
Chapter 419 Huntian Palace, Lady Tianhu Baolun

An originally fierce ice dragon was conquered by Luo Tian just like that...although he was subdued.

This guy Luo Tian has always been used to lawlessness. He has a personality similar to that of a monster. There is no reason in this world. Whoever has the biggest fist is the reason, and whoever is king is the law.In the world of cultivating immortals, those who use great principles to suppress people are either pedantic or idiots, and they have to rely on their fists to decide things.Ice Flood Dragon Zhao Xuanji is naturally three points better than the three Golden Light Eagle Jinda, but compared with Luo Tian, ​​it is still not enough. With Luo Tian's aptitude and many elixir, it took more than a hundred years to practice In the middle of the distraction period, it was relatively slow for him. This is because Luo Tian practiced several kinds of exercises concurrently, and he couldn't make his cultivation progress too fast. Otherwise, if he only practiced one exercise, Luo Tian would at least have a chance now. It's time to reach the level of a holy monk.However, practicing several kinds of exercises also has its advantages. The attack power and defense power are doubled, and it is normal to beat the opponent by leapfrogging.

In fact, monks in the world of cultivating immortals pay too much attention to external forces such as magic weapons, and generally do not have high achievements.Cultivating immortals, walking against the sky, tempers the body and the will of the soul. Only focusing on one's own development is the kingly way. In this regard, human monks are not as good as monster clan powerhouses. This means that they have the same level of cultivation. The main reason is not the opponent of the Yaozu monks.And what Luo Tian did was to hone himself. In the past, no matter whether it was fighting skills or encountering great opportunities, Luo Tian seldom used magic weapons if he could use them or not.Because if you get used to using the magic weapon, you will over-rely on it, which will have a great impact on your future practice.

Chi Chi!

Luo Tian flicked his right hand one by one, and five cyan flame ropes sprang out from his fingertips. The five flame ropes wrapped around the body of the ice dragon Zhao Xuanji extremely quickly, binding Zhao Xuanji tightly immediately, and The icy light that was originally entwined on Zhao Xuanji's body was forced back into her body at once. Luo Tian's Nine Flames Mysterious Art just restrained Zhao Xuanji. Water and fire have been difficult to tolerate since ancient times. Water can overcome fire, but fire can overcome water .

"Ahh..." Luo Tian's Nine Flame Mysterious Kungfu is now cultivated to the fifth level, and its power is already extremely great. Zhao Xuanji quickly changed out of his body, and he still couldn't escape the shackles of the flame rope in Luo Tian's hands, let it do what he wanted No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break through, but the heat of the flames on the flame rope was getting higher and higher, which made Zhao Xuanji scream in pain.

"I'm stubborn." Luo Tian looked on coldly and didn't say much. He raised his left hand and was about to cast the cloud-turning supernatural power, but found a golden light flashing in front of him, and Jin reached him.

"Hero, for my sake, please spare his life!"

Jin Da had seen Luo Tian's ruthlessness before, and others might estimate the power of the Jiaolong clan, but Luo Tian never cared about these things.

"What do you mean?" Luo Tian glanced at Zhao Xuanji lightly, and the coldness in his eyes made Zhao Xuanji shiver.

"The strength is not as good as others, I, Zhao Xuanji, are convinced, but there are very few magic medicines here, I am afraid you will be disappointed." Zhao Xuanji forced herself to endure the pain in her body, and the corners of her mouth twitched a few times, flashing an extremely difficult to detect banter.

Luo Tian smiled lightly, and said: "Could it be that you want to tell me that the magical medicine is all on the territory of Heifeng, where half a foot has stepped into the Demon King Realm?"

"Heifeng?" Zhao Xuanji laughed loudly, "Heifeng's cultivation base is high, but Jinda and I may not be able to fight against her. She has a lot of magic medicine on her territory, but I'm afraid that you humans don't have the guts to go for it." Let me tell you, Heifeng is just a peripheral guard of the inner area of ​​Qingli Xiaoxianjie. The person behind her, let alone you, even if all of you masters from the Tianxuan plane enter this place, there will be no return! "

"There is such a thing!" Jin Da couldn't help but look shocked, he also stayed in Qingli Small Immortal Realm for thousands of years, but he never knew that such a powerful figure would be hidden in the thousands of miles away central forbidden area of ​​Qingli Small Immortal Realm.

