
Chapter 421 Hunting Army, beaten into a pig's head!

Not to mention that Luo Tian himself is not a good man and a believer, even a real believer would at least yell at Luo Tian when he encounters Luo Tian's current situation.Just passing through the teleportation array, most people will feel uncomfortable for two or three breaths. At this time, the reaction force is at least [-] to [-]% lower than usual, which is a good time for a sneak attack.

Now, Luo Tian was being attacked by surprise.He has always been the one who sneaks up on others, this time after walking too much at night, he finally encountered a ghost.


Luo Tian let out a low shout, and murderous intent was already in his heart. Since the other party did not follow the rules, I will not be polite.

The probing hand just shot out with one palm, but Luo Tian realized that he had underestimated the power of the nine-character mantra. He saw that the opponent seemed to be stagnant, and then nine magic formulas continued to fall from the air, namely the immovable root seal, the great diamond wheel seal, The outer lion seal, the inner lion seal, the outer binding seal, the inner binding seal, the wisdom fist seal, the sun wheel seal and the vase seal, these nine seals are not the Taoism of Taoism, but Ge Hong Daxiu combined with Buddhism. Creation, which contains a trace of Buddha spirit, the combination of Buddhism and Taoism, the power is really earth-shattering.Of course, four of the nine seals of the guy who attacked Luo Tian in front of him were a bit dim, and it seemed that he didn't understand much.Of course, if these nine seals are finally cultivated to the peak, and the nine seals are combined into one, it will be quite terrifying. I am afraid that when the time comes, the mana will be enough, and only these nine seals will be able to shake the sky and move the sky. up.

It's a pity that the man in front of him still doesn't have a high level of cultivation.


Luo Tian popped up dozens of purple lotus flowers one after another, finally blocking the momentum of the Nine Great Seals.

"Turn the clouds!"

Taking advantage of the time when the other party was stunned for a moment, a sneer came out from the corner of Luo Tian's mouth. At this time, out of the corner of his eye, he also caught a glimpse of Han Yuan passing through the space portal behind him, but he didn't show the slightest intention to stop, and Han Yuan also He didn't stop him, but watched Luo Tian fight with the man hiding in the dark with his arms crossed shoulders with great interest.


The sky suddenly changed abruptly, and something strange finally happened somewhere in the void. I saw that void trembled, and then a figure came out in a panic. It was a young monk wearing a Taoist robe. At this moment, he described He was in a panic, and his Taoist robe was torn in several places. As soon as his offensive stopped, the nine great seals in the air disappeared immediately, but he himself fell into the range of Luo Tian's supernatural power.

Luo Tian stood on the spot with his hands behind his back, and didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue and hurt the killer. The opponent was just a proud young monk, and this was on his territory. I'm afraid I will suffer a bit too.Of course, if the opponent's cultivation level is not good enough, he may be seriously injured, but these are not what Luo Tian wants to consider, after all, the opponent made the first move.

"Fellow Daoist Han, let's move on." Luo Tian said lightly, without moving his body, this must be the boundary of the Huntian Palace, but Luo Tian can't guarantee that he can pass through it unimpeded, after all, the Huntian Palace is the Qingli Xiaoxianjie. In the central area of ​​the city, the defense is naturally first-class and tough. Luo Tian is not a stupefied young man showing off his bravery, he knows what to do.

Han Yuan smiled sweetly, as if a hundred flowers were in full bloom, she was really glamorous, of course, this has nothing to do with her appearance, Han Yuan's appearance is naturally extremely beautiful, but the beauty Luo Tian saw It may be beyond ordinary people's imagination, but Luo Tian's heart was raised, and he secretly became vigilant. This Han Yuan has cultivated the art of charm to such a high level, so he has to guard against it.

"Sister Han, please help me!"

Luo Tian had just flown with Han Yuan for a quarter of an hour when green clouds billowed in front of him and thick smoke filled the sky. Immediately a tall man in green clothes and green hair blocked his way. Holding two crescent scimitars, he looks majestic.

"Oh, I don't know what convenience being a concubine can give me?" Han Yuan is truly a peerless beauty. She never forgets to use the spell of charm even on her own, and the big green-haired man immediately falls into it. Fortunately, it is only five breaths of effort. Fa Dahan's expression and eyes regained clarity.

"Sister Han, you old man, don't play tricks on us soldiers and crab generals, okay?" The green-haired man smiled wryly, his face full of depression. This eldest sister, there are few people in Huntian Palace who dare to provoke her without incident.

Han Yuan smiled faintly, nodded, and leaned slightly to look at Luo Tian, ​​"I wonder if Fellow Daoist Luo agrees?"

In her heart, Han Yuan sighed softly. When the fellow Daoist Luo in front of her saw her for the first time, she was completely unmoved. The big green-haired man must have kicked the iron plate this time.

Naturally, Luo Tian also knew that the other party was here to show him off, so he could only shrug his shoulders and agree.

After a while, the big green-haired man pulled out from a certain rock with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and said thoughtfully: "This guy is really a fucking pervert. The biggest defense of my Iron Armored Snake Clan is useless against this man. What kind of exercises does this person practice? Not good, I have to tell the news to the boss and the others..."

After finishing speaking, the big green-haired man stomped his feet on the ground, and a pothole appeared on the ground. Immediately, the big green-haired man jumped into the pothole and disappeared. The pothole quickly returned to its original shape.

"Fellow Daoist Luo, you seem to be in a bad mood?" Han Yuan stared at Luo Tian flickeringly with her watery eyes.

"It's okay." Luo Tian paused after finishing speaking, and then continued, "Fellow Daoist Han, can you stop these ninth-level monsters in your Huntian Palace?"

"Hehe." Han Yuan chuckled, twisting her curvy little waist, "I can't mobilize them, they are either the descendants of the elders or the fellows of the Huntian Army, although the Huntian Army is only a few dozen people , but none of them are easy to mess with, my sister is really weak!"

"Huntian army?"

Luo Tian muttered, he naturally didn't believe what Han Yuan said, it seemed that this woman didn't tell the truth.

"That's right." Han Yuan straightened her face, "The Huntian Army was founded by the empress herself, and you must be at least at the level of a ninth-level monster to join and become a sergeant in the Huntian Army. Of course, there are two other soldiers in the Huntian Army." Two captains and one commander, not to mention the commander, I am afraid that even if one of the two captains comes here, you will not be able to eat it! Hehe, you won’t be angry when you say that, fellow Daoist Luo, right?”

For this moody woman, Luo Tian really wasn't interested, so he just put on a bitter face, "What should I do? You won't come out of Huntian Palace to take care of it personally?"

"What do you care about? Here, if you have strength, you can manage others. If you don't have strength, you don't have to mention anything."

"Thank you fellow Daoist Han for telling me..."

"Fellow Daoist Luo, what is this?"

"Fuck me, from now on, whoever provokes me will be beaten into a pig's head! I've been holding back for a long time! Quack!"

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