
Chapter 565

Luo Tian immediately looked like a bright country bumpkin entering the city, looking around, feeling itchy in his heart, wishing to become invincible right now, robbing all the Wanshan Bazaar here, and moving to the inner world to live the landlord addiction .

Zhou Yi grew up in an aristocratic family, so he was naturally used to the ways of the world. He showed a great understanding of Luo Tian's country bumpkin style, and even condescended to explain the uses of some elixir to Luo Tian.

"Brother Han, this is just the periphery of the Bishuixing Wanshan Market. If you look carefully, you will have to read everything. I am afraid that you will not be able to finish it in a few years."

Soon, Zhou Yi said with a wry smile, "Wanshan Market is divided from the outside to the inside, the more items on the outside, the more common, and the more inside, the higher the level of items including slaves. The most central area of ​​Wanshan Bazaar has the storefront of Wanshan Bazaar, Wanshan Hall, and it is no exaggeration to say that everything there is rare and rare.”

"Ah? There is such a thing?"

Luo Tian was stunned immediately. Judging from the Wanshan Bazaar and Taibai Tower alone, there are quite a few rich masters in the fairy world. all enough...

"Of course, Brother Han, please come with me." Zhou Yi smiled politely, and strode forward to lead the way. Of course, if Zhou Yi learned that there was an earth-shattering robbery mind hidden under his honest and honest appearance, he would have to kill him immediately. He vomited blood for three liters and cut off contact with this guy.

Aquamarine is a third-order planet, but the Wanshan Bazaar on it has a radius of tens of thousands of miles.While looking around, Luo Tian thought to himself, isn't the Wanshan Bazaar on the second-order planet at least hundreds of thousands of miles away?What about the first-order planet... and the top-level planet?

Luo Tian never imagined that a branch of a folk force in the Immortal World would be so large, such a giant as the Wanshan Bazaar, any medium-sized store would probably be countless times larger than the Tianxuan Plane .

This is the essence of the fairy world!

Zhou Yi led the way ahead, seemingly walking very slowly. In fact, he had to go out for more than a hundred miles every time he dodged. Of course, he deliberately slowed down and moved forward, so that Luo Tian, ​​a country bumpkin, could open his eyes.

"Damn, it turns out that I have always been a poor man!" Luo Tian saw the high prices of the items for sale, which almost broke Luo Tian's psychological defenses. Fortunately, he thought that there were still a few second-level spiritual veins that belonged to the small landlord level, but When I arrived at the Wanshan Market, I realized that I was just a rural farmer who had never seen the world.

Now that Luo Tian, ​​Zhou Yi and his party have gradually reached the middle area of ​​the Bishuixing Wanshan Market, there are gradually fewer stall owners, and Luo Tian can't help but click his tongue at the prices put out by the stall owners.

"Dragon Blood Vermilion Fruit! Two second-order spirit veins are for sale?"

"Qingling Jade Pill! After taking it, it can increase the probability of Feixian being promoted to Xuanxian! Three second-order spirit veins will be sold!"

"Wonderful Jade Liquid! Consuming it can avoid the danger of going crazy until Xuanxian is invincible! Half...half of a first-order spiritual vein will be sold? My grass!"


Soon, Luo Tian looked at the things on the surrounding stalls with a numb expression, and even in this central area, Luo Tian almost spent all his wealth and couldn't afford half of one of the rare treasures.

"Hehe, Brother Han, don't be discouraged. Although many things here are expensive, they are flashy. Even if I am here, I can't afford them." Zhou Yi secretly took all the changes in Luotian into his eyes, and said with a loud smile, "Didn't you see that?" Are some of the stall owners Profound Immortals? They are just using these flashy things to show off on the third-order planet, and they will be happy for a long time if they are taken advantage of."

"Is there no one in Wanshan Market?" Luo Tian asked with a slight frown.

"Manage? How?" Zhou Yi shook his head, "It's all for one willing to fight and one willing to suffer, and the higher the price they sell, the more money will be drawn from Wanshan Market. Do you think Wanshan Market will Is it difficult to get along with the Xianyuan Pill? Wanshan Bazaar, to put it mildly, is nothing more than a businessman, as long as you are a businessman, you will always pursue the best interests."


Luo Tian nodded, cursing inwardly, Wanshan Bazaar is really black with his grandma, and they still have to extract [-]% of the share money, is there any law for this?I'm afraid that the money spent in the Wanshan Market on Aquamarine in one day is an astronomical figure.

"I don't know the difference between Wanshan Market and Louwailou?" Luo Tian said suddenly.

"There's a big difference." Zhou Yi sorted out his thoughts, "Wanshan Bazaar is a place for immortals to buy and sell, no matter how high or low you are, you can come here. The Louwailou is different, they also do other businesses , such as selling information about a certain faction, auctioning treasures for clients, etc., and, as long as you can afford the price, they can also kill people part-time."

"So ruthless?" Luo Tian couldn't help thinking, Zhou Dongfei, you son of a dog, you'd better come to the fairyland as soon as possible. You are needed in many places.

"Hehe, I'm afraid Brother Zhou came here for something, right?" Suddenly, Luo Tian asked abruptly.

Zhou Yi was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Luo Tian with some surprise, "Brother Han is smart, although the purpose of coming to Bishuixing this time is to find out the truth about my cousin's loss of cultivation, but secretly it is for the sake of Wanshantang. An item comes."

"That's enough brother." Luo Tian gave a thumbs up. Most people would definitely not tell such a secret, but Zhou Yi was able to tell him the truth openly. I'm afraid he really regarded Luo Tian as a friend in his heart.So Zhou Yi didn't say any more, and Luo Tian didn't ask any more.

"Since this is the case, let's not waste time. I'd better accompany Brother Zhou to finish the matter before we talk about it."


In the core area of ​​the Bishuixing Wanshan Bazaar, an antique and magnificent hall stands tall. The gate of the hall is hundreds of miles wide, and it seems that there must be a lot of people in it.

Wanshan Hall.

"Good word!"

Luo Tian looked up at the three big golden characters, and couldn't help secretly praising them in his heart.It was the first time he had seen such a beautiful Qing Liwen.

"Let's go."

Zhou Yi said something lightly, and walked towards Wanshan Hall.

Wanshan Hall has five floors. Zhou Yi led Luo Tian and two guards through the first and second floors. He stopped on the third floor and did not go any further. He walked towards the third floor. Go through the layers.

The layout specifications of the five floors of Wanshan Hall seem to be the same. A jade platform is covered with countless layers of light masks, and the rays of light on the light masks are flickering again and again.As long as you have reached the cultivation base of a fairy, you can see the items visited on the jade platform without any hindrance.

Zhou Yi took Luo Tian to a remote corner on the third floor, looking at the jade platform in front of him with a flat face, and a spark of fire naturally flashed in his eyes.

Luo Tian naturally felt the changes in Zhou Yi, but he still looked around in an innocent and cute manner, but he couldn't help but glance at the jade platform in front of Zhou Yi out of the corner of his eye.

On the jade platform in front of Zhou Yi, there is an incomplete picture.

A residual picture.

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