
Chapter 546 Ready to Kill, Luo Xiu

Poor Luo Tian, ​​who was forced to watch the picture of a woman leaving the bath dozens of times by the old village chief, almost died of depression.It's a pity that his cultivation base has just begun to recover now, but he has recovered to the cultivation base of the transformation stage. There are still two barriers between the transcending tribulation stage when he can use the inner world, and he cannot escape the old village chief's compulsion at all. It is really frustrating. Speechless.

The old village head watched it for three or four hours, and finally turned off the Xuanguang mirror with a lot of satisfaction.

Luo Tian breathed a sigh of relief, the torture was finally over.

"Okay, then you can start to restore your peak strength, I guarantee that no one will disturb you!" The old village head waved his hand, and immediately ran out like a rabbit.

Luo Tian smiled wryly and shook his head, randomly placed a few small warning restrictions outside the door, and then began to re-invest in the cultivation of restoring strength.

First of all, Luo Tian used his spiritual consciousness to communicate with the first and second domains of the black lotus magic weapon. The first domain contains all kinds of natural materials and earthly treasures, and there are countless elixir, which is of great help to his recovery of strength. Help, and then, Luo Tian went to the second day domain. There were still many spirit liquid pools in the second day domain, but the spirit stones were almost used up. Great help, but mosquito meat is still meat no matter how small it is, and Luo Tian in front of him can't care about that much anymore.

The black lotus magic weapon in the third heaven domain can speed up the flow of time by a hundred times, even if Luo Tian is in the fairy world, he can also speed up his cultivation by a hundred times.These three major heaven domains alone do not seem to be of great help to Luo Tian, ​​but together, the effect is significant.

"At present, I have all the immortal pills and spiritual veins of the old village chief, plus the three major heavens of the Black Lotus Space." Luo Tian calculated silently in his heart, "I am afraid that it will be recovered in half a month at most. .”

In fact, the resources given to Luo Tian by the old village head are enough to restore all the cultivation of ordinary flying immortals at the early stage, but Luo Tian is different from ordinary people. For a medium-level tool, the immortal energy and aura required are simply an astronomical amount. If all the resources on his body are added together, I am afraid that Luo Tian will be able to restore his cultivation to the peak of a true immortal, and it is far from being able to recover to his peak. Xiuwei.

"It seems that at that time, it is inevitable that we will attack the monks in Xiyang Village!" Two deep black vortexes appeared in Luo Tian's eyes, and they disappeared in a flash. He himself understood the way of swallowing the sky. As long as he devours a few more flying immortals, his strength will naturally return to the peak level.

Luo Tian, ​​who was cultivated as a true immortal, could kill Feixian with no effort at all.

Therefore, Luo Tian only thought for a moment, and then threw himself into the intensive training.

In the blink of an eye, Luo Tian spent his first month in the fairy world.

In the room, Luo Tian suddenly opened his eyes, with a wry smile on his face, "It seems that I still underestimated my cultivation level before ascension, and it took half a month longer to recover to the level of a true immortal. To restore to Feixian's cultivation base, a huge amount of immortal pills and spiritual veins are needed, and even hundreds of monks have to be swallowed up.

Only Feixian can fly in the sky in the fairy world. Now Luotian, every time he wants to fly through the sky, he feels the laws of heaven and earth and the laws of heaven around him are tightly entwined, binding him firmly to the ground. After leaping tens of feet in the air, he could no longer rise even a foot in the air.

"The rules of the fairy world are too powerful!" Luo Tian secretly sighed in his heart.

"Hey, boy Luo, I didn't expect you to be at the peak level of a true immortal before you ascended. Not bad, not bad!"

Suddenly, Luo Tian felt that the small warning restraint he set up was triggered. Before he could react, the old village head appeared in front of Luo Tian with a look of amazement on his face, and he couldn't stop looking around Luo Tian.

"Tsk tsk, that's really strong. As expected of a peerless genius in my Profound Sky Plane, he had the cultivation base of a true immortal before his ascension. It's really terrifying!" Just now reluctantly looked away.

Luo Tian couldn't help but rolled his eyes and howled in his heart, if you old man knew that my real cultivation level was in the middle stage of Feixian when I ascended, wouldn't you be so scared that you would pee your pants on the spot?

Of course, Luo Tian was too lazy to talk about it.

"Hey, are you interested in accompanying the old man to Xiyang Village to kill a few bastards tonight? Those bastard bastards have been aggressive recently and injured dozens of village names in my Dongyang Village. The old man also went to pay them back "The old village chief laughed, his cold expression was really uncomfortable, no matter it was visual or auditory.

"I don't have any opinions." Luo Tian felt happy, he really wanted to come up with whatever he wanted, and the opportunity just came.

"Come, come, come, as the future pillar of my Dongyang Village, this old man has taught you two great skills. How much you can learn depends on your personal fortune!" The old village chief suddenly straightened his face and said solemnly.

"Two great skills?" Luo Tian was taken aback when he heard the words, "Is this not very good?"

"It's nothing!" The old village chief waved his hand, "It's not so easy to learn and master the two great skills of this old man, otherwise the entire Dongyang Village would have been promoted to a second-tier planet long ago. This old man is not a self-preserving person!"

Luo Tian hesitated for a while, and finally figured it out, this is the old village chief's savvy and clever way to keep everyone in Dongyang Village improving their cultivation.Of course, everyone can benefit, that's for sure.However, the old village head's two supernatural powers must be extremely difficult to practice, otherwise Dongyang Village may not be promoted to a second-order planet.A long time ago, Luo Tian felt the realm of the old village chief. Feixian's late cultivation base was only half a step away from advancing to the half-step Xuanxian realm.

The half-step Xuanxian is already an invincible existence among flying immortals, invincible.

"Aren't you?!"

As a result, half a day later, the old village chief yelled loudly in horror.

It turned out that Luo Tian only took half a day to practice the old village head's mysterious light mirror and phantom assassination skills to the extreme, which was almost the same as the old village head. God, it is even very likely to be assassinated by the other party.

The old village chief's eyes were about to pop out, his mouth was opened wide, and he stared at Luo Tian dully, unable to speak, howling in his heart, what a perverted freak this guy is!This kind of qualification, even if it is placed on a first-order planet, is definitely the strongest among the younger generation.

The Mysterious Light Mirror can see scenes hundreds or even thousands of miles away. Of course, this range is constantly expanding with the improvement of cultivation.The phantom assassination technique is to hide in the void, strike the enemy hard, and kill the enemy without knowing it.

Luo Tian was able to quickly master these two supernatural powers, one is because of the way he comprehended, the way of swallowing the sky, and the way of swallowing ten thousand ways.The second is that he himself absorbed the essence and blood of the Void Beast. For the old village chief, the Void Assassination technique was the most practiced, but for Luo Tian, ​​it was extremely easy and simple to master.


As night fell, there were three moons hanging in the sky, the night was as cool as water, and the sky was full of brilliance.


Luo Tian and the old village chief flitted together in Dongyang Village, one in the sky and the other in the bottom, a typical pair of heaven and earth.

"Haha, the old village chief is going to harm those bastards in Xiyang Village again!"

"Okay, okay, the old village chief has acted again!"


At this time, in Dongyang Village, not far from the old village head's house, a middle-aged man who was carving a wooden statue with a jade knife couldn't help chuckling, and the sawdust flew and fell in all directions.

"This guy Lin Ziqing went to Xiyang Village again, and he brought a very interesting little guy with him. He's not bad, he's a formidable young man."

The middle-aged man was none other than the old village head's second expert in Dongyang Village, Luo Xiu.

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