
Chapter 548 Kicked to the iron plate?

"Man, what a surprise!"

The old village head who wanted to help Luo Tian secretly was stunned at once. Even the top real immortals of Xiyang Village, Chen Lin, were seriously injured by Luo Tian's surprise attack, and were not noticed by other patrolling guards of Xiyang Village. Such results, even if the old village head did it himself, it was only to this extent.

The more the old village chief thought about it, the more excited he became, and he almost burst into tears in the end, "Damn, this little guy may become the top killer in the fairy world in the future! I like him!"

The patrolling guards in Xiyang Village naturally wouldn't be so foolish as to wait for Luo Tian and the old village chief to sneak up on them. These patrolling guards all have special perception methods, which are the communication jade cards that have been refined by secret rituals on their bodies, and even if they The owner of the jade tablet was summoned to die, and there was no safety message within a quarter of an hour, and the patrolling guards could immediately perceive each other.

So, next, Luo Tian and the old village chief only have a quarter of an hour at most to kill people.There is no way to do this, not to mention Luo Tian, ​​even the old village head who has been fighting with Xiyang Village for so many years has not reached the point where he can imitate the other party's spiritual consciousness. It is also impossible to achieve a [-]% similarity with this kind of exercise.

"Damn, I just remembered that it hasn't opened today!" Soon, the old village chief thought a little depressed, and then sent a voice transmission to Luo Tian, ​​"Boy Luo, the old man will go to clean up the surroundings first, remember to keep in touch , if you are noticed by the other party, retreat immediately!"


Luo Tian responded indifferently, and thought about it in his mind. There was only a quarter of an hour, and it seemed that he could only kill as many immortals as possible in Xiyang Village.

With a slight flash, Luo Tian flashed directly into the void.

In a jungle not far away, three monks formed a triangle and scattered within a range of more than ten miles, echoing each other.

"Huh? Why are the laws of heaven and earth and the aura of immortal energy becoming a little weird?" A lazy monk with his back leaning on a big tree said to himself in surprise, "Could it be that the bastards from Dongyang Village came to attack again? !"

Boo Boo!

As soon as the lazy monk thought of this, he felt the aura of the two of his own people not far away suddenly disappeared. ring.

"Not good! Something went wrong!"

Next, the lazy cultivator stretched out his hand and grabbed the space in front of him like hooks, only to find that the space in front of him was suddenly enveloped by a strange law of heaven and earth, and it was difficult to break through it in a moment. .

"Even the laws of heaven and earth have changed, no wonder the feeling is different from before! There is an enemy coming!" The lazy monk's face straightened, and a bright divine light erupted from his body, and he kept bombarding the space in front of him. There was a deafening sound, and even if he couldn't escape temporarily, he had to notify other patrolling guards to come in time.

"Stop trying to struggle, die!"

Soon, Luo Tian's cold voice reached the lazy monk's ears, and immediately, he flew out of the forest like a ghost, and slapped the lazy monk.

"Haha, it's just the peak cultivation of a true immortal. Do you think you can do anything against me?" The lazy monk swayed, and all the breath on his body spread out.

Bang bang bang!

It only took three strokes, and the big hands of vitality transformed by Luo Tian were scattered by the opponent, and immediately the divine light on the opponent's body hit Luo Tian's upper body, piercing Luo Tian directly.

"Haha, I was shocked. I thought it was so powerful. It turns out that Dongyang Village just sent such an idiot here, haha..."

Immediately, the lazy monk's voice stopped abruptly, his face was full of disbelief, his head slowly turned, trying to look behind him, but in the end his whole body, together with the supernatural powers in his body and comprehension of the laws of heaven and earth, were overbearing. The strength shook every inch, and even the will of the primordial spirit collapsed.

"You, you can kill me! I'm Feixian!"

The lazy monk finally gave a low growl unwillingly, and immediately turned into layers of smoke and merged into Luo Tian's body.


Luo Tian couldn't help but took a deep breath of air, "As expected of a flying fairy, I can stand up to more than a dozen real fairy peaks. If I refine another flying fairy, I'm afraid I can immediately return to the early stage of flying fairy. , Humph, even Xuan Xian can fight!"

The Sky Swallowing Pagoda in the inner world is running rapidly at this moment, quickly refining and absorbing everything about this flying fairy. Luo Tian feels that the inner world has grown a lot, and has a faint feeling that he will break through to the flying fairy immediately. .

"There's still half the time, enough!"

A cold light flashed in Luo Tian's eyes, and soon disappeared.

Maple Leaf Star is a third-order planet, and it is also the lowest-level planet. The highest cultivation level on this planet is Feixian. If someone is promoted to Xuanxian, Maple Leaf Star will immediately be promoted to a second-order planet. Of course, there is only one Low-level Xuanxian is also the bottom of the second-level planet.

Soon, Luo Tian beheaded three or four true immortals of Xiyang Village, but what made him depressed was that he never met Feixian again.

Luo Tian didn't know that there were only six flying immortals on Maple Leaf Star, not even ten. Except for those planets where spiritual veins were even scarcer and extremely desolate, among the third-order planets, Maple Leaf Star was at most no more than ten. At the middle and lower level, some powerful third-order planets even have hundreds of flying immortals.

"I want a flying fairy! I want a flying fairy!"

Luo Tian couldn't stop roaring in his heart. At this moment, he has also harvested a lot of immortal pills. The flying immortal he killed even had a third-order spiritual vein on his body, swimming around the world in Luo Tian's body like a long snake. It seems quite spiritual.

Of course, these Luotians are still reluctant to use them. If he encounters some strong people, he will have to fight 27 times, but he will burn a lot of immortal energy. If there is no corresponding supplement at that time, I am afraid that no matter how powerful Luotian is, he will have to fight hard. die of exhaustion.

The fairy world is no different from the countless planes in the lower world. It also needs spiritual veins and spiritual energy extracted from the fairy world to make immortal pills for cultivation and combat. Of course, fighting is also for spiritual veins and immortal pills. So many have long been occupied by major forces, and extracting the immortal pill is an extremely slow process.

With Luo Tian's current strength and cultivation base, he can only extract thousands of immortal pills in a day at most, this speed is really too slow!Of course, Luo Tian used 27 times the combat power to extract the Xianyuan Pill, the speed will be much faster, but the Xianyuan Power is also consumed, and the Xianyuan Power that is often consumed is almost just enough to swallow the extra Xianyuan Pill to replenish Come back, if this is the case, it is simply doing useless work.

"who is it?!"

What Luo Tian didn't expect was that he would soon encounter something difficult.

A powerhouse at the peak of Feixian, who is about the same level as Yu Fei, the envoy of the fairy world!

"The seal of heaven and earth! The seal of ten thousand paths!"

Without hesitation, Luo Tian shot 27 times the combat power, quickly burning the immortal power and the third-order spiritual veins in the world in his body, which can be supplemented into his combat power. The Xianyuan Dan burned out, and even the third-order spiritual veins are extremely dim. It seems that the spiritual energy will be exhausted soon, and it will become a pile of waste.

Click click!

Behind Luo Tian, ​​27 lights and shadows kept flashing, and even the space of the fairy world was almost shattered by him, making piercing sounds.

"The bastards of Dongyang Village, court death!"

The figure did not retreat but advanced, and arrived in front of Luo Tian in an instant, emitting fiery red brilliance all over his body. Those brilliance condensed into the shape of a palm-sized maple leaf. Only a small number of people actually hit the person who came.

"Top grade defensive fairy clothes!"

Luo Tian frowned slightly, his heart was overwhelmed immediately, he turned his head and hid in the void before fleeing.

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