tian raised his hand and waved a light curtain, fixed the dark red jade tablet directly in the air, then scanned it with his spiritual sense, and found that there was nothing wrong, then reached out and took the jade tablet into the palm of his hand, and then made a few gestures When it was played, the dark red jade token was thrown high into the sky, and the dark red token reached the high altitude, and it spun endlessly, shooting out countless red rays, and piercing into the poisonous miasma below.

After a while, a gust of wind blew, and the poisonous miasma that was originally extremely thick suddenly melted away and disappeared without a trace.

The poisonous miasma crisis in Nanming City has been resolved!


After Luo Tian took back the dark red token, his expression changed, and he directly smashed the jade token with his palms, and then threw it away casually.This is just an array eye, and Luo Tian doesn't have any other array banners, so if it stays there, there will be endless troubles.In particular, Luo Tian was afraid that the old man in blue, Sang Yun, had cast a secret technique secretly, and this dark red jade tablet might become a hot potato.

After returning to Nanming City, the City Lord's Mansion.

"You don't have to worry, I will stay here for a few more days, in case that Qionghua sent to attack."

Before Liang Tianming and the others opened their mouths, Luo Tian said firstly, Luo Tian naturally understood that a good person sent Buddha to the west after all, otherwise this merit would be wasted.

Liang Tianming and the others became ecstatic when they heard the words.

"Prepare a quiet place for me, and no one is allowed to disturb me."

So, in the next few days, an extremely strange phenomenon appeared in the City Lord's Mansion. Not only the City Lord, but also the other three immortals in Nanming City personally repelled all the maids and came to serve Luo Tian in the other courtyard.

Of course, these people call it "serving" in the name of serving, but in fact they still want Luo Tian to teach them a few tricks, but they will not be of great use.The strong monk who defeated Sang Yun so easily was likely to be a great monk. A great monk might be able to run rampant in the southern border, and those are all legendary existences.Yuyang Country is not as powerful as Great Wu Country, and its strength is too far behind. Like Great Wu Country, there may still be many great monks, but Yuyang Country has the highest cultivation level in the whole country, but it is only in the late stage of alchemy, and it is still a dragon that sees its head but does not see its tail. kind of.

Luo Tian was so annoyed that he finally couldn't help but give them some pointers.These monks retreated as if they had found a treasure.

"Then the Qionghua faction won't come this time?"

Luo Tian stood in front of the window, quietly looking at the southern sky.


A few days later, Luo Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged in the room, suddenly opened his eyes with a smile on his face.

"This Qionghua faction really thinks highly of me."

The next moment, a colorful light flashed on Luo Tian's body, and he disappeared in place in an instant.

Tens of miles away from Nanming City, the clouds all over the sky suddenly turned blue, carrying a chilly aura.


Liang Tianming hurried over with a few foundation-building monks, with a worried expression on his face, "Look at this aura, I'm afraid it's the Xuanbing Sword that Qionghua Sect has made a big statement recently, but he broke through to the Nascent Soul stage ten years ago Early days!"

"Is this person very famous?"

Luo Tian asked lightly.

"It took this person only 600 years to cultivate to such a level. He is really the first genius monk in southern Xinjiang. It is said that this person is very likely to aspire to the immortal way."

"The first genius in more than six hundred years?"

Luo Tian laughed secretly in his heart, the borderlands of Profound Sky Continent are really not good, he spent more than a hundred years of cultivation to the late Nascent Soul stage, and he dare not be called the number one genius in Tian Xinghai, it seems that Profound Sky Continent is better than the sky Xinghai, there are still some gaps.

"Since that's the case, then I will talk about this so-called number one genius in southern Xinjiang."

Before Luo Tian could finish his sentence, his whole body soared up into the sky, and his spiritual consciousness rushed out quickly, directly locking onto the two strong auras in the south of Nanming City.


At this moment, Liang Tianming and the others' minds were filled with this word.

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