
Chapter 459 Fire Unicorn

The climate in the Western Regions is hot. During the day, when the sun shines on your head, even a man with a strong body will pass out after half an hour. On the contrary, after nightfall, the temperature is extremely low, even wearing a cotton jacket. I couldn't help the chill that hit my body.That's why there is a folk song in the Western Regions that says, wear a leather jacket in the morning, wear gauze in the afternoon, and eat watermelon around the stove in the evening.

Few people know that there is a strange place in the southwest of the Western Regions, which is shrouded in extremely high temperature all year round, regardless of the time of day or night.The magma is everywhere here, and every time you walk a certain distance, you can see the raging magma gushing out of the ground, and finally slowly converge into a river of flames flowing towards the east.


A blue light came flying from the distant sky. After lowering the altitude, three figures descended after only hovering for a moment.

"Brother, have you recovered from your injuries?" Huang Hao, who was the tallest and strongest among the three, asked worriedly.

"You can just ask your sister-in-law Yan'er about it." Luo Tian glanced at Bai Yan'er, who was next to her, with a half-smile, and laughed.

"Bad guy!" Bai Yan'er's pretty face blushed again, and her little hand pressed Luo Tian's waist extremely quickly.

When Luo Tiansi took a deep breath, he couldn't help but recall the scene of the battle with the second demon monster that day.

Luo Tian didn't expect that the second person in the blood sea plane who came to the Tianxuan plane was actually a mid-term Mahayana cultivation base. The battle that day was really a battle between chameleons and tigers. Luo Tian finally relied on the opponent's strength The physical strength and the Zilian Sword Code, which was broken and erected, finally killed the opponent in a narrow way.You must know that even if it is every second-order plane, monks in the Mahayana period can count it with two hands. However, no matter how Luo Tian deduces, he can only deduce that all these clues point to the Tianxinghai Nanhai outside the Tianxuan Continent, that's all.

You must know that a holy monk who has cultivated to the Mahayana stage has already generated a small amount of immortal power in his body. If Luo Tian hadn't recently made great progress in his cultivation base, and the black pagoda in his body can innately swallow the ghost of the primordial spirit, he might have to It's over with hatred.Even so, it took Luo Tian more than ten days to fully recover from his injuries relying on the little power of wood origin left in his body.

For Luo Tian, ​​monks in the Mahayana period are easy to entangle, but difficult to defeat, and the most difficult to kill.All the monks who have been able to cultivate to the Mahayana stage have experienced thousands of catastrophes and have countless trump cards. However, Luo Tian is confident that if these monks perform Taoism from a long distance away, they will not be able to do anything about it. Once the other party gets close to him, even if he is a monk in the late stage of the Mahayana period, a peerless master who is only half a step away from ascending to the ascension, there is only one death word for Shang Luotian's fierce melee attack.

Luo Tian's weakest thing now is only long-distance attack. As for Yuanshen attack, with the strange black pagoda, it can be completely ignored, and it can even have a certain impact on the opponent.Therefore, the most urgent thing in Luo Tian's heart now is to find several black flame bamboos in the depths of Chiyan Mountain, so as to refine the most powerful Zilian Sword Formation in the Zilian Sword Canon. Shi Luotian can attack from a long distance and can also drive the purple lotus sword array to protect the body.As for the three-color disk that is temporarily difficult to use, it is still quietly hanging above the black pagoda, but Luo Tian will never pin his life on such a magic weapon of master's temper.

After walking for half an hour in the endless flames, Luo Tian suddenly stopped, and with a shake of consciousness, the first heavenly domain of the black lotus magic weapon in his body suddenly opened, and the black flame bamboo standing proudly after such a long time of spiritual energy After the baptism, and Luo Tian intentionally injected a piece of wood origin power into it, the black flame bamboo grew extremely fast and had already reached the age of tens of thousands of years.

The imprint of the divine breath leaf in the center of the eyebrows was collected by the three-color disc along with the Bodhi Mountain in Luo Tian's hands, and the imprint between Luo Tian's eyebrows turned into a miniature black pagoda. In Luotian's supernatural powers, the power of the two supernatural powers of turning the clouds and covering the rain increased several times.

During the days when he was injured, Luo Tian had already established a perfect communication with the black pagoda in his body, and he was able to control this strange magic weapon perfectly. A trace of that unique breath emerged, and after this trace of breath emerged, it quickly escaped into the tumbling magma in front of him.

"It's actually underground?"

Luo Tian had long since recognized the master of the Xuanhuang Pagoda, thanks to a trace of mystery in the secrets, among which was the whereabouts of the Black Flame Bamboo. Now he searched all the way and found that the Black Flame Bamboo actually grew on the bottom of the magma, which is simply beyond the reach of all races the limit of imagination.


Luo Tian stretched out his hand to call out Qingyun, enveloping the bodies of the three of them and shot into the magma without even a tiny spark.

Following the trace of the black smoke that Luo Tian forcibly captured with the help of the black pagoda, the three of Luo Tian couldn't stop sinking in the blue clouds, hundreds of feet, thousands of feet, and soon sank to the bottom of the ground. The trace of energy has not stopped yet, Luo Tian can't help but have a headache, the prohibition circle under the ground is very difficult to operate, after thousands of years of precipitation, many monsters with spiritual wisdom have long been born, if they meet Even if you are not afraid, it is a troublesome thing.

The trace of black flame bamboo essence sank like a fish in water and sank to [-] feet before slowing down, and then brought Luo Tian and the three of them back and forth in the underground magma world, and it took half an hour to reach an empty place In front of a flat area.

"It's so vast!" Huang Hao sighed through the magma.

"Master, where is the Black Flame Bamboo?" Bai Yaner asked with a slight frown, at least she didn't sense any strange aura at all.

Luo Tian calmly pointed to a huge platform suspended in the fiery red magma on the flat area in front of him, "It should be there, but there are many magma creatures guarding it."

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian drove Qingyun to the huge platform, and before he got close, he felt an extremely pure and thick flame rushing towards him.

"It's quite vigilant." Luo Tian smiled lightly, and a sword qi shot out with his fingers, directly smashing a path in the endless magma, forming a vacuum zone.

"Humans, get out of here!"

A muffled roar came from the huge platform. The magma on the entire huge platform trembled involuntarily as the sound passed. Countless magma exploded, stirring the magma world even more turbid and distorted.

"My lord, this coercion can actually bring me a little threat. The guardian of Heiyanzhu must be a very high-level monster." Bai Yan'er said with a serious face. She was originally a monster in the sea, and she completely restrained herself here. In her magma world, it is difficult to exert her mana to the extreme.

"You two are waiting here, I'll meet it." The sword-like light in Luo Tian's eyes flashed, "It's just a fire unicorn."

The next moment, Bai Yan'er and Huang Hao were directly shocked by Luo Tian's wretchedness.

"Cute little boy, I'm here to clean you up."

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