
Chapter 461 The Ancient Cultivation Realm, Arrive!

Mr. Fang squinted his eyes slightly, and said after a long time: "You will know the location of the Xuanhuo Forbidden Area soon. As for your confidante Yang Yue? Of course she is in the Xuanhuo Forbidden Area."

"If you say it, it means you didn't say it." Luo Tian muttered dejectedly.

"Bold, to talk to Mr. Fang like that!"

"Is the little unicorn's skin itchy again? It seems that the fat man hasn't had enough beatings yet." Luo Tian took Fang Lao out of his wits, and it didn't mean that other people dared to point fingers in front of him. Sudden increase, "Do you have the guts to come over and make gestures with me?"

"You!" Huo Qilin became angry immediately, he was no match for Luo Tian in terms of fighting, so he could only turn his head to look at Mr. Fang, and said respectfully, "Mr. Fang, look at this..."

"Okay, it's just for a few black flame bamboos, is it worth the two of you fighting?" Mr. Fang glanced at the silent Huo Qilin, and then said softly, "Luo Tian, ​​don't mess around, how many black flames do you need?" Just take the bamboo."

Luo Tian said with a hippie smile, "Mr. Fang, I want them all."

"No!" Huo Qilin became anxious again.

"What's wrong? I don't want to, Mr. Fang, don't meddle in it. I'll clean him up today!" Luo Tian snorted coldly.

Fang Lao looked down without joy and sorrow, and the huge platform was instantly torn apart, several black flames burst out, turning into a stream of black flames and falling into Fang Lao's hands.

"What kind of cultivation is this?!" Luo Tian's face twitched. He had already reached the Realm Realm of Immortal Soul, and it was amazing that Fang Lao didn't sense any fluctuations in the power of heaven and earth just now.

At least it is also the cultivation base of the Feixian realm!Luo Tian quickly came to a conclusion in his mind, but how could a super expert like Fang Lao stay in the third-order plane of Tianxuan plane?

"How many black flame bamboos do you need?" Fang Lao looked at Luo Tian with a half-smile, which made Luo Tian feel as if almost all the secrets in his body were being seen through.

After some calculations in his mind, Luo Tian gave a number that was only a little more, "At least seven plants are needed."

"It's too much, there are only nine black flame bamboos here, and you will take most of them for no reason!" Huo Qilin shouted angrily.

"It's alright, Mr. Fang has spoken, does little Qilin want to be beaten again?"

"... "

"Okay, seven will be seven." Fang Lao raised his hand and threw the seven black flame bamboos to Luo Tian, ​​and immediately sent a voice transmission to Luo Tian, ​​"It's a troubled time now, if you can kill those who come from other planes, you can kill them." Don't hold back, or it will be a big trouble for you."

"Don't worry about it, kid." Luo Tian was startled. Fang Lao's words actually allowed him to kill without any scruples, but there was a deeper meaning in it, which Luo Tian didn't understand.

"Huo'er, let's go."

After finishing speaking, Mr. Fang stretched out his hand to pat, a spatial crack in front of him slowly opened up, and immediately entered it with Huo Qilin one by one, and the spatial crack slowly recombined.

Luo Tian thought for a while, then patted his forehead, flashed back to Qingyun, and drove Qingyun back to the ground.


Back on the ground, Luo Tian didn't go out of Chiyan Mountain by himself, but drove Qingyun towards the depths of Chiyan Mountain. Soon, Luo Tian chose a very secret natural cave, and set up restrictions at will. For the magic circle, Luo Tian gave Bai Yan'er and Huang Hao a few instructions, opened a quiet secret room, and began to refine the Purple Lotus Sword Formation.

Generally speaking, the refining of magical tools and treasures is nothing more than the following steps: gathering materials, quenching, engraving arrays, fusion, and forming.The most difficult of these five steps is quenching and fusion, but Chiyan Mountain has natural ground fire, and the ground fire is almost endless, only fusion is the most difficult.


Luo Tian pinched a trick, directly cast his supernatural powers to penetrate into the ground, and began to extract the essence of fire energy in the depths of the ground, and the essence of earth fire energy within a radius of a hundred miles suddenly rushed towards Luo Tian like a hundred rivers converging into the sea. They came rushing in, Luo Tian flipped his hand, counting the seven black flame bamboos that Mr. Fang got and the black flame bamboos in his hand, there are ten in total.

"Most of these black flame bamboos must be successfully refined to assemble the purple lotus sword formation. The purple lotus sword formation needs seven or forty-nine black flame bamboo flying swords to display its maximum power." Luo Tian thought for a moment, then said solemnly Stretching out a hand, endless flames gushed out from under his body, entwining towards the ten black flame bamboos in his hand.

Black Flame Bamboo is indeed a top-notch refining material with dual attributes of wood and fire. It is born with the effect of preventing fire. It took Luo Tian half a month to quench the ten Black Flame Bamboos, and began to follow the instructions in the Purple Lotus Sword Code. According to the records, the magic circle is drawn on the black flame bamboo that has been divided into 52 sections. When Tian Yuan's spirit was weak, a cool breath gushed out quickly to replenish his body. Luo Tian was afraid that his first weapon refining would end in failure.

Immortal Primordial Spirit!

Luo Tian was secretly surprised. After communicating with the black pagoda, Luo Tian only knew that the Immortal Primordial Spirit seemed very difficult to destroy, and that he was immune to most of the Primordial Spirit's attacks, which should be the origin of the word Immortal.

After half a year.

Luo Tian looked at the fifty three-foot-three-inch-long black flame bamboo flying swords in front of him, with a look of joy on his face, "It's done, it's finally done, but two flying swords were damaged when they were formed."

With a soft clang, a black flame bamboo flying sword was thrown by Luo Tian, ​​and flew straight through the air, piercing through the secret room in front of him in an instant, and flying towards Bai Yan'er.

"Yan'er, this flying sword is for you." At the same time, Luo Tian's voice rang in Bai Yan'er's ear.

"Sanggong, you're out of customs!" Bai Yan'er was overjoyed and grabbed the flying black flying sword.

"Purple Lotus Sword Formation, open!"

The next moment, with Luo Tian's low shout, Bai Yan'er and Huang Hao flew into the air in shock.

Countless black sword lights burst out from the hundreds of feet high mountain below, and then the whole mountain collapsed in at once, and finally countless smoke with sparks rose into the sky, turning into a red fire that soared into the sky.

The entire mountain peak collapsed!

"Ahem, I just tested the power of the sword array." Under the surprised gazes of Bai Yan'er and Huang Hao, the embarrassed Luo Tian Lingkong appeared beside them, and his expression changed suddenly after he finished speaking, "Yan'er, Xiaohao, don't resist the two of you, wait for me to take you into my body!"


As soon as Bai Yan'er and Huang Hao were put into the black pagoda, a majestic multi-colored glow suddenly appeared in the distant sky. It seemed that the entire sky was torn apart abruptly. Immediately, two beams of light slanted down from the sky. .


Tens of miles away, two figures slowly appeared, one wearing a jade crown and a green robe, the other wearing a purple gold crown and a white robe, both handsome young men.

"The Tianxuan plane is too far behind our ancient world of cultivation, and the aura here is so thin." The green-robed youth couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Hurry up and recover your strength, and then look for the Yuqing Palace on the Tianxuan Plane. I think they can provide a lot of information." The white-robed youth said indifferently.

The young man in green robe clapped his palms and laughed loudly, saying: "That's right, why did you forget your disciples and grandchildren in this plane, it's wonderful, it's really wonderful!"

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