
Chapter 409

Not to mention the stunned monks on the opposite side, even Monk Mingyue, only the old god Huang Hao was there, looking very leisurely, and the others were also shocked.Not to mention that Yue Monk and Fang Yun concealed their cultivation bases, so why not him? Now he has reached the initial cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Stage, and his biggest hole card is an extremely bloodthirsty and brutal Blood Moon wolf king...

It can be said that even in the absence of Luo Tian and Dongfang Long, even if the other party comes to two big monks who are in the distraction stage, they will suffer a big loss, not to mention that the other party only has two big monks in the out-of-body stage .

"Hey, not bad, you are a cultivator from Tiannan Taiyi Gate, I didn't expect you to hide your cultivation." Fang Yun said lightly, and immediately flew out the next moment, directly colliding with the other party with the cold air all over the sky among the team.

"Quack!" At the same time, Monk Mingyue also let out a sinister laugh, stepped on the condensate gourd, and directly sacrificed the blue sky wishful blade in his hand, and saw a mass of green light and shadow shooting out of the sky, directly towards the short and ugly old man shoot.

"Bi Kongru..." Before the short and ugly old man could finish his sentence, he was forced back into his stomach, and then he didn't even dare to fight, so he turned over and ran away.

"The ugly ghost still wants to run?"

Monk Mingyue chuckled and said softly, "Speed ​​up!"

With a swish sound, the green light group that would have taken three breaths to catch up to the short and ugly old man suddenly flashed, and then slashed directly on his back, directly smashing the brilliance of his body protection, and smashing his body into pieces. into two.

The colorful viscera fell from the air, and no one thought that Monk Mingyue would end the battle in an instant after making a move.

"What a Biquan Palace!"

The short and ugly old man let out a strange cry, and immediately the primordial spirit shot out from the remnant body, flying away at a very fast speed.

"You still want to run?" Monk Mingyue chuckled, the speed of the condensing gourd under his feet increased sharply, and he caught up in an instant. Then, under the horrified gaze of the other party, he reached out and grabbed it, and the entire void directly shattered, and then the yuan God strangled directly in it.

"The Way of Absolute Heaven, it turned out to be the Way of Absolute Heaven!"

At this time, there was a shout of surprise, and after only a moment, a stream of light galloped from afar.

Almost at the same time, Fang Yun also quickly resolved the battle, and then he wiped out the opponent's entire team, leaving no one behind.After staying with Luo Tian for a long time, almost all of them have learned the good habit of cutting grass and roots.

"I didn't expect the ram to be left behind by descendants. Unfortunately, it will die again today." The visitor's breath was extremely strong, and it seemed that he was at least in the distraction period. Grasp.

Monk Mingyue suddenly felt that the surrounding space seemed to be directly imprisoned, his movements were at least several times slower, he was startled, and then the Bikong Ruyi Blade shot directly, finally almost opening a gap in the surrounding space, and then slapped his body to freeze The breathing gourd, the condensing breathing gourd spewed out a puff of white smoke, rushing towards the person in the air.


However, the man just sighed, and immediately stretched out his hand to throw out a yellow rope. The yellow rope slapped lightly, and the white smoke immediately fell apart.Then Huang Suo just flashed in the air, then went directly in front of Monk Mingyue, and collided with the Blue Sky Ruyi Blade in Monk Mingyue's hand.

Monk Mingyue looked serious, holding the Blue Sky Ruyi Blade in both hands, collided with the opponent's yellow cable at least thousands of times in an instant, his arms were numb, and most of the mana in his body seemed to be drained, but he just hit the opponent's yellow cable. Just open.

Taking advantage of the time when Monk Mingyue swallowed the elixir to restore his mana, the man in the air manipulated the yellow cable to entangle him again, this time in the middle of the sky, the yellow cable was blocked by the sky-blue ice sword, although it was broken Countless ice swords, but Huang Suo returned without success again without a doubt.

"Fang Yun, quickly lead someone back into the Meridian Flame Array. This person's cultivation is too strong, at least he has a late-stage cultivation in the distraction stage!" Monk Mingyue quickly sent a voice transmission to Fang Yun, "Hurry up and find Luo Tian and Dongfang Long , as long as the two of them meet again, this person is just a chicken and a dog!"

"I want to go to you, I see that this person has a good cultivation, and he is about to fight!"

