
Chapter 491

Ouyang Yun!

The Tiandao League made such a big move that even the Nine Heavens Boat was brought out, just for Ouyang Yun who came to the Loose Cultivation League to ask Master Qiankun to come to Wuwang Island as a guest.Ouyang Yun is the only daughter of the master and wife of Qinse Island, and also Luo Tian's big apprentice, not to mention that she is also the last winner of the nine Xuanhuang Pagodas.

"Ouyang Yun is a guest of my Loose Cultivation Alliance, and she will soon be the last winner of the Xuanhuang Pagoda. I want to take her away, hehe, you Tiandaomeng think that you can hide it from the world with your well-known intentions. people?"

Master Qiankun snorted, "That's right, you Ji Ziyi has cultivated to the middle stage of true immortality, but you think you have obtained the real Ziwei Scripture? Several sages in the Ziwei plane have already figured out that you are rebellious, At the beginning, you just got some skins. Don’t think that there are two Heavenly Dao Allied God Generals who are cultivated as Heavenly Immortals, and they will be able to win this old man!”

After finishing speaking, Master Qiankun stretched out his hands, as if breaking the laws of heaven and earth in the void at once. Those laws of heaven and earth were shattered at once, and finally condensed into two unique shapes of true laws.

The left hand gives birth to Tai Chi, and the right hand gives birth to gossip!

This is the real mystery of the Ziwei Scripture, once thought of, it will change the world.When one thought dies, illusions arise.

Ji Ziyi's complexion became a bit ugly. He was extremely talented. He concealed his identity and entered the Ziwei plane in order to deceive the real Ziwei scripture. He didn't expect to be turned by those old guys from the Ziwei plane. He made a move, and when he saw this, he said angrily: "Ling Qiankun, don't think that your crape myrtle scripture attainment is better than this seat, so you can challenge this seat. This seat is the Ji family from the fairy world, and your crape myrtle plane is still messing with you!" Sorry!"

Ji Ziyi was on fire, and countless purple light spots burst out of his body. He took out a handle of dark green Ruyi, and threw the dark green Ruyi down, and the dark green Ruyi suddenly turned into several long turbulent rivers. Dao Changhe was crushed in the void at once, crushing the void layer by layer from top to bottom, and went directly to Master Qiankun, intending to kill him.

"If I don't ascend, no matter how powerful your Ji family is, I can't help it!" Master Qiankun smiled coolly, "On the Tianxuan plane, everyone can only display their cultivation at the peak of the Mahayana stage. If you want to kill this old man, Ji Ziyi, you are still far behind."

Then, Master Qiankun split his left and right hands strangely, and there seemed to be a vortex formed by countless laws of fate in the entire void. Ji Ziyi's dark green wishful attack suddenly fell into the vortex of fate, like a mud cow entering the sea without a sound.


The two generals behind Ji Ziyi, one holding a golden spear and the other holding a golden long knife, stepped through the void in two directions and rushed towards Master Qiankun.

"Ziwei Yitian, Mingming variable, Zixuan gourd, turn the world around!"

While speaking, a puff of purple smoke flew out of the heavenly spirit cover of Master Qiankun, and finally turned into a palm-sized purple gourd that floated quietly above his head, swaying two purple lights, and rushed towards the two gods who rushed over. Sweep away the brutality.

"How is it possible!" Ji Ziyi's body standing on the bow of the Jiuxiao boat couldn't help trembling slightly, her eyes narrowed, and she said in disbelief, "Zixuan gourd, the most precious treasure of the Ziwei plane, has fallen into your hands!"

"As long as it is not destroyed, there will be a track to be found, and there will be infinite hope!" Master Qiankun exuded a layer of divine light that one could not look directly at, piercing with radiance, and his aura was extraordinary and refined.

"I will catch Ouyang Yun in my hand, and then I will talk to you about the past!"

Ji Ziyi laughed wildly like thunder, jumped off the Jiuxiao boat, and his whole body seemed to turn into a gust of wind, shuttled directly from the void, and landed on Wuwang Island. At the same time, countless beams of light appeared behind him, It kept sweeping against the entire Wuwang Island.

