
Chapter 50 The Land of Soul Eater

When the four of Luo Tian were about to set foot on the island closest to them, Luo Tian seemed to have thought of something, and took out six bottles of Qingling Pill, and divided two bottles for each of them, just in case.

The three of Luo Qinglin were naturally very grateful to Luo Tian in their hearts. You know, they will stay in Lingwu Valley for a full month, and this Qingling Pill, which can quickly restore true energy, is really a rare and good thing.

There are too many islands, and all of them are not very big. There is a rough stone road connecting them in the middle. The island is full of trees and weeds, and occasionally there are a few birdsong.

"There seems to be something wrong with the water in this lake." Luo Qingchen, who was most thoughtful, frowned slightly.

Luo Tian didn't speak, just stretched out his hand towards the lake, only to see a few ripples on the lake, and then a ball of lake water was wrapped in the true essence and grabbed into the palm, and his face changed slightly after his spiritual consciousness spread.

"What's wrong?" Luo Qinglin, who had been staring at Luo Tian's face, asked aloud.

"It's nothing, there is a slight toxin in the lake water." Luo Tian said flatly, and immediately took out three more porcelain bottles, "Here are three bottles of anti-poison pills, if something is wrong, just put one in your mouth. "

The three of them had known for a long time that Luo Tian had a very good relationship with the old man Ye from the medicine house, so they didn't think too much about the amount of pills he could produce, and accepted it safely.

In fact, Luo Tian is such an old god because he has already memorized some information about Lingwu Valley in his heart. The island group here is called the Qipan Island Group, and there are many elixir, and the degree of danger is obviously not high. .

Suddenly, Luo Tian, ​​who was leading the way, stopped, leaned sideways and listened for a moment, then pointed to a towering tree not far away and said, "Hurry up and hide in the tree."

After the four of them jumped onto the big tree to hide, they heard the sound of rushing water coming from the shore of the island.

Not long after, a figure flashed in the distance, then looked around for a while, and walked up from the shore. Judging by the attire of this person, he should be a member of the Lingnan Wu family, one of the twenty forces. Be careful, turn your head three times at a step, and look around nimbly, with your palm tightly grasping the spear in your hand. It seems that he is ready to be attacked.But looking at the direction it was walking, it was the depths of the island group.

The four of Luo Tian hid in the tree and remained motionless.

The man from the Wu family walked about ten feet away, his slightly bent back suddenly straightened up, and he shouted to the woods in front of him, "Come out, I saw you!"

After a long time, there was still no movement in the woods. The Wu family finally breathed a sigh of relief and waved at the place where he appeared just now, "Come here, there is no one else for now."

Three figures stepped out quickly, and soon merged with the previous person.It seemed that these guys did not walk separately, for fear of being outnumbered by others.

Luo Tian couldn't help being amused and annoyed, there haven't been any enviable treasures of heaven and earth, who would be an idiot to come up and fight with you first?Everyone knows the precedent of the praying mantis catching the cicada and the oriole after the oriole. No one will take the lead unless it is absolutely necessary. They are all like this guy who hit three poles with no date, and howled like a ghost. tired.

After the four young strongmen of the Wu family disappeared in the depths of the woods, Luo Qingchen moved and was about to jump off the tree, but an arm grabbed his arm immediately.

Luo Tian shook his head with a smile, and said softly: "There are a few more behind..."

The three of Luo Qingchen were slightly startled, and continued to wait for a cup of tea with half-belief and suspicion, when a few heads sneaked out from the other side of the island.

"Anyone? Help!"

The four heroes of the Luo family almost fell from the tree when they heard the cry for help, which was obviously without any panic.Damn, this group of guys is really ruthless, each one is more capable of pretending, and one is more sinister than the other.

The four of Luo Tian also held their breath and waited for a quarter of an hour for this group of guys calling for help before they showed up and quietly chased in the direction where the four people from the Wu family in Lingnan disappeared.

"Go down."

Pushing aside the thick branches and leaves, Luo Tian jumped down from the tree, thinking silently.

"It's those wretched guys from the Kongkongmen!" Luo Qinglin looked away and said slowly.

The Kongkongmen is a special one among the twenty sects. Those who come out of the Kongkongmen are naturally good at concealment and stealth. Not to mention the extremely fast movement speed, the kung fu in the hands is even more difficult to guard against.

"The two groups of them are heading in the same direction. There must be something that makes them excited. Let's follow." Luo Tian thought over and over again, and decided to follow the two groups in front.

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian paused, as if hesitating for something, after a while, he waved his hand, and fished out the little guy, Yinmingma, from the space of Heilian.

"Yeah, yip..." Yin Mingma quickly turned into a villain, looked at the three of Luo Qinglin with some fear, and then turned into a ray of light and hid behind Luo Tian.

"Don't be afraid, I need your help." Soon, Luo Tian described the clothes and appearance of the two groups in front with gestures and descriptions.

After listening to Luo Tian's description, Yin Mingma stretched out his small hand and patted his chest, indicating that it would be no problem to leave it to it, then sank into the ground as fast as lightning, and disappeared.

"Xiaotian..." The three people beside Luo Qinglin stared dumbfounded, "This...is this a treasure that has become a ghost?"

Luo Tian nodded calmly, and then his spiritual consciousness dissipated, and he resolutely followed up.

Stepping on the thick dead leaves, Luo Tian always felt that there seemed to be an indescribable strange feeling here, and as he continued to move forward, this idea in his heart became more and more intense.

With the Yinming horse leading the way for Luo Tian, ​​the four of Luo Tian did not know how long they had walked, but they only remembered that when they were almost out of the Qipan Islands at the end, the scenery in front of them suddenly changed and became bare without any vegetation. The towering boulders are stalagmites like inverted swords and awls.


There are gusts of dark wind, howling, and the sound of howling and screaming can be vaguely heard in the distance. I don't know if it is an illusion caused by the mountain wind or if this place is really full of yin.

Quack, there are a few dead trees standing on the hillside, and in the gloomy sky, there are a few crows and night owls whining endlessly, which makes one's scalp numb.

"Ah! Help-"

Luo Tian's ears moved, his body turned into a streamer, and he moved more than ten feet in an instant, standing on a sharp stalagmite, and there seemed to be a scream of extreme horror from among the winding stalagmites.

"The three of you are waiting for me here, don't act rashly!"

After Luo Tian threw this sentence, his figure was like a rainbow passing through the sky, and he disappeared instantly in the dark and silent night.

Running non-stop among the stalagmites, Luo Tian relied on his keen five senses to explore, and kept guessing where the sound echoing in the mountains came from. Finally, he lightly tapped his toes on a stalagmite, and his body Xinghuo quickly soared into the air and landed on a higher mountain peak.

The group of stalagmites spread among the mountains, and it looked extremely vast. Luo Tian's eyes turned green, and his spiritual eyes immediately swept to the depths of the gloomy mountains.

Sure enough, a young and strong man from the empty door leaned lifelessly on a huge stalagmite, his face was terrified, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying, and there was a hint of relief in his wide-eyed eyes.

The consciousness surged out, and Luo Tian's consciousness quickly swept across the man's side, and found that the dead disciple of the Kongkong sect did not have any scars on his body, but his soul and the essence in his body were not left at all. .

Could it be that in this gloomy place, there are extremely powerful ghosts devouring the living?

Thinking of this, Luo Tian's mind was filled with excitement, and he couldn't help but look behind him. Looking at it this way, his calm and calm state of mind couldn't help but his face changed drastically.

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