"That's right, it turned out to be half-human, half-demon body, and also cultivated the Frozen Nine Heavens Dao Code of the Cold Light Domain, a branch of the Fengxue Gate, so they happened to be captured together!" The man in the air laughed, as if he had already won.

clap clap!

At this time, the person in the air split into two, and each threw out a yellow cable. The yellow cable flew towards him with the sound of howling wind. Where the yellow cable passed, the space had already distorted very inconspicuously.

"Xuanbingjian, Nine Heavens Come!"

"The blue sky is like washing, the heavens and the earth will be destroyed!"

At the most critical moment, Monk Mingyue and Fang Yun directly displayed their strongest Taoism, and saw countless snowflakes and ice slags floating in the air, and then a huge ice sword burst out of the air.On the other side, a mass of emerald green light exploded, and a destructive aura shot out from it, turning into a long black river circling indefinitely.

The two fought hard this time, not only displaying the strongest Taoism, but also adding their own supernatural powers, the power is not easy!

"Between heaven and earth, there is no way of heaven!"

The mysterious master who has never shown his figure in the air finally showed his true description. He turned out to be a middle-aged Confucian scholar with an upright face. He looked up at the sky, raised his hands high, and immediately scattered down in the sky. Countless golden lights, those golden lights turned into [-] kinds of weapons such as swords, guns, halberds, axes, hooks and forks, and then spontaneously covered all areas with a radius of thousands of feet.

The three supernatural powers collided together, making a dull sound, as if the whole world had almost returned to chaos.

puff puff!

After all, Fang Yun and Monk Mingyue were not bad at all. They were directly knocked back by the other party for thousands of feet, and their mouths spurted out a mouthful of blood mixed with some internal organs. The blood was extremely bright red.

"Let's go with me, the way of heaven is beyond your power."

"Go away your grandma!"

At this time, an extremely vulgar curse came from the void, and immediately a blue light appeared directly from the void.

"Luo Tian!"

"Big brother!"

"Little Tiantian."

The person who came was Luo Tian who happened to be refining the avatar to leave the customs. He was full of anger, and immediately looked at Huang Hao, and grabbed Huang Hao's void, and directly smashed the Blood Moon Wolf King who was hiding in the void behind Huang Hao. Caught it out.

"If you don't save yourself when you are in danger, it's because you committed the first crime. The capital crime can be avoided and the life crime will be hard to forgive. Practice it for me!"


A ray of light shot out from Luo Tian's hand, directly knocking the Blood Moon Wolf King back tens of thousands of feet. It can be seen that the anger in Luo Tian's heart was overwhelming. His blow at least wiped out the blood moon wolf king's hundreds of years of cultivation.

"As ordered!"

The Blood Moon Wolf King flew back again, and responded respectfully and terrified.

"Your Excellency must be a member of the Heavenly Dao League?" Luo Tian sneered, "The Heavenly Dao League is so powerful, anyone who dares to touch my brother will die!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian grasped and immediately used the cracking grasp, and saw that the entire void seemed to be trembling endlessly, and immediately the opponent's two yellow ropes were directly grasped and broke inch by inch.Next, Luo Tian stepped into the void and walked towards the opponent step by step. Every time he took a step, the aura on his body would rise a bit.

"If you dare to kill someone in my Heavenly Dao League, you will never be reborn!" Although the other party was overwhelmed by Luo Tian's high strength, he still refused to admit defeat.

"The Heavenly Dao League is a fart, and dares to do justice for the sky!"

With a backhand grab, Luo Tian directly grabbed the Great Wilderness Immortal Sword, and then lightly swiped at the opponent, a space crack thousands of feet in length suddenly formed, and the middle-aged Confucian scholar was sucked into it without even a chance to escape.

Luo Tian smiled coldly, and immediately stepped out, even directly entering the space crack.

In the space crack, Luo Tian looked at a bright yellow light, and couldn't help but sneered, "There are many masters in the Heavenly Dao League. Only by killing you in the space crack will they be unable to figure it out."


The middle-aged Confucian scholar fled in embarrassment in the turbulent flow of space, but before he ran far, his body was swept by a very strong clear light, and then his whole body, together with his soul, was quickly swallowed up, and then disappeared.

"Taiyi...Taiyi Cave Profound Divine Light..."

From the crack in the space, there was an intermittent cry, and immediately Luo Tian tore open the space, and returned to the Qingli Small Immortal Realm along the marked place just now.

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