
Chapter 451 Chapter 2 Origin!

"How long will it take?!"

As Luo Tian kept absorbing the original power of refining water, not only Bai Yan'er, but even himself was frightened by him.Before Bai Yan'er refined the ultimate water spirit root, it probably only used more than a hundred drops of the original power of water, but now Luo Tian has already refined thousands of drops of the original power of water, and it has not succeeded yet. His physical body seems to be like an endless bottomless pit, frantically absorbing the original power of water.

It doesn't matter if you absorb it. What makes Luo Tian want to cry is that the source of the water is about to return to the screen. If it goes on like this, Luo Tian will eventually fail.

"Recognize the master with blood! Devour!"

Then, under Bai Yan'er's dumbfounded expression, Luo Tian became ruthless, and directly tapped the center of his eyebrows, and three drops of primordial spirit blood flew out, which directly melted into the screen.

Strangely, after the screen absorbed the three drops of Luo Tian's primordial spirit blood, there was no movement at all, and Luo Tian went crazy watching it!


At this time, the waves of the long river above Luo Tian's head rolled up into the sky and beat violently, like a wild horse that had run free, hitting Bodhi Mountain fiercely.

Bodhi Mountain floats above Luo Tian's head, unmoved by the eight winds, as stable as a rock, but bursting out countless cyan light bands, like its current owner, turning the long river that is almost impossible to see at a glance. The water waves gradually sucked in.

"Yan'er, use the Yin Yang Promise Bottle to suppress that screen!"

Luo Tian yelled, and immediately gathered all his mind and began to absorb the waves of the long river in the air.

It is also an opportunity for Bai Yan'er to make a move, which will allow her to more skillfully manipulate the newly acquired magic weapon, the Yin Yang Promise Bottle.I saw the two jade bottles of yin and yang infinity bottle suddenly exploded in the air, and immediately changed into two rays of light, one black and one white, and finally slowly condensed into the shape of a Tai Chi diagram, shining soft brilliance from mid-air landed down.

The screen was suddenly suppressed by the Yin-Yang Wuji bottle, but to their surprise, there was no movement from the screen from the beginning to the end, it was so quiet that it made one's heart palpitate.


"Don't worry about it, wait for me to collect the source of this water."

Luo Tian naturally noticed the abnormality of the screen, but now he doesn't have so much energy to study this strange screen, so he can only solve the troubles in front of him first, and then plan later.

For three days and three nights, Luo Tian exhausted all the original power of water in front of him into Bodhi Mountain. After entering Bodhi Mountain, Luo Tian felt much more at ease. At that time, some of the original power of water would come from refining himself, not to mention Mount Bodhi can be refined by itself.

"Successful?" Bai Yan'er asked with concern, but she still carefully drove the Yin Yang Wuji bottle to suppress the strange screen without being distracted.

"I'm afraid it will take at least one day to cultivate the best water spirit root." Luo Tian nodded.

One day passed in a flash, Luo Tian successfully refined the water spirit root, and immediately three acre-sized light clusters appeared around his body, one golden, one red, and one white, which were exactly on Luo Tian's body. The three best spiritual roots he has now.The three light clusters complement each other, exuding a heaven-shaking atmosphere, and this strange space is distorted by the shock.

"This feeling is so strong!" Luo Tian stood up, laughing loudly. At this moment, he is already at the peak of the fusion stage, and with the three spiritual roots on his body, I am afraid that even if he is a monk in the transcending tribulation stage, he is not his opponent. , The origin of the three worlds, this kind of background is too terrifying.

"Yan'er, put away the Yin Yang Wuji bottle!"

Luo Tian turned his head to look at Bai Yan'er, motioning for her to quickly take back the Yin-Yang Wuji Bottle, and immediately flipped his hands over, and took the Great Wilderness Sword directly in his hand, with a light shake, the Great Wilderness Sword immediately emitted several sword lights, which sent out strange The screen is surrounded by water.

"Swallowed three drops of my primordial spirit blood for nothing, there is no such cheap thing in the world!" Luo Tian's face was livid, even with his current cultivation base, three drops of primordial spirit blood are extremely precious, how could it be possible for the strange screen to Taking advantage of this for nothing, Luo Tian has never suffered such a big loss since his debut.

"The sword formation destroys the sky!"

Then Luo Tian let out a low shout, and immediately his eyes couldn't help but shone coldly, and the sword formation with the Great Desolation Immortal Sword as the introduction immediately turned rapidly, as if a dense large net fell towards the strange screen, and then began to shrink.

The strange screen was pierced by countless peerless sword energy that could shatter it, but there was no response. Even, under Luo Tian and Bai Yaner's astonished eyes, it began to grow gradually, and finally, a trace of The green light strip squirmed slowly, and Luo Tian's peerless sword energy could not do anything to it.

"This is?"

In the end, the green glow on the strange screen radiated so much that it directly shattered all the surrounding sword energy, and even the Great Wilderness Immortal Sword was bounced back, crumbling.

On the strange screen, it suddenly twisted, and the patterns on it kept changing, as if they had experienced dazzling ancient time and space, and finally the patterns finally condensed into a dark vortex, exuding bursts of breath of life.

"walk into!"

There seemed to be a voice in Luo Tian's heart urging him to go in. Luo Tian hesitated for a moment, then pulled Bai Yan'er and plunged in.

The vortex closed itself the next moment, as if it had never appeared before, but more green light emerged from its surface, which looked very strange.

Entering the vortex, Luo Tian and the two soon felt an overwhelming aura rushing towards them, but this aura was very soft and not aggressive at all, giving people a very warm and comfortable feeling.

"Sir, this is?"

In the blink of an eye, a total of eighteen green stone pillars appeared in front of him standing on a circular platform. Below the platform was endless clouds, mists and winds, making it impossible to see the reality.

"The power of the source of wood, condensed into the power of the source of wood!"

After a long time, the sluggish Luo Tian murmured to himself, my God, could it be that he has recently been blessed with good fortune?These eighteen green stone pillars are all condensed by the power of the wood source. I am afraid that ordinary people only need one green stone pillar to transform into the best wood spirit root, right?

Unexpectedly, just a secret room in a dilapidated Ice Sea Cave Mansion possesses two kinds of original power, which is really far beyond Luo Tian's cognition.You must know that he learned from ancient books that there are many origins of heaven and earth, but gold, wood, water, fire, and earth are the most authentic five major origins, and one of the five major origins is enough to become the strongest in the fairy world-the Immortal King.

However, Luo Tian encountered two original powers at once. If he absorbed the original power of wood, what realm should Luo Tian reach by then?

ps: mlgbd. Chapter 2 has been written in half, and it is less than three o'clock now, you know...

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