"Jinda, if you hadn't had a good uncle, I'm afraid that today's matter, you died ten times and it would not be enough to atone for your sins! Huh!" Zhao Xuanji glanced at Jinda and snorted coldly, but turned her head to catch a glimpse of Luo Tian. Frowning tightly, he couldn't help bowing his head and remaining silent, he didn't dare to annoy this evil star anymore, this evil star really dared to kill.

It seems that the wicked need to be tortured by the wicked.

Jin Da's expression changed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"It seems that the only way to go out is to invite Mr. Fang to go." After thinking for a long time, Luo Tian said with some headaches, without the slightest affectation.

"Excuse me." Zhao Xuanji couldn't help being slightly startled when she heard the words, and immediately turned to Luo Tian hesitantly, "Is the old man you are talking about?"

Luo Tian is thinking about Fang Lao's cultivation base and background, so that the three-pole demon king Jin Yue and other unscrupulous existences can be as honest as kittens. Could it be that Fang Lao is the legendary twelfth-order monster strong By? !

"Fang Qingyun." Luo Tian waved his sleeves after speaking, "Lead the way ahead, don't waste time."

Zhao Xuanji froze in an instant, and after a long time murmured in a low voice, "How is it possible, how is it possible..."

Get a glimpse of the whole picture.

After speculation in Luo Tian's mind at this moment, he found that this Qingli Xiaoxianjie seemed to be unable to stop Fang Lao and other perverted masters, but it was really puzzling what relationship this Qingli Xiaoxianjie had with Fang Lao.

With Zhao Xuanji and Jin Da, the two ninth-level monsters leading the way, it really saved a lot of trouble. Along the way, everyone in Luotian was unimpeded, and entered the territory where the black phoenix was.

The power of heaven and earth in Heifeng's territory is common, but there is indeed a great cold atmosphere in hell, which is different from the ice and snow in Zhao Xuanji's lair. It is an extremely cold feeling. With Luo Tian's cultivation They couldn't help shivering, and the other people on the emerald dragon boat started to work their mana and struggled to support them.

Zhao Xuanji didn't talk nonsense, and directly typed a sound transmission talisman, but there was no response for a long time.Then Jin Da couldn't bear it anymore and punched a sound transmission talisman into it, and it was still like a stone sinking into the sea.

Jin Da's face was gloomy, and he didn't know what he was thinking. At the beginning, he accidentally offended the black phoenix with a single word, and was seriously injured by her just now. Otherwise, he would have escaped in front of Luo Tian at the speed of his three golden eagles. Shouldn't be a problem.

Of course, if Jinda's deepest thoughts were known, he would probably be laughed out of his teeth. The majestic ninth-level monster is equivalent to the cultivation level of a human monk in the transformation stage, and even a human monk in the middle stage of the distraction stage can beat him. However, he thought that he could escape, and it would be a big embarrassment to spread the word.

Just as Zhao Xuanji and Jin Da were waiting a little anxiously and were about to rush in, a black streamer flew directly from a distance, and then the light faded and turned into a black jade tablet, floating in front of Zhao Xuanji.

Zhao Xuanji reached out and grabbed the black jade token in his hand, and stuck it on his forehead. After a while, he directly threw the black jade token to Jinda.

Jin Da did the same thing, and then handed the black jade token to Luo Tian.

Pasting the jade tablet on the forehead is a way of reading and passing down from ancient times. In today's world of cultivating immortals, monks only need to hold the jade tablet in their hands and infiltrate their spiritual consciousness to read it.

"Huntian Palace? Madam Tianhu Baolun?"

Luo Tian looked directly at Zhao Xuanji and Jin Da, and asked with some doubts.

ps: All the bosses who graduated yesterday, please have a meal. I ate the hottest Qin Ma hot pot and drank cold beer, but I died today. I thought it was only my chronic enteritis that was easy to die. When I asked today, everyone was having diarrhea. So far, I have run to the toilet more than a dozen times.If my stomach doesn't hurt anymore, there will be an update at night, I really can't hold the bird...

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