
Chapter 516 Rapid Transformation

Luo Tian was in the mysterious chasm, wrapped in a cloudy purple light like a cocoon, quietly suspended in the void.Countless or tyrannical or obscure impurities of the laws of heaven and earth around him were eliminated from his body, faintly forming a messy small space.

Then, from the inside out, Luo Tian's physical body mana and the inner world were slowly improving, and finally reached a critical point, and then stagnated.

"Isn't this the bottleneck of hitting Feixian?"

At the critical moment, Luo Tian thought calmly, and then continued to burn the plundered immortal pills.

I remember that Mr. Fang once mentioned to Luo Tian that Feixian is the most critical watershed for immortal-level powerhouses to improve their cultivation base, and Jinxian is the most important watershed. Therefore, whether they can break through to the Feixian realm depends on a hurdle.If you pass it, you will soar into the sky, but if you can't, you will always be a servant.

Luo Tian was naturally unwilling to be a servant.

But because Luo Tian created an unprecedented avenue out of thin air, the road ahead is difficult, and his background is dozens of times higher than that of ordinary people. To be promoted to Feixian, it is not just as simple as endless heaven and earth energy, but Rather, it is necessary to reach the same height in comprehension of the laws.

In the inner world, the Tuntian Pagoda kept turning slowly, and with every turn of it, countless black light spots like raindrops swayed from it, and began to moisten the whole inner world.At this time, Luo Tian's inner world has begun to slowly undergo new changes. Instead of being dull and lifeless before, the bare inner world suddenly expanded to eight thousand miles. Floating and falling, it began to take root and sprout, promote good fortune and heavenly secrets, and give birth to all living beings.

Grass, sprouts sprouting piece by piece.

The saplings broke through the ground one by one and grew rapidly.

Mountains, rivers, and rivers are constantly changing in the inner world. It seems that there is an invisible big hand fabricating everything in secret. With a big hand, mountains and peaks rise from the ground. With a big hand, endless and sufficient water energy is poured into it. Give birth to lakes and rivers.Later, beyond the eight thousand miles of land, there were even endless oceans and glaciers. Everything was born out of thin air according to what Luo Tian thought in his heart. pattern.

The inner world seems to have really become a world!The sky is shrouded, and it has changed into a strange world, in which there are even countless birds and beasts flying and galloping in it, full of vitality.But here, Luo Tian is the ruler of everything, their supreme god!

Breath of life!

The trajectory of heaven!

Evolution of Chaos!

Now that Luo Tian's internal body world has arrived, it has finally become truly complete and has begun to take shape.Even as long as Luo Tian is willing, the inner world can be moved into human life.

"The feeling of having it all under control."

Luo Tian felt joy in his heart. Now he only needs one thought to decide the life and death of any living being in his body. No one can escape his control.

The three-color disc dormant in the deepest part of the Tuntian Pagoda also seemed to move a bit, sending out a misty cyan brilliance, which continuously poured into the Tuntian Pagoda. Then, the Tuntian Tower kept flying in the world inside the body. The central area of ​​the inner world suddenly fell, and with the landing of the Tiantian Pagoda, countless mountains and rivers immediately emerged around it. These mountains and rivers quickly formed a wonderful formation, and around the formation, various restrictions emerged endlessly.

"It's now!"

Luo Tian yelled in his heart, and immediately burned all the remaining immortal essence pills on his body, and at the same time communicated with the second day of the black lotus magic weapon, the world in his body suddenly poured in infinite heaven and earth energy.

Behind Luo Tian, ​​the huge phantom of the Void Beast slowly appeared, and it also began to absorb the heaven and earth energy from Luo Tian.

"Time accelerates!"

The function of the black lotus magic weapon in the third heaven domain is fully displayed at this moment, and the time in Luotian and its surroundings has been accelerated a hundred times!

The physical body and the internal body world began to undergo double promotion!

The purple starry sky deep in the mysterious chasm seemed to vibrate faintly, and then disappeared without a trace, coming and going quickly.


At this time, the space around Luo Tian was shaking, and it seemed that it was about to collapse.The space in the mysterious chasm is already extremely mysterious, if Luo Tian really falls into it, the consequences will be dire.

Zhitian's wings fluttered non-stop, sending out dazzling purple lights, which could stabilize the extremely chaotic space.


"Damn! These idiots of the Heavenly Dao League are so worrisome! When I return to the Immortal Realm, I will definitely join them!"

At this moment, on the fifth floor of Xuanhuang Mystic Realm, Yu Fei was flying in the air with a gloomy face. What made him very angry was that not only were there no monks from other planes on the fifth floor, even the Heavenly Dao League was nowhere to be seen. .

"That ant named Luo Tian!" Yu Fei's face turned chilly, "He is a so-called genius who clearly possesses the cultivation base of a true immortal. Hmph, there are hundreds of millions of this kind of thing in the fairy world if not billions! He'd better pray not It falls into the hands of this seat, otherwise he will definitely draw the Taoist heart and light the sky lantern, and let him suffer endless pain!"

After finishing speaking, Yu Fei galloped towards the entrance leading to the sixth floor of Xuanhuang Secret Realm. He had been waiting for half a month, and he really had no patience to wait any longer.

Just when Yu Fei just entered the sixth floor of Xuanhuang Mystic Realm, the entire space on the fifth floor of Xuanhuang Mystic Realm trembled involuntarily, as if a boundless force directly shook the entire space!

next moment.

In the mysterious chasm on the fifth floor of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, a purple awn shot up into the sky, and then a figure in the purple awn quickly appeared.

"Haha, so this is the realm of Feixian, very good, very powerful!"

There was an excited smile on Luo Tian's face. To be promoted to Feixian at this moment, not only did he use up the immortal essence pills on his body, but even the spiritual energy in the second day of the black lotus magic weapon was completely emptied. Most of the pool has dried up, and it seems that it will take a lot of time to return to its previous heyday.

"The physical body is now comparable to the first-level middle-grade fairy weapon!" Luo Tian only tried to move a few times, and found that the space of Xuanhuang Secret Realm was not as tough as before, and it seemed that he could break through the space barrier with a little effort.

"Life! Yes, life!"

Luo Tian's spiritual sense hastily probed into the third realm of the Black Lotus Space, and found that on the red stone tablet, his lifespan had changed to 32 years.

32 million years!

Luo Tian pondered for a moment. With his current strength, he could kill ordinary strong men of the same level with a random blow, and even dozens of flying immortals could easily kill them in an instant. What are the chances of winning for Yu Fei who is half a step up to the Xuanxian?Yu Fei is the messenger of the fairy world descended from the Northern Immortal Realm, and his own cultivation base is about to break through to the Profound Immortal Realm, and he may have a lot of cards in his body, so it is not so easy to kill.

However, whether it is an opponent or not, you will know when you match up!

After being promoted to Feixian, his physical body has broken through to the first stage of a middle-grade fairy weapon. After this rapid transformation, Luo Tian is confident that even if he immediately ascends to the fairy world at this moment, he will have a place in the fairy world.

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