
Chapter 431

In the end, not to mention other people, even Luo Tian himself didn't know when the endless force of heaven and earth was going to be. In short, he felt that once the tyrannical force poured into his body, he had no intention of stopping. It is extremely strong, but if it goes on like this, the force of heaven and earth that the physical body can withstand may reach a limit, thus bursting Luo Tian's physical body.

Luo Tian was also secretly anxious, but it was useless for him to be anxious. Even if he mobilized the last trace of spiritual consciousness, he could not stop the tyrannical energy from Bodhi Mountain. It means that his whole person has become passive now. Accepting the situation, there was no initiative at all, which caused a trace of panic in Luo Tian's sober mind.

In the distance, the three of Zhao Huanhui also frowned slightly to avoid the voluntary attack of several bodhi trees, and immediately turned their heads to look at where Luo Tian was. He noticed something strange happened here in Luo Tian.

"Boss, I'll go and have a look." The Lord of the Spear, who was ranked fourth on the Shanhe Ranking, said lightly.

"Go ahead, be careful, Huang Bin." Zhao Huanhui nodded after hesitating for a moment. He instinctively felt that he couldn't win against Luo Tian, ​​otherwise he would have fought directly before. After seeing Luo Tian, ​​it has been lingering in my heart, unable to disappear.

Huang Bin's black robe rustled in the wind, and immediately he shook his arms, and he flew out like a big bird, with the aura in his body as strong as a mountain.

"Huang Bin's cultivation level has risen sharply again." Zhao Lunhui said lightly, and then he and the white-clothed youth who ranked sixth in the mountain and river list continued to walk towards the tallest bodhi tree in the central area. After all, the purpose of their trip was it.


Seeing that Luo Tian was suddenly wrapped in a layer of green light, Xiao Hei finally couldn't help it after waiting for a while, and jumped towards the green light.

As soon as the clinker Xiaohei hit the outer edge of the green awn, countless dense cyan leaves suddenly appeared. These cyan leaves were completely drawn by the green awn, lifelike, connected with each other, and turned into a very elastic big The net directly bounced Xiao Hei back hard. Due to the excessive force, Xiao Hei's eyes were staring at the impact, and the bones of his whole body seemed to be scattered.


At this time, Xiao Hei suddenly sensed that someone was approaching, and his breath was not weak, so he quickly dodged and hid beside a stone, and then used the Five Elements Shifting Technique to hide directly under the stone.After following Luo Tian for a long time, Xiao Hei has already practiced the Five Elements Teleportation Technique to Xiaocheng. After all, even in its memory inheritance, this Five Elements Teleportation Technique is enough to rank in the top three, and it has excellent magical effects .

Sure enough, after a while, a black light and shadow came directly from a distance, stepped on the suddenly extended branch of the bodhi tree lightly, and shook the branch into powder in response to the sound, and then deftly folded and landed on the green light Two feet away.


Huang Bin raised his brows. He has cultivated to the present level, and he is already a leader among the young generation of peerless geniuses in the Profound Sky Continent. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so daring. Many people are so daring. Even lawlessness means possessing the strength of absolute confidence.

Looking carefully at the strange light curtain in front of him, Huang Bin was also a little puzzled. This is too weird. In this world, besides the bodhi tree, there is such a strange blue light curtain, but Luo Tian and the others are not there. where did they go

Huang Bin, the Demon Lord of the Spear, made a fatal mistake, that is, the cyan light curtain did not associate with Luo Tian. In fact, normal people would not think about it in this way. You can't see the bottom and can't see the virtual and real cyan light curtain.

After such a dazed effort, Luo Tian in the cyan light curtain suddenly realized that the bodhi holy tree was real, and Bodhi mountain also contained part of the law of time, which could speed up time. A hundred years have passed, and Luo Tian finally understood the beauty of it, and began to practice the exercises with all his strength. In this time-accelerated state, such a great fortune cannot be wasted.

Feeling that the cyan light curtain seemed to be thicker again, the Spear Demon Lord finally frowned, and then tentatively reached out and slapped the cyan light curtain in the air.

There was a light slap, and the palm force fell on the cyan light curtain. The cyan light curtain did not respond, but Huang Bin felt his body shake. The palm he slapped seemed to be applied to him again, with the same strength. .


At the moment when Huang Bin was yelling and cursing, Xiao Hei gloated and hid under the stone, with a playful smile on his face, mother, this kid suffered such a small loss, it's not fair, why did he come up Don't go all out?

But before Xiao Hei could finish thinking about it, he saw Huang Bin, the demon king of the spear, gritted his teeth in a daze, and directly grabbed a scarlet red spear with a length of one foot from the void out of thin air. Once the spear was unleashed, the entire void was in turmoil, and it seemed that even the most stable space here had some cracks.

"A magic weapon at the peak level of a semi-immortal weapon, just a little bit short of becoming a fairy weapon!"

Xiao Hei recognized the level of the scarlet spear at a glance, and couldn't help being stunned for a moment. Didn't this guy want to make such a ruthless move?

Huang Bin seemed to be verifying Xiao Hei's thoughts, and the next moment he threw the scarlet spear directly, making Xiao He stunned in place, and he didn't even have time to show up to save Luo Tian.

At this moment, within the cyan light curtain, Luo Tian is undergoing great torture. Hundreds of years have passed by him, but less than half an hour has passed by the outside world. It is too terrifying to spread the news .Moreover, his current cultivation base has reached the peak of the stage of transformation, but the power of heaven and earth from Bodhi Mountain still shows no signs of stopping, which makes Luo Tian startled and angry. If this continues, his cultivation base of the original spirit will soon It is necessary to exceed the cultivation level of the main body, and once the time exceeds too much, it will directly explode.

At this time, Luo Tian felt an attack with extremely strong destructive power hit the light curtain, directly knocking a gap in the light curtain, and the Bodhi Mountain heaven and earth energy in Luo Tian's body tilted out at once, and Luo Tian There seemed to be a soft sound in the celestial body, and immediately the main body and the second clone were almost perfectly fused together. At this moment, the second clone was him, and he was the second clone. Something was suddenly realized in the primordial spirit, and that ray of light penetrated directly. His entire primordial spirit, the primordial spirit has also become stronger, it looks like it has turned into a substance, no different from Luo Tian's body.

Fit period!

Luo Tian has finally stepped into the realm of a holy monk in the integration period!


At this time, there was a strange whisper, and Luo Tian's eyes were awe-inspiring, and he saw clearly that the thing that could open the blue light curtain was a scarlet spear. At this moment, this scarlet spear was captured The remaining strong force of heaven and earth from Bodhi Mountain directly wrapped around it, and immediately beat it back by itself.

Huang Bin, the Demon Lord of the Spear, turned pale with shock, and a crimson battle armor appeared on his body. Judging by its aura, it was also a magic weapon of the pinnacle of a semi-immortal weapon.

Attack the child's shield with the spear of the child!


Huang Bin spewed out a mouthful of primordial spirit blood, a big gap was blown out of the battle armor on his body, and he flew upside down and fell more than a thousand feet.

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