
Chapter 397 Great Desolation Immortal Sword

On this day, Luo Tian was meditating in the other courtyard, and suddenly he felt restless, opened his eyes suddenly, and immediately shot out his eyes, and then his lips moved up and down slightly, but the sound transmission began to secrete, and finally He just started sorting out the magic weapons in Naxujie and Heilian's space, looking like a big battle is coming.

After a while, swish, swish, several rays of light shot up into the sky, and landed directly in Luotian Bieyuan.


"elder brother!"

"Little Tiantian!"


Monk Mingyue, Fatty Wang, Fang Yun, Huang Hao, and even Ding Chunqiu and his wife all came.It is obvious that Ding Ye did not come. As the saying goes, Luo Tian calculated the secrets and noticed a little mystery. The treasures are also available for everyone to live in. But Ding Ye is desperately breaking through the alchemy stage. Even if he came, I am afraid he would not be qualified If you are a virtuous person, I am afraid that when the time comes, you will be guilty of committing crimes, which will cause endless troubles.

"This time is a great opportunity, but the danger is equally important. Even if I am, it is impossible to guarantee that you will survive, but as long as you don't leave me for a hundred feet, I will naturally guarantee that your primordial spirit will not die."

After contemplating for a long time, Luo Tian stood up and glanced at everyone present.

"rest assured!"

Seeing Luo Tian's seriousness, everyone nodded their heads at once, only Fatty Wang hesitated to speak.

Luo Tian shrugged helplessly, "Could it be that fat man thinks I'm going to trick you?"

"It's not enough to lie to me. I still know who you are. But what I want to ask is, is there really such a thrill this time?"

Luo Tian pondered for a while, "It's more than that."

"Fuck it, don't care about him! Since ancient times, wealth and wealth have been sought in danger, and I will fight for it. Anyway, Xiao Tiantian will save my life when the time comes. At worst, I will lose my body."

"That's not necessary." Luo Tian shook his head, "I can still make a suitable body."

The matter is too urgent, and Luo Tian has already prepared for it. In case something happens, he can also directly use the teleportation power to bring these people on his side into the Black Lotus space. Of course, since Luo Tian met the Black Lotus After the power of the space, Luo Tian is no longer afraid at all, the body of the primordial spirit enters it, even if the opponent is a Mahayana monk, Luo Tian is sure to refine the opponent to death.

In the black lotus space, Luo Tian is the supreme existence!


Luo Tian and his party flew directly out of the imperial capital of the Great Wu Kingdom in the blue clouds, and after just a few breaths, they arrived at the top of the mass grave.

"Sure enough, it's Lao Hai who created the momentum."

Luo Tian was speechless for a while, this old man is too capable, now Luo Tian Yuanshen is incomparable, it is already in the middle of the distraction stage, his Yuanshen swept away, and immediately knew how many powerful people around him monk.

In Luo Tian's mouth, the strength is extremely strong, and that is a master above the distraction stage.

"What a strong breath!"

Huang Hao couldn't help shaking his body, and took a step back. He is currently only in the alchemy stage of Dzogchen, how could he be able to withstand the pressure of a monk in the distraction stage.

"Fellow Daoist, did you go too far?"

Luo Tian's face turned cold, and his spiritual consciousness surged out, transforming into a giant sword, and swept it out, scaring away the other party's spiritual consciousness.

The other party just snorted coldly. Before the treasure was unearthed, no one would be stupid enough to start fighting with others, otherwise there would be no way to snatch the treasure by then.

Before the start of the battle, no matter whether they were present or hidden, they all remained silent in unison.All of a sudden, the entire area around the mass grave was very quiet, and even the sound of the wind could be easily discerned.

"Wow, the sun is so warm, so warm..."

Soon, a lazy voice came out, and then Hai Lao dragged a bamboo and rattan chair slowly out of the three shabby rooms, holding a small teapot in his hand, drinking it comfortably and chicly.

There were at least [-] great monks above the Nascent Soul Stage present, so they just watched this old man helplessly, speechless.

"You... you are the guardian?!"

Suddenly, a voice very familiar to Luo Tian came from the northwest direction, and there was a tremor in the voice, which showed the fear in his heart.

"Damn it, it turned out to be you bastard bastard!"

Soon, the black-robed monk began to curse, jumping and cursing without any regard for his demeanor, "Sanjue little devil, do you still have the guts to come here? Are you afraid that I will destroy you?"

Immediately, some auras beside him also changed.

Luo Tian couldn't help being a little funny, this Sanjue old devil is really a troublemaker, it seems that not only himself, this guy has at least provoked many other big monks, my God, it takes how high the level of escape skills to practice to be like this powerful?But having said that, the Sanjue old devil also has the capital to make a fuss everywhere. His old lady is a vicious king of monsters and beasts. Most people really dare not lay hands on him...

"Little bird, don't run around, or you will be wiped out in a while and no one will care about you!" Elder Hai sighed again, and seemed to say something else, a wild bird that flew into his hand pulled A little bit of shit and then flew away.

"..." Everyone was speechless.

"What is a guardian?" Fatty Wang trembled with a fat face, and muttered very depressed.

"The guardian is a mysterious master passed down from my Luo family, who specializes in keeping important treasures for the Luo family." Luo Tian said with a smile.

"What!" Monk Mingyue couldn't help but staggered and almost fell, "I said Xiao Tiantian, are you kidding? This is obviously your family's treasure, and there are so many big monks here to fight for it? Damn it, why not?" I quickly sent a sound transmission to Biquan Palace, and called a few masters to destroy these robbers!"

Luo Tian shook his head very calmly, "No, even if this treasure is given to the Luo family, it will probably bring disaster."

Regarding all of this, Luo Tian already knew that it was done by those six old fellows in the Luo family's sword mound on purpose, otherwise the only few super treasures in the Luo family would have been taken away by others. The old monster hidden in the sword mound probably did this to train the disciples of the Luo family. If the treasure falls into the hands of others, they will naturally retrieve it.But the next time the treasure is unearthed, I don't know how many years it will take.

The unearthing of the treasures of the Luo family is really a big conspiracy by the old monsters of the Luo family. Unless a talented disciple of the Luo family is born, they will let the treasures be unearthed, otherwise, they would rather let the treasures be buried deep in the ground.

Meet the strong in this world!

Only when a monk has a very broad vision can he achieve great achievements, otherwise, he will definitely achieve nothing.For the same two toads, one dream is to climb to the mouth of the well, while the other is to marry a swan. In the end, it is natural that the latter may escape from the bottom of the well.

"The treasure unearthed by your Luo family this time is the most powerful soldier in the hands of Luo Huachen, the first generation patriarch of the Luo family, and the Great Wilderness Immortal Sword, known as the top three in attack power in the Profound Sky Continent, boy, you have to be careful! "

Suddenly, Hai Lao's teasing laughter came from Luo Tian's ears.

ps: I had a big oolong, and I wanted to pay off my debts, but I was dragged away by the groom early in the morning to block the drink, and I didn't come back until after [-] o'clock in the evening. As a result, I endured the dizziness and coded a chapter, and finally got it done.Khan, everyone, if there are typos, please don't shoot me.

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