
Chapter 488 Cultivate into a True Immortal!

On this day, Luo Tian had reached the final stage of refining the old monk of the Buddhist sect. The Buddha's light on the old monk was dim and kept fading, and the kingdom of the Buddha behind him was almost completely refined by Luo Tian.

On a whim, Luo Tian, ​​who has now reached the late stage of the Celestial Immortal, couldn't help but have an image in his mind when his cultivation was soaring. The face of the old man holding the gossip plate is not very clear. He is surrounded by rules that calculate the way of heaven. Countless laws of heaven and earth are unpredictable because of his single thought. It seems that even time and space can only trap him temporarily, not for a long time. To suppress him, this kind of Taoism must be a sign of comprehending the supreme supernatural power, and his own cultivation must be extremely tyrannical, as if he is not in the operation of the heavens, jumping out of the world, not contaminated with any mortal karma, karma.


The scene that suddenly appeared in Luo Tian's mind was abruptly cut off as the old man with a blurred face looked over.

"Words follow the law, whim!"

Luo Tian's eyes revealed a frightening brilliance, and the black pagoda in the world inside his body couldn't help trembling slightly. The laws of heaven and earth around him and the mana in his body seemed to be stirred by inexplicable forces, and it was difficult to see the real path in the void anymore. It was the first time Luo Tian had appeared since entering the realm of immortals.

"Heavenly Alliance!"

Luo Tian's pupils shrank, and a chill appeared on his face. Back then in the imperial capital of the Great Wu Kingdom, Luo Tian shot and killed a clone of a guardian general of the Heavenly Dao League. There are three more powerful and mysterious commanders above!

This day, the Dao League did not know where they came from, and no one knew where they lived. It was such a mystery that made Luo Tian afraid.The more mysterious it is, the more secrets it is related to.

"Represents the Dao of Heaven, hum!" Luo Tian had a sudden whim this time, and speculated that there was a trace of the secret that was deceived.

"Come on, let me see how many allies of the Heavenly Dao League can come, and kill as many as you come!"

Anyway, he has already tied the knot with the Tiandao League, and there is no room for change. Luo Tian will never hold back against the enemy, gods block and kill gods, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas!

With the fighting spirit in his heart soaring, Luo Tian began to step up refining and suppressing the old Buddhist monk in the inner world.

"Old monk, accept your fate!"

When the entire South China Sea archipelago was filled with peace, an old man wearing a Taoist robe flew from the southern border. This old man had a strange appearance, his white hair was bound by a jasper hairpin, and there were many talismans drawn on his Taoist robe. Wen, these runes look at the past carefully, it seems that each rune has different strange pictures and texts, these runes are written in Qingli script, contain endless laws of heaven and earth, and flow continuously.The old man stepped on a pair of black boots. These boots followed the old man in the void, and countless white lotus flowers grew out of them. Every time he took a step, two white lotus flowers completely condensed by white clouds would appear under his feet. Like a fairy who rides the clouds and resists the wind.

Step by step lotus!

This is a vision that can only be manifested by those with great supernatural powers.

Suddenly, the old man in Taoist robes walking on the clouds stretched out his right hand behind his back, and when a cinnabar imprint was looming between his brows, the five fingers of the old man in Taoist robes bent back and forth like dexterous butterflies, as if he was using a secret technique to calculate the past .

The five fingers are as crystal clear as jade, they look extremely perfect, without a single blemish.Soon the dreamlike face of the Taoist robed old man slowly emerged, and it turned out to be an extremely young man.

He-haired and childlike!

Except for the vicissitudes of life in his eyes, ordinary people would definitely not think that this is an old monster with amazing cultivation.

"Stifling the way of heaven, this person can't stay, otherwise he will definitely disrupt the rules of the fairy world and become a devil who troubles the fairy world!"

There was a trace of jade on the delicate face of the Taoist robed old man like a baby, and there was no emotion in his words, as if he was telling an extremely ordinary thing, unpretentious.


At the same time, Luo Tian, ​​who was already at the most critical moment of refining the old monk of the Buddhist sect, suddenly opened his eyes and looked up to the top of his head. The purple sword energy and the blue sword glow instantly saw through countless twisted and overlapping voids. , directly to the source of that dangerous aura.

"It's him!"

Luo Tian's body shook, it turned out to be the old man in Taoist robe that appeared in his mind just now!

"Want to kill me, the law of fate, reverse it!"

In order to gain the maximum time to refine the old monk of the Buddhist sect, Luo Tian directly sacrificed a trace of the Law of Destiny that had been extracted and preserved from the Bodhi Mountain, and shot out in a flash.

"Did you find it? Your cultivation level is good." A strange smile appeared on the face of the old man in the Taoist robe who kept walking in the distance, and a rune flew out of the strange Taoist robe on his body, directly arousing the strong laws of heaven and earth around him, It actually completely cut off Luo Tian's induction, making it impossible to spy on him again.

"Break me!"

At this time, Luo Tian desperately used all the power of the black pagoda, and the black pagoda exuded endless coercion like a devil's prison, and all of a sudden the Buddha's light that had cultivated the old monk of the Buddhist sect to the position of a small arhat was completely shocked Broken, of course, this is also the great reduction of the power of the Buddha's light after the old monk, otherwise the old monk would directly suppress it in its heyday, and the chance of success would be extremely low.

"Fixed Light Bead!"

Luo Tian yelled, and countless thick black arms grew out of the black pagoda, and they grabbed the Dingguang Bead completely and smashed them into pieces, absorbing them all.


In the end, the old monk was suddenly moved, and let out a wild roar that didn't fit his nature, as if he felt the approach of death and let out a final unwilling roar.The roar of this life almost knocked out a gap in the black pagoda in Luo Tian's inner world. If that happened, I am afraid that this old Buddhist monk could rely on this slight opportunity to be reincarnated.

"You can't leave it!"

Luo Tian had already covered the law of heaven and earth outside the black pagoda, how could he fall short at the last moment?

The big hand condensed by countless laws of heaven and earth fell from the black pagoda, and patted the old monk into balls of abundant vitality of heaven and earth.


Thousands of miles away, the robed old man cut off Luo Tian's prying eyes, and was about to make a move, but found that he stepped into a rather strange space. Flowing in the strange space, turbulent and flying in all directions, shuttling back and forth.

"This is! This is the law of fate!" The face of the Taoist robed old man changed drastically, "The law of fate that I have been pursuing for a lifetime has appeared! God help me! God bless me!"

The old man in the Taoist robe roared excitedly, and immediately his palm that he stretched out hurriedly seemed to be blocked by something, and he could no longer retract it.

"Who is this! He even collected the law of fate to plot against me!"

At the same time, Luo Tian had finished refining the old monk of the Buddhist sect and successfully entered the Realm Realm!

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