
Chapter 365 1 Finger, 1 Wood and 1 Bamboo


Not to mention Fang Yun and the others, even Luo Tian, ​​who is used to seeing strong winds and waves, could feel the strong and powerful magic power of the monk who wrote this line of characters at a glance.

That line of big characters was like a living thing, exuding bursts of tyrannical power, which made Monk Mingyue and Fatty Wang feel extremely uncomfortable, as if they were pressed on their backs by a mountain.Although Fang Yun was better, it wasn't much better.

"This person's primordial spirit is even slightly stronger than mine. I'm afraid he is a master who is about to enter the stage of distraction."

Luo Tian's thoughts turned sharply, and then his consciousness swept away, covering Fang Yun and the three of them immediately, and most of the oppressive feeling on the three of them dissipated immediately.

"Who is this person? Such a strong cultivation!" Fatty Wang's face turned bitter, and he couldn't bear the words left by him alone.If a real person came, I'm afraid he could stab himself to death with one finger.

"This person should be a master of the demon clan." Fang Yun, with his half-human, half-demon physique, was naturally extremely sensitive to the aura of the demon clan.

"The body of the Yaozu is strong, and this person has a very high level of spiritual cultivation, and they all came back lamenting. Do you think we are still moving forward?" Luo Tian was silent for a while, and then said, but he was very shocked deep in his heart. Because judging from this line of words, the plane where the Profound Sky Continent is located is actually only a third-order plane. From this point of view, how many planes are the spirit world and the fairy world considered?

Soon, except for Fatty Wang who was vacillating among the four of Luo Tian, ​​the other two hoped to explore further and try that opportunity.


A burst of fire fell from the sky, Luo Tian and the four seemed to be in the ocean of flames, the scorching air waves rushed towards their faces, but they were all blocked out by Taiyi Jinmu Ruyi.

With a backhand grab, Luo Tian grabbed a few top-quality spirit stones and threw them to the three of them, in case the three of them didn't have enough mana to use up their mana, and they would end up in a state of disorientation.This mysterious place is really full of unknown changes and strangeness.

"..." Fang Yun is fine, he vaguely knows that Luo Tian is a rich man, but Fatty Wang and Monk Mingyue were dumbfounded for a while, and they thought to themselves at the same time, this guy Luo Tian even robbed the best spirit stones , is really too inhuman...

If Luo Tian knew what the two of them were thinking, he would definitely vomit blood.

Everyone walked forward for a while, and this time, the gravity of the entire area increased by five or six times, and as everyone continued to move forward, the gravity continued to increase. After everyone walked for dozens of miles, The gravity suddenly increased to about ten times, and that gravity really made everyone in Luotian move slowly.It's not that Luo Tian has never tried using Qingyun to travel, but the space here is extremely tough. It took Luo Tian a long time, but he only tore open a hole the size of a fist.The Seven Shocking Forms fully tripled Luo Tian's amplitude, and it was only a hole the size of a human head. How could they get in such a small hole, since everyone is not puppies or cats?

"Damn it! Metal, wood, water, fire, earth, and the five elements all come here again, it's really killing me!" Monk Mingyue said weakly, "If it wasn't for Boy Luo, he wouldn't come to this place to suffer if he killed the monk."

"Fart!" Fatty Wang immediately retorted, "There is still no metal attack, okay?"


Before Fatty Wang could finish his sentence, golden arrows roared like locusts all over the sky. At a glance, there were at least tens of thousands of arrows.

"Kill you crow mouth!"

This time, even Luo Tian and Fang Yun couldn't stand it anymore, and together with Monk Mingyue, they pushed Fatty Wang to the ground and beat him up.

"Let me come!" Fang Yun's eyes flashed.

"Let me do it." Luo Tian smiled lightly, and immediately opened his hand to see a rainbow-like yellow horse, flying directly into the void, turning into a huge yellow hood to wrap everyone in it.

"Xiao Tiantian is practicing the fire attribute technique, fire overcomes metal, wow ha ha ha!" Fatty Wang danced with a pair of black eye sockets, and he was overjoyed.


At this time, after the golden arrow rainstorm, a crack in the void suddenly appeared, and then the crack expanded infinitely, and a black light curtain burst out directly, and Luo Tian and the others were directly swept in.

This moment happened between lightning and flint, and the four of Luo Tian were involved in it almost without reacting, and their hearts were about to burst.

At the same time, the vortex circling over the Wuding River and Qianyun River in Beihe Country, also known as the Chenzhou vortex, suddenly shrank, a full shrunk by tens of feet.But from a distance, no one will notice this change at all.

"What is this place? Can any of you tell me the answer?! Ah!"

As soon as Fatty Wang yelled, he was punched and kicked by the three of them, "Don't yell! You ask us, who are we going to ask!"

The mountains here are towering and green, and there are exotic flowers and trees, smoked reeds and jade trees everywhere. There are faint clouds and mists passing by in the sky, and countless birds spread their wings above the sky.

A waterfall lay down directly, bursting out bursts of water mist and water vapor, and the water vapor diffused to the entire strange place in the transpiration.It looks like a fairyland.

"Aura, all of it is actually aura!"

Fatty Wang was silent for a long time, staring at a pair of panda eyes and yelling hoarsely again, "It's done, we're done, wahhahaha..."


At this time, a white brilliance suddenly fell from the clouds, extremely fast, and when they got close, everyone found that it was a three-inch long joint, which looked like a finger bone, as thick as a thumb, emitting a light like jade. Yingying swayed down, like a large firefly with its tail.

"Look there."

This time it was Luo Tian who couldn't help but exclaimed, and looked in the direction he was pointing. It was a mountain that was hundreds of feet high. The strange thing about that mountain was that there were no plants and flowers growing on it. It is smooth as if made of cobblestones. What is even more weird is that there are pieces of light blue wooden blocks of different sizes floating on the surface of the mountain. The largest wooden block is no more than the size of a washbasin, and the smallest is only the size of a pigeon egg. , The breath emitted by those wooden blocks gathered together makes people's soul involuntarily lifted, like the fresh air in the jungle after the rain.

"Living Soul Wood!"

Fang Yun was dazed for a long time, and finally said three words.As soon as he uttered these three words, Fatty Wang and Monk Mingyue strayed and fell from the air with almost no power.

You must know that there are only two ways to cultivate the primordial spirit between heaven and earth. One is to find an excellent warm and blessed place.The second is to rely on rare treasures between heaven and earth to enhance the primordial spirit.In the Profound Sky Continent, including the Tian Xinghai, apart from the incense of the Xuanyin Sect, only the living soul wood has the effect of enhancing the primordial spirit in the world. It can be seen how precious this living soul wood is, but there are so many of them in this place. .

It wasn't these things that shocked Luo Tian, ​​the phalanx didn't have any voluntary aggressiveness, and he had some fragrance of concentration, and his eyes were always locked on a scorching space.That space is only about three feet in radius, and there are no plants or animals around seven or eight feet outside the space.

In the center of the space, there are two clumps of black bamboo.

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