
Chapter 367


After Luo Tian cast the cloud-turning supernatural power, the entire space has become shattered layer by layer, and there are broken space cracks everywhere, some are two feet long and one or two feet short. With such momentum, it can be seen how unnatural Luo Tian's strongest supernatural power must be.

At this moment, in the space of several tens of feet, the extremely lifelike body of the high-level puppet beast is dexterously dodging around. Suddenly, it avoided all the space cracks, and Fang Yun and the three They stare again.

Is this high-level puppet beast already so powerful?

In fact, the materials consumed by all high-level puppet beasts are simply astronomical figures, so that day the young master of the Thunder Bamboo Sect in Xinghai possessed a mid-level puppet, and he was already soaring to the sky, and he was so proud of himself.And the whole body of this high-level puppet beast in front of him is like a real monster, and according to Luo Tian's observation, it is likely to have awakened and forcibly sealed a trace of spiritual consciousness in its body.

A puppet with spiritual consciousness basically has its own consciousness, and can act independently except for the imprint of its master's spiritual consciousness.There is no need for the owner of the puppet beast to control it himself.

"Flip again!"

Luo Tian let out a low cry, and the mana in his body surged out, and he used the cloud-turning supernatural power abruptly again. As soon as the supernatural power came out, the space flipped again, and the whole space was intricately intertwined immediately, and the space cracks inside became Get denser and more.


Countless dark cracks and light bars multiplied in that space, blocking all the escape routes of the puppet beasts.

"Brother, we might as well avoid this puppet beast." Monk Mingyue stared anxiously, he could tell at a glance that this puppet beast was extremely powerful, and I'm afraid that he would only be able to support it for a while at most.

Knowing that you are invincible, but want to fight to the end, that is not a hero, but a bear.

"Stupid monk, do you always think about problems with your butt? Use your spiritual sense to explore the space around you!" The flesh on Fatty Wang's face trembled violently a few times, and then he touched his head helplessly and sighed. It looks like he doesn't know this person.

Not long after Monk Mingyue's consciousness came out, he withdrew his consciousness resentfully, and muttered in a low voice: "Damn it, this space is really evil! The consciousness was blocked by a layer of inexplicable force after reaching out a hundred feet .”

Fang Yun's face was solemn at the moment, and he rubbed his palm lightly. There were countless sky-blue cold lights flickering on it. It seemed that he was about to make a move.


Luo Tian yelled wildly, and immediately a colorful ray of light flashed around his body, and in an instant he was a foot away from the space controlled by Fanyun's supernatural power. He had never encountered such a difficult thing. The space within the range of the cloud-turning supernatural power should all be controlled by him, but the high-level puppet beast obviously has no restrictions on its movements.

As a last resort, Luo Tian finally made a move himself, and the move was the earth-shattering second move of the seven moves, with triple the amplitude and Zilian Sword Qi!

Swish swish!

Within the space controlled by Fanyun's supernatural power, the high-level puppet beast seemed to be aware of it, and when it hurriedly looked back, it saw countless purple lotus flowers falling lightly, directly blocking all its escape routes.

"Hoo hoo hoo!"

The high-level puppet beast let out a strange and extremely angry roar, and then the whole body trembled, shrinking directly, and quickly shrunk to one-third of its original body size.

"...This puppet beast can still change!" Fatty Wang and Monk Mingyue were taken aback for a moment, and the next moment, the high-level puppet beast was directly covered by a sky blue light beam, and a layer of blue ice was immediately formed all over its body. The sky-blue cold mist kept blowing out of the solid ice, which slowed down the speed of the high-level puppet beast a lot.


Luo Tian whispered, and pointed at the high-level puppet beast one after another. The purple lotus flower in front of the high-level puppet beast immediately melted into one place, turning into a deep purple lotus flower, and then bombarded the high-level puppet beast. The body of the first-order puppet beast.

Chi Chi!

The high-level puppet beast really possessed spiritual consciousness, and the moment the deep purple lotus was about to fall on it, it avoided the head, chest and abdomen, and directly gave up its lower body.

Next, under the joint efforts of Luo Tian and Fang Yun, the lower body of the high-level puppet beast disappeared into the air as if it melted, leaving only a trail of thick black smoke.

At this moment, the entire sky has returned to its previous scene, but the duration of the cloud-turning supernatural power has expired.


Luo Tian cursed in a low voice, but he fell short and let the high-level puppet escape.In fact, with Luo Tian's teleportation power, this high-level puppet has no chance to escape at all, but in this unknown space, Luo Tian dare not rashly use teleportation power to chase after him. That may be worth the candle.

Fang Yun also looked thoughtfully at the black light and shadow that gradually disappeared into the sky. After a while, he seemed to think of something, and hurriedly said: "Hurry up!"

"follow me!"

Luo Tian knew that Fang Yun would not be aimless, he usually would not joke with himself, and he didn't care about shocking the world at the moment, he directly controlled Qingyun to wrap the four of himself together, and then quickly chased him up from behind.

"Little sister Fang Yun, what do you see?" Luo Tian asked aloud.

"I have read some ancient books. There used to be some strange people in ancient times who often acted unexpectedly. For example, in ancient times, there were many senior masters who liked to arrange a strange formation, and then left behind a high-level puppet. The beast is the eye of the formation!"

"Array eyes? Oh my god!" Fatty Wang and Monk Mingyue looked at each other in blank disbelief, the ancient fierce men were so rich, and this priceless high-level puppet was only used as an array eye. Ladies and gentlemen, don't you have to worry about it in the days to come?

Hearing this, Luo Tian's complexion immediately became serious, and immediately accelerated Qingyun's motion below him, speeding up to chase the high-level puppet beast in front of him.

Unexpectedly, the four of Luo Tian lost the initiative, and now let the high-level puppet escape directly. Judging from the spiritual knowledge it currently possesses, everyone in Luo Tian wants to catch it, which is already frightened, in the difficult formation. , is undoubtedly an extremely difficult matter.

But the formation in front of them almost made Luo Tian's people confused and black-faced. This large formation does not seem to have much resilience and offensiveness, but Luo Tian and the others circled around without a clue , It is impossible to get out of the big formation at all, and the space in this big formation seems to be more tenacious after the high-level puppet beast was nearly wiped out by Luo Tian with the magic power of turning clouds. A space crack the size of a soybean is really insignificant.

Everyone was in the big formation for a few days. Suddenly, one day, the clouds and mists in the sky suddenly dispersed automatically. Immediately, a straight beam of light shone down and fell directly on the surface of a lake. The lake water was rippling endlessly. A broken stone tablet came out, and several indistinct Qingli scripts were engraved on the stone tablet.

"The name of the formation is 'Tongtian'."

Both Luo Tian and Fang Yun recognized Qing Liwen, and they couldn't help but gasp when they saw this.

The text displayed on the stone tablet is really too terrifying!

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