
Chapter 386

It was late autumn, but the imperial capital of the Great Wu Kingdom was a scene of prosperity.It was a good time to go out for an outing, and the imperial capital is full of lush greenery. People love to plant flowers and plants, but when the number is too large, they have nowhere to plant, so they have to start on the few trees or on both sides of the tree-lined path. Looking at it from a high altitude, most of it is covered by a piece of green.

Hula Hula, a gust of wind blows, and countless yellow leaves suddenly fall from some prematurely withered trees.

In the distant sky, a looming cloud floated over, and when it approached the sky above the imperial capital of the Great Wu Kingdom, that cloud suddenly disappeared.

A few miles away, Luo Tian and Huang Hao transformed into two young masters, both of whom were dressed in blue brocade clothes, especially Luo Tian was holding a gold-painted folding fan in his hand, his handsome appearance attracted passers-by all around. look sideways.

"So handsome!"

"Why is Nizi so moved? Do you want my sister to talk about it for you?"

"There's no need for that, I'm afraid that sister, you yourself will fall into it..."

A burst of Yingying Yanyan's laughter came, and Luo Tian and Huang Hao couldn't help but feel a little hot because of their thick skins, and hurriedly quickened their pace and fled.

Just as Luo Tian and the others were rushing towards the imperial capital, a carriage slowly drove into the northern gate of the imperial capital. The carriage looked a bit ordinary, and one could tell that it was not the home of the rich and powerful.

There were five people sitting in the carriage, an old woman who was resting with her eyes closed all the time, a middle-aged beautiful woman with a coercive face, and three beautiful young girls.The three beautiful girls seemed to seldom go out, and looked out through the curtain from time to time in the carriage, as if they were extremely curious about everything outside.

"Okay, okay, the three of you don't feel tired after looking all the way." The coldness on the middle-aged beautiful woman's face disappeared, replaced by a touch of kindness, and she smiled faintly.

"Uncle Master, the outside world is so lively, much better than our sect's deserted place."

"Shut up!" The middle-aged beautiful woman frowned, glanced at the old woman carefully, and immediately reprimanded, "This time, we are here to retrieve the sacred object, so you must not make any trouble."

"Yes." The three girls replied weakly at once.


The Luo family at this time was extremely lively, especially after the Luo family heard the news of Luo Tian's return, they even recalled all the Luo family children who were outside.

"I have seen the master!"

"Everyone is welcome, you are all from the Luo family, so don't be polite, don't be polite, hehehe..."

Now the head of the Luo family is still Luo Yuntu, and his appearance looks just a little older, not much different from a hundred years ago. From this, it can be inferred that Luo Yuntu is the direct descendant of Luo Huachen, the arrogance of the Luo family. It doesn't seem like he is only at the peak of the imperial rank, these years have passed, Luo Yuntu is now more than 150 years old, if he is a strong imperial rank, he would have already died.

Luo Yuntu is very happy now. It has been 120 years, and his beloved son is finally coming back.Especially not to mention the friends brought by his son, but the two apprentices are very powerful, and the one named Ding Chunqiu, even himself can't see through his cultivation, he is even a figure of the immortal family.Even if the apprentice is like this, the son's cultivation level can be imagined...

The entire Luo family fell into a sea of ​​joy, and even the atmosphere that had been shrouded in gloom a few days ago was swept away.

The great elder of the Luo family and Luo Qing, the guardian of the Library Pavilion, sat facing each other at this moment.

"Uncle Qing, let's see if Tian'er can be opened..." The elder of the Luo family sighed, "I was wrong back then, I didn't expect Tian'er to reach what it is today. Now, I am really worried about this issue.”

Luo Qing turned out to be the uncle of the great elder of the Luo family, it was shocking!

"I haven't seen Tian'er yet, so I don't dare to jump to conclusions, but now it seems that Tian'er is undoubtedly the seventh generation sword body of my Luo family." Luo Qing smiled faintly, as if thinking of something, "If Tian'er If you can really get that treasure when the time comes, my Luo family will definitely be famous!"


"What's the matter?" The head elder of the Luo family frowned slightly, "Didn't I say don't bother me if there is nothing important!"

"Reporting to the great elder, the suzerain of Tianshui Pavilion has arrived!"


In the hall, Luo Yuntu and the great elder of the Luo family were at the top at the same time, surrounded by many current powerful figures of the Luo family. These figures are definitely the real core figures that can be trusted.Speaking of which, looking at the entire Profound Sky Continent, it is really rare to see aristocratic families that can inherit more than 2000 years, because the major sects are not bad, after all, they rely on a steady stream of excellent young seedlings to fill, and if a certain generation of aristocratic families does not have the qualifications A good genius will definitely decline.Especially the Luo family, which has been passed down for more than 2000 years and is still in full swing, is definitely related to the Luo family's clan rules. Only the Luo family can always stand upright, and the appearance of Luo Tian makes the Luo family able to win the top ten super families in the entire Profound Sky Continent.

Of course, outsiders don't know all this yet, neither does Tianshui Pavilion.

At this moment, sitting on the left side of the hall are the Luo family's deadly rivals since the fifth generation of sword gods, the members of Tianshui Pavilion.

Among them, the five old women who entered the city earlier were impressively included, and besides that, there were two middle-aged men with similar looks.

The expressions of everyone in Tianshui Pavilion are not good. Although it has been a long time since the fifth generation sword god of the Luo family forcibly broke into Tianshui Pavilion, it has finally put a black mark on Tianshui Pavilion's detached image. Tianshui Pavilion can tolerate the Luo family until now. It was because the sects of the Great Wu Kingdom did not want large-scale battles to occur. Otherwise, Tianshui Pavilion might really attack the Luo family with all their strength. After all, the sacred object they always thought was in the hands of the Luo family.

"Hehe, I don't know why everyone from Tianshui Pavilion came to Luo's house for something?"

Hostility is hostility, and we still have to talk about the scene. Luo Yuntu has been the head of the Luo family for more than a hundred years, and he naturally speaks impeccably.


The owner of Tianshui Pavilion didn't speak, but the big man in yellow who sat at the top snorted coldly, but when he saw his voice, everyone in the Luo family in the hall felt as if a big bell was ringing in their minds. Feeling a little dizzy.

Luo Yuntu's complexion changed slightly. In the past, he might have answered tactfully for a while, but now, he is not afraid anymore.

"Who is this?" Luo Yuntu pressed down with one hand, calming down the furious faces of the Luo family.

"This is the sect directly under my Tianshui Pavilion, the elder of the Tianshui Sect." The owner of the Tianshui Pavilion, that is, the middle-aged beautiful woman smiled lightly.


Luo Yuntu slapped the table with his big hands, and shouted loudly: "Since you are the Immortal of Tianshui Xianzong, don't you know the rules? Do you only bully the small with the big?!"

A cold light flashed on the face of the big man in yellow, and he said indifferently: "I am being polite when talking to some ants with low cultivation bases."


A thunderous shout sounded in the hall immediately, everyone in the Luo family didn't feel anything, but the big man in yellow shook his body slightly, and immediately a huge force came, directly shaking the sandalwood chair under him. It was smashed.

At this moment, everyone in Tianshui Pavilion and Tianshui Sect were all shocked!

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