
Chapter 582: Immortal Seal!


With a click, Luo Tian had just been forcibly captured into the colorful mountain, and the crystal brilliance wrapped around him disappeared without a trace in an instant, and he went directly into the colorful mountain.

"Huh?" Luo Tian was taken aback for a moment, opening his mouth wide, "Is this remnant book the same as Qicaishan? Then there is a bullshit difference between being suppressed by the Fengxian Monument and being suppressed by the remnant book!"


Luo Tian stretched out his hand and punched directly on the stone wall inside the Colorful Mountain, but there was no sound. Immediately, Luo Tian leaned forward and grabbed the stone wall with his hand, but found that the stone wall was extremely tough. There was an extremely strong rebound force faintly above, and no matter how Luo Tian exerted his force, it would be completely absorbed by the stone wall, and there was no way to destroy it.

"Spiritual consciousness can spread out!"

Soon, Luo Tian discovered something unusual in it, and immediately spread out the primordial spirit consciousness, directly penetrated the inner stone wall of the colorful mountain, and quickly spread towards the four directions.

"It turned out to be so!"

Then, Luo Tian's complexion changed drastically, and his face was full of horror.

It turns out that the colorful mountain at this moment is like a huge talisman, talisman seal, devouring the surrounding heaven and earth energy to supplement it.And Luo Tian happened to be in the very center of the Colorful Mountain.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Like the sound of rushing water waves, Luo Tian was shocked again!

The endless crystal brilliance completely surrounded Luo Tian...

"There is no way into the sky and no way into the earth!"

Luo Tian let out a long sigh, "I finally understand that the broken book is to throw me in and use it as nourishment for the Colorful Mountain. Such treacherous things can be done, it's unreasonable and inhuman!"

A remnant book, like understanding human nature?Even if one becomes a master, it is impossible to reach such a level!


Just when Luo Tian was about to escape into the space of the black lotus, the crystal brilliance in all directions suddenly rolled violently, stirring up layers of ripples and waves, and immediately condensed into a huge talisman with a radius of several tens of feet seal.

"This is?!"

Luo Tian's eyes almost popped out.

The huge talisman talisman was silent in the air, and above it, countless stars and galaxies appeared, vast and boundless.

Then, the huge talisman talisman released a layer of misty crystal light curtain, directly sucking Luo Tian in, and finally disappeared.


A certain area of ​​Xubaoxing seems to have been ruined badly by the people in front. Looking around, there are ruins everywhere. Countless broken walls and ruins lie on the ground, spreading to the farthest point of the horizon.


The wind howled in the sky, and there were even many huge stones flying in it.


A slightly embarrassed figure flew quickly from the distant sky, hovered for a while, then turned into a ray of light and landed directly on top of a damaged stone pillar, and then looked at the surrounding environment with sparkling eyes.

"That bastard Zhang Sheng is clearly avenging his own personal revenge. He assigned me to such a place where there are few people and no shit. I can find one or two valuable fairy treasures here, so what the hell!"

On Xubaoxing, no one dares to rely on the escape light to be safe.So although the sound was transmitted, the light did not dissipate.

At this time, in the twilight, a young man in green with a face full of resentment was sullen and unhappy.This time when they entered Xubaoxing, the governor's mansion also came with the four of them, but this young man in green was actually not in the same faction as Zhang Sheng. Therefore, Zhang Sheng assigned the young man in green to the most impoverished area. region.

Although the young man in green was extremely angry in his heart, he did not dare to refute Zhang Sheng too much. After all, Zhang Sheng and the three of them were in the same group, and their strength was high. He, but humiliation is unavoidable.

"Hmph! Zhang Sheng, you won't be arrogant for long. When you go back this time, your chance to participate in the genius battle may be lost!"

There was a ferocious smile on the face of the young man in green, "Let's just let you be arrogant for now, and then it's too late to cry!"


The area where the young man in green is located is surrounded by dilapidated buildings, and there are many huge boulders among them. It is unknown where they came from.Occasionally, these buildings and boulders would explode inexplicably, and the young man in green had gotten used to this kind of scene these days.

But this time, what caught the young man in green a little bit was that the distance of the explosion seemed a little far from where he was at the moment, and he also vaguely saw that a mountain range in the distance collapsed and collapsed.

"Could it be that I'm lucky, just in time for the birth of the fairy treasure?" The young man in green licked his lips with his tongue, and flew away into the distance with joy on his face.

In just a few hundred miles, for an immortal like the young man in green who had already reached the realm of the Profound Immortal, it was within a blink of an eye.

The young man in green radiated a faint green light all over his body, blocking all resistance within a week of his body, slowly fell from the air, and then looked at the dust that was still flying freely in the air, his eyes wrinkled slightly. Looking down.

I saw that what was a mountain range just now had turned into a huge bottomless pothole. It was so dark that it seemed to make people feel a chill in their hearts.

The green-clothed youth naturally let go of his spiritual sense right away. If his spiritual sense is not strong enough to hang around in the fairy world, he would be at a disadvantage.

"what happened?"

At this time, the young man in green frowned slightly, as if he had discovered something unusual.


At this time, there was a strange sound directly from the bottom of the deep pit, and then, a little crystal brilliance continued to expand in the eyes of the young man in green, and finally the crystal brilliance completely occupied his pupils.

call out!

At this time, a white glow shot straight out from the deep pit, and landed directly in front of the young man in green.

"That's right, he's still a Profound Immortal, he seems to have been with Zhang Sheng once, he deserves to be killed!"

"Seal the Immortal Seal!"

The young man in green wants to say something, fellow daoist, I am not with Zhang Sheng, we are definitely not the same way.It's a pity that the next moment, he only felt that the primordial spirit and consciousness seemed to be paralyzed, and then he lost consciousness.

A person gradually appeared in the precious light in the sky, it was Luo Tian.

Shrugging his shoulders, Luo Tian said to himself: "It's better to devour the Xuanxian. The third form of the swallowing seal method, the seal of the immortal, is really perverted. Of course, the more perverted one is the immortal treasure of the era." That part of the primordial breath, I didn't expect to refine a trace of its essence, and the strength has increased so much!"

After Luo Tian was brought into the colorful mountain by the Fengxian Monument, he was finally sucked into it by that huge talisman. Unexpectedly, there happened to be a real part of the soul of the Fengxian Monument. Luo Tian accelerated through time in it, and finally refined it. Uncovered a trace of the mystery, and thus created the Immortal Seal that focuses on the primordial spirit and consciousness!

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