Master Qiankun held Tai Chi in his left hand and Qiankun in his right hand. The two big sleeves were opened at once. The next moment, it seemed that the entire sky changed color, and it suddenly returned from the day to the dark night where you can't see your fingers.

Universe in the sleeves!

Master Qiankun displayed the universe in his sleeves at the early stage of true immortality, and it was as if he had put the universe into his sleeves all at once. Ji Ziyi's unscrupulous figure was affected all of a sudden, and he couldn't help but slow down a bit.

"In vain!"

Ji Ziyi sneered, stretched out his hand to touch the center of his eyebrows, and the purple flower imprint on the center of his eyebrows flew out and turned into a layer of purple gauze, which fell on Ji Ziyi's body at once. All of a sudden, he was blocked by the thousands of rays of light on the purple gauze, unable to get close to him.

"The supreme profound art of the Ji family has been rampant for countless years. The holy law of Taixuan is indestructible. Even if you sacrifice Zixuan gourd, you can't hurt a single hair of this seat!"

Ji Ziyi laughed loudly, and had great confidence in the peerless skills handed down by the Ji family's ancestors.

Master Qiankun's complexion changed slightly. As Ji Ziyi said, no matter how many magical powers he activated, he could no longer do anything to Ji Ziyi. Even if he operated the law of fate, it would be difficult to cause him harm in a short time!

The background of the ancient family in the fairy world turned out to be terrifying!

"Haha, little girl Ouyang Yun, hurry up and come out obediently to me!"

"Why are you smiling, little boy, it's so ugly!"

At this time, several black horses rose up from Wuwang Island and beat Ji Ziyi fiercely.

Ji Ziyi just blew out a breath, and easily dispelled the whipped black horse. Immediately, he frowned slightly, "Why is this little girl only at the Nascent Soul stage? I have to be careful, so Even if I have a low cultivation base, I can blow her out of body and spirit even if I vomit the wrong breath, what a headache!"

Soon, Ji Ziyi used a little mana and the law of heaven and earth, and very carefully grabbed Ouyang Yun in front of him. The whole process was more difficult than fighting against a strong man of the same level, and he was sweating profusely and frightened Trembling miserably.

"Let go of me, boy!"

"Little girl doesn't know good and bad, be careful that I will blow you to death in one breath!"


At this time, a space crack thousands of feet long broke open in the sky, and a figure in green clothes stepped out of it. A pair of eyes swept across the scene, and he quickly stepped towards Ji Ziyi, and he was in front of him in a blink of an eye.

"What a big breath! If you dare to kill this disciple in one breath, I will kill you first!"

It was Luo Tian who came, and Luo Tian learned from the memory of the old man in Taoist robes that the Tian Dao League had discovered the secrets of heaven in advance at the expense of life, but Luo Tian got everything for nothing.

Now that Luo Tian's cultivation base is about to advance to the middle stage of true immortality, his physical body is comparable to a low-grade peak immortal weapon, and he has the body protection of the inner world. Not to mention opponents of the same level, even a strong flying immortal will not last long in front of him. kill.


Ji Ziyi was full of anger and had nowhere to vent her anger. When she saw Luo Tian making an attack, she couldn't help but let out a low shout, fist to fist, and head-to-head with Luo Tian!


After a loud bang, Luo Tian remained motionless, and Ji Ziyi took three steps back one after another. The purple gauze garment on her body, which was evolved from the Supreme Profound Immortality Sacred Law, was suddenly blasted into nothingness.

"Could it be that you are from the Meteor Immortal Palace?!"

"Too much nonsense, die!"

Luo Tian immediately approached, and with another punch, he blasted Ji Ziyi, and immediately sucked all of Ji Ziyi into his inner world.

Holding Ouyang Yun's arm with one hand, Luo Tian moved behind the two generals who were using secret techniques to restrain Master Qiankun, and punched them twice in a row, smashing the two generals into meatloaf and taking them into the inner world.

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