
Chapter 478

The Void Beast is recorded in the rare book, but this Void Beast is not included in the ranking, but has been highlighted. The description of this monster is only a few strokes: the Void Beast was conceived and born in the Great Thousand World. In contrast to the ancient fierce beast Kunpeng, it transformed from a bird body into a fish, and is good at stealth in the void.

Luo Tian watched from the sidelines before, and saw the four ninth-level monsters in human form standing in the air, and a tall island with overgrown plants was under them.The whole body of this island exudes a strange aura, if Luo Tian hadn't cultivated the inner world now, it would be really hard to detect it.

Could it be that this island is transformed from the body of a void beast?

Therefore, Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er escaped into the void to plan for the future.

"Kill us?"

Tantaiyun couldn't help but look weird, and glanced at the four ninth-level monsters in front of him, "It's up to you?"

There are four ninth-level monsters, a total of three men and one woman. The woman is still a milf, wearing a black dress.The three men are different from each other. The man in the yellow robe is the tallest, the man in the red coat is of average stature, and the man in the blue coat is short in stature with pockmarks all over his face.

The man in the yellow robe said with a sneer: "There are endless restraining formations on this Void Beast Relic, and I can only barely open a passage with the four of us joining forces. This passage can only accommodate four people at most, so, All you have to do is die."

"Oh, so that's the case, thank you for letting me know." Tantai Yun chuckled, "Originally we were just passing by, but I didn't expect you to tell us all the secrets yourself."

The yellow-robed man almost vomited blood when he heard the words, and his intestines turned green with regret.

Seeing this, the other three ninth-level monsters looked calm, but there was a hint of disdain in their eyes.

"So what if you know?" the yellow-robed man shouted angrily, "I'll kill you now! It's the same fate for being a fool or a fool!"

"I think it's better for you to die!"

Tantaiyun's face was gloomy and cold, he turned his hand and grabbed a magic weapon, this magic weapon was a miniature mountain peak, Tantaiyun pinched a magic formula, with a light lure, the mountain peak in his hand grew rapidly, directly brought With a shadow, he smashed at the man in yellow robe.

Void Spirit Mountain!

Luo Tian recaptured the treasure of Xuanyin Sect from Luojia Mountain and gave it to Tantai Yun. After Tantai Yun refined Xuling Mountain, it was enough to exert [-]% to [-]% of the treasure's power. This unexpected attack Although the main purpose was to suppress the yellow-robed man to death, the huge body of Xuling Mountain already enveloped all four of them.

"No, you and I should quickly attack this treasure together!"

"Xu Lingshan! I don't dare to block it!"

"Go back!"

The remaining three ninth-level monsters quickly moved out in three directions, and only the yellow-robed man who was locked by Xuling Mountain could bear the pressure of Xuling Mountain alone.

There was a loud bang, and the man in yellow robe appeared in shock and anger. It was an ancient yellow bird. The yellow bird also had ancient blood, and it was only inferior to monsters like Qingluan.

The blazing yellow flame rose from the yellow bird, but unfortunately the next moment the yellow bird was contaminated by the entangled karmic fire on Xuling Mountain, polluting the primordial spirit of the yellow bird from the air. The Xuling Mountain that was smashed down continuously was crushed to pieces.

"Do you still want to run?"

As soon as Tantaiyun stretched out his hand, countless black silk threads burst out from behind, entangled with a yellow spot of light that was invisible to the naked eye at an extremely fast speed, and quickly wrapped it into a black cocoon and fell back into Tantaiyun's hand.

"You four will share it." Tan Taiyun threw the Huangniao Yuanshen to four monks in the out-of-body stage of the Xuanyin Sect.

The faces of the other three ninth-level monsters that had already escaped suddenly became extremely ugly. The man in yellow robe who was about the same strength as them, the majestic ninth-level monster, collapsed without even meeting the other party. Extinct, Yuanshen was also captured.

"The strength is too weak." To the dismay of the other nine members of the Xuanyin Sect, Tan Taiyun muttered, as if it was a sin for the other party to be vulnerable.

"That's Xuling Mountain, the top three treasures of the Xuanyin sect back then, at the level of a half-immortal artifact, and its power is comparable to that of a low-grade immortal artifact!" The nine people stared at Tantai Yun frantically.

"Excuse me, three, are we qualified to go in now?" Tantai Yun said lightly.

Big fist is king!


At this moment, the pockmarked short man in blue clothes twisted quickly, and finally exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

"I don't change my nature, but I still want to sneak attack."

In the void, Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er's figures were revealed, and they grabbed each other's primordial spirit casually, and directly drove them into Tantai Yun's body.

"Elder Tantai is decisive in killing, this is a reward."

"Thank you Master Headmaster!"

"You...you are Xuanyin Demon Lord Luotian?" At this time, the woman in red seemed to have seen something extremely shocking, and said from a distance with a changed expression.

"Bah!" Tantai Yun spat fiercely, "This is the head teacher of my Xuanyin Sect, Lord Xuanyin!"

"What Tantai old monster said is very true." Fu Ruohai also put his hands in his sleeves and said calmly.

"Fu Ruohai, you, aren't you the Supreme Patriarch of the Taiyin Sect?"

Fu Ruohai's complexion changed slightly, and he shouted sharply: "From now on, there will be no Taiyin Sect, only Xuanyin Sect!"

"I didn't expect Xuanyin Sect to come out again." The man in red said with a wry smile on his face, "You are so powerful, you can kill or cut as you like, anyway, the two of us have no room to resist."

"Who said they're going to kill you?" Luo Tian smiled lightly, "The Void Beast's relic still depends on the two of you. Presumably the prohibition formation left by the Void Beast is not so easy to crack, right?"

"What the lord said is very true." The woman in the black skirt and the man in red looked at each other and said, "We have been preparing for this void beast relic for 300 years just to crack the restraining formation, let alone prepare for other treasures. The magic weapon of defense."

"Lead the way, I'll go in and see for myself." Luo Tian waved his big hand, and directly held back what Tantai Yun wanted to say, "Elder Tantai and ten of you are guarding outside. Anyone who comes within a hundred miles of here will be killed."


The woman in the black skirt and the man in red knew that the man and woman in front of them looked very young and had extremely high levels of cultivation, and the pressure that the woman gave them was even stronger. It was the pressure of a high-level monster of the monster family. It made them feel as if their hearts were being crushed by a huge boulder.

"My lord." The man in red hesitated and said, "We are not very interested in the magical elixir left behind by this void beast. It is rumored that there is a void beast's blood essence in the depths of the island transformed by this void beast. If the lord gets it, can you give us two a drop?"

Sure enough, this tall island was transformed from the body of a void beast.Moreover, there is also the essence and blood of the void beast!

Luo Tian glanced at the man in red, "We'll talk about it later."

Seeing this, the man in red and the woman in black skirt didn't dare to say more, so they had to respectfully lead Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er to fly down to the island.

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