
Chapter 384 Blood Moon Wolf King

As the second place of Qianshenzong, the Hall of Punishment naturally has many high-ranking monks left behind.At this moment, countless rays of light shot out from the Hall of Punishment, suspended in mid-air, looking at the visions in the sky, thinking about each other.

"Quickly inform the Supreme Elder!"

"No need, this seat is here."

Holding a cane, with snow-white hair and wrinkled face, an old man who looked like he was about to die slowly emerged from the midair with his body bent.

"Join the Supreme Elder!"

For a moment, regardless of whether they were high or low, they all saluted the old man respectfully.


The old man was dressed in a pale blue cloth, his eyes looked as if he was about to fall asleep at any moment, but after watching the sky for a long time, he suddenly let out a very heavy sigh.

"Prepare to meet the enemy. I tell you to restrain yourself on weekdays. You must have provoked a strong enemy now. This person's cultivation level cannot be seen for the time being, but he has extremely strong supernatural powers."

With the old man's order, the entire punishment hall started to run quickly, and the large array of the guard hall was opened. The monks who had reached the alchemy stage stood behind the old man, staring closely at the light green clouds that seemed to be getting lower and lower in the sky.

The clan rules of Ganshen Zong are extremely strict. Once defection is discovered, masters from the clan will be dispatched to behead him.Therefore, although the aura of the Tianrim was extremely astonishing, everyone did not have the idea of ​​​​running away, but felt a common hatred against the enemy.

At this moment, on the blue clouds high in the sky, it was Luo Tian who had just arrived in the Great Wu Kingdom and rushed here based on the trace of consciousness left in Huang Hao's body. The punishment hall of Ganshenzong was destroyed to serve as an example to others.

On the shoulder, there was still Xiao Hei lying lazily on his stomach. At this moment, his small eyes were shining brightly. After all, he could also feel the breath below. There were four of them who were above the Nascent Soul stage alone.

"This is great!" Xiao Hei jumped up and down.

Huang Hao sat cross-legged in the air, with a miniature mountain floating above his head. Fen Baoyan had been sacrificed by Luo Tian for so long, and he had untied the connection between mind and soul. With Luo Tian's cultivation base and Fen Baoyan, he was about to give birth With the arrogance of wisdom, Huang Hao's road to refining is as simple as becoming fat.

With a random formula, Qingyun automatically put it away and protected Huang Hao in it. Even if a monk whose cultivation level is a few points higher than Luo Tian's came, he would not find where Huang Hao was hiding.

"Go down."

After all, Luo Tian jumped down.

That's right, Luo Tian didn't use any magical powers this time, he just jumped down from the sky in a normal way, the whistling wind rang in his ears, and an extremely fast black shadow descended from the sky.


The black shadow transformed by Luo Tian landed on a mountain peak, how could that mountain peak withstand such a great force, it was directly trampled down by Luo Tian, ​​whose body is now comparable to a high-level spirit treasure, for more than a foot.

All the monks in Qianshenzong's punishment hall, including the Supreme Elder, were dumbfounded and their eyelids twitched.

Jumped from a height of about [-] zhang without any injuries. Could this person be an ancient body refiner who became a Taoist with martial arts?This is too scary.

In addition to the slight numbness in both feet, Luo Tian now has a deep understanding of the hardness of his body. I am afraid that the body of a powerful monster of the same level is nothing more than this?

"Hey! On the opposite side is the person from Qianshenzong's punishment hall. The young master is here to collect the head, so hurry up and send the head over..."

Before Luo Tian could speak, the rascal Xiao Hei yelled loudly, making him wish he could kick this scum away.Xiao Hei is now a seventh-level monster, and he can speak a long time ago, but when he speaks, he looks like a rascal.

Sure enough, after hearing Xiao Hei's words, the monks on the opposite side all turned dark and glared at each other.

The old man's eyelids twitched, he naturally felt that the man and the snake on the opposite side were not something to mess with.After a moment of silence, the old man finally said, "I don't know when I offended a fellow Taoist when I became Shenzong?"

"You almost killed my brother, when did you say you offended me?"

Luo Tian said with a half-smile, and at the same time, two beams of brilliance shot out from his eyes, one purple and one blue, directly killing an invisible wave in the air.

"Don't think that you can confuse me by refining the spirit of Tiankui Niu Beast. Since Qian Shenzong doesn't have the slightest friendly attitude, let's fight."

Luo Tian's voice was not loud, but it was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears, and after everyone heard it, there was a roar in their ears, as if a thunder had exploded beside their ears.

"Turn the clouds!"

Next, Luo Tian let out a low shout, and slapped out the cloud-turning supernatural power that had been prepared for a long time, and the several layers of restrictions outside the Qianshenzong's punishment hall were suddenly refined into invisible by a huge destructive force, and the even more terrifying Yes, that invisible invisible force suddenly took shape, and it blasted towards the few remaining restrictions without stopping. Wherever it passed, it was really devastating.

"Damn it, when did the boss learn such a terrifying supernatural power!"

Xiao Hei kept his eyes fixed, and wailed in his heart, it was simply too terrifying.

The place where Qianshenzong's punishment hall was built was on a high mountain, but at this moment, that mountain seemed to be smashed down by a shocking knife and axe, and [-]% of it collapsed immediately, which was terrifying.

"Fellow Daoist, show mercy!"

The face of the Supreme Elder sitting in the Ganshenzong Punishment Palace changed, and he shouted hastily.But Luo Tian is determined to destroy the Hall of Punishment, so why would he pay any attention to him? It’s fine if he doesn’t speak, but when he speaks, Luo Tian’s heart wells up with anger. Damn it, why didn’t I see you when I was almost killed by you guys? Keep your hands, regret it now, it's too late!

"Open it for me!"

Luo Tian turned his palm slowly again, and all the restrictions outside the punishment hall finally crackled, then loosened and disappeared, revealing the real scene under the restrictions.

"Minglong Beast!"

The Supreme Elder of Qianshenzong is indeed one who has seen big winds and waves. Seeing this situation, he didn't know that the person who came was determined to destroy the punishment hall. At that moment, a dark green terrifying phantom appeared behind him. Big, looks to be hundreds of feet in size, it is the inscription dragon beast that everyone in the cultivating world has heard of. It is said that the whole body of this beast except the heart, even the inner alchemy is extremely poisonous. I really don't know how this Qianshenzong captured.

The next moment, Luo Tian's body was like a streamer, kicking the ground with his big feet, his whole body rose into the air, and fell very quickly towards the people in the punishment hall opposite him, with his hands ejected one after another, countless purple lotus flowers flew out quickly.

Bang bang bang!

These purple lotus flowers are like terrifying thunderbolts, which explode at the touch of a touch. Many monks with low cultivation bases were swept by these powerful purple lotus flowers and lost half of their lives immediately. After escaping, a white line of brilliance flew towards him, and then quickly sucked out and devoured the primordial spirit.

One person and one snake, as expected of an old partner, the cooperation is extremely tacit.

"Quickly release the Blood Moon Wolf King!"

The Supreme Elder of Qianshenzong couldn't resist Luo Tian who was almost attacking with all his strength, so he could only step back again and again and said a word through voice transmission, the phantom of Minglong Beast behind him completely dissipated, and he himself was even more defeated by Luo Tian. The three gray vortexes cast are trapped, and there is no way to escape.

Now Luo Tian, ​​who has reached an extremely frightening level in both his physical body and his primordial spirit, made a full attack. Even if a monk in the distraction stage came, he might not necessarily be Luo Tian's opponent.What's more, there is only the elder Qianshenzong who is in the early stage of leaving the body.

ps: The website was convulsed, and it took two hours to log in.There is no outbreak today, only to make up for yesterday's update.

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