
Chapter 584 Plan

"who is it?"

Tang Yan immediately retracted the silver spear that had been pierced into the void with a look of vigilance on his face, and stared closely at the place where Zhang Sheng was standing just now. Anything general.

A white figure slowly enlarged in Tang Yan's astonished eyes.

Han Yi, an ugly man in white!

The one who appeared in time and seized the great opportunity to use the Void Assassination Technique to instantly kill Zhang Sheng was undoubtedly Luo Tian.

"It's you! Han Yi!"

Tang Yan's pupils shrank slightly. She was shocked by Han Yi's powerful strength when he killed Zhang Sheng in an instant.

This ugly man in white was obviously only half a step of Xuanxian's cultivation, but he was able to instantly kill Zhang Sheng who was about to break through to the late Xuanxian in the middle stage of Xuanxian. Moreover, the hair of the Xianjun in Zhang Sheng's hand did not have any warning in advance. This is really beyond Miss Tang Yan's previous cognition.

"It's you!"

The yellow-robed youth behind Zhang Sheng didn't even turn his head, and was so shocked by the situation in front of him that he almost peed on his pants.

The yellow-robed youth immediately collapsed. Zhang Sheng, who was much stronger than him, was wiped out in a face-to-face encounter. So if he goes up, can he block half of the opponent's move?This mother is really shocking, especially Zhang Sheng still has Lord Xianjun's hair in his hand, so he can't resist the other party's silent attack like a ghost.


At this moment, the yellow-robed youth had only one thought in his mind, and nothing else. This kind of person was simply a peerless genius, and he really couldn't deal with it.

Whoosh whoosh!

The yellow-robed youth was ruthless enough, even burning the immortal essence pill, spirit veins, and life essence in his body together, carrying out the most comprehensive, wildest and fiercest way of escaping.

But obviously, the yellow-robed youth is not proficient in the law of space, otherwise it would be really difficult for Luo Tian to keep him if he burned everything so desperately.

Even so, the speed of the yellow-robed youth also reached a limit, shrinking into a group of faint light spots in the void, moving in the void at an extremely fast speed, passing through countless spaces, the yellow The young man in robe has been able to cultivate to the current cultivation level, so the experience of escaping is naturally very rich, but in this fleeting moment, he has already bypassed countless small worlds in the long river of nothingness.

The yellow-robed youth thought that with his escaping speed, even if the other party was a master of the late Xuanxian period, as long as he was not proficient in the laws of space, there was almost no possibility of catching up to him.


In just a few breaths, the yellow-robed youth escaped hundreds of thousands of miles away. He wiped the cold sweat off his brow lightly, and then continued on his way. Summon strong men to kill this ugly male fairy named Han Yi.

"Stupid guy, are you really because you can escape from the palm of this seat?"

At this time, a gentle voice instantly extinguished all the hopes in the yellow robe youth's heart. It was like a beautiful dream that was smashed in front of him abruptly, and could never be realized again.

"no one!"

The nervousness in the yellow-robed youth's heart eased a little. It turned out that the other party was playing an empty city trick. I am afraid that the person is not far away from here.


At this time, the yellow-robed youth felt a strange and domineering force seem to surge out of his body, walking directly in his body, and even began to corrode the inner world that few people knew about him just after he cultivated.



Two completely different voices resounded in the void. Afterwards, no matter how the body of the yellow-robed youth burned the immortal essence pills, spirit veins, and longevity, it seemed that most of the immortal energy in his body was drawn by this inexplicable force, and then continued to burn in his body. Increase your power and continue on the rampage.

The body of the young man in yellow robe was like a perfect piece of porcelain being hit with a hammer, it became torn apart, and finally turned into a ball of extremely pure immortal energy that was about to dissipate.


At this time, a white light and shadow flashed in the void, and it was Luo Tian who shot in time. With his speed, let alone the same level, even Jin Xian, who is not good at speed, might not be able to match his speed.

To Luo Tian, ​​the speed of that young man in yellow robe is simply the speed of a turtle. In his eyes, he is indeed not much faster than a tortoise. Of course, if the young man in yellow robe knew this, he would rather blow himself up than run like a fool so far away.

"Feng Xianyin is really perverted!"

Luo Tian frowned slightly. After he created the third seal of the Heaven Swallowing Seal, even the only Dao in his body at the moment—the Dao of Swallowing Heaven, he had improved a bit, and his physical body had also been improved. Breaking through to a high-level middle-grade fairy weapon, he only needs to break through this layer of shackles, and his physical body can break through to a high-grade fairy weapon. At that time, Xuanxian can catch one to death in Luo Tian's hands, and do whatever he wants .

Unexpectedly, the most inconspicuous yellow-robed youth who was with Zhang Sheng at the beginning turned out to be the highest cultivation base among the four. It seems that there are endless generations of hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the fairy world.

After a while, Luo Tian finally devoured and refined the yellow-robed youth completely. Immediately, he gazed around with a cloudy expression, then opened the world in his body, and directly drove the three hairs of the immortal monarch into the void, leaving them alone in space. Walk freely in the turbulence.

These three fairy hairs are probably genuine, without any fake fairy hair, but with Luo Tian's current cultivation base, he can't devour and refine them at all, so he has to reluctantly exile them, otherwise, if the fairy has a whim When he got up, he found that his hair was stained by someone. Perhaps it was just a thought, and Luo Tian was about to turn into flying ash.

Turning his head across the void, and returning to the place just now, Luo Tian frowned slightly, and then stretched it out, shaking his head and chuckling.

"Girl Tang Yan, you still don't trust me!" Luo Tian smiled faintly, "I didn't expect her to leave without a trace, and there were still some things to do. Let’s talk to her, and we’ll talk about it when we meet.”

In fact, Luo Tian can't blame Tang Yan for leaving so vigilantly. It's because Luo Tian's killing of Zhang Sheng just now showed too amazing strength. If she doesn't leave, if Luo Tian has malicious intentions, I'm afraid she Even if it was combined with the power of the immortal monarch, the heaven and earth energy could not resist Luo Tian's weird attack.

After a little identification of the direction, Luo Tian went directly through the air. He just wanted to find the entrance of Xu Baoxing's heart veins as soon as possible, and then took this opportunity to break through to Xuanxian. It is expected that Tang Yan would not be able to escape Luo Tian. the palm of your hand!

That's right, of course Luo Tian would not let Tang Yan go. It was audacious of him to kill the people in Jinzhou Governor's Mansion. If such news spread, I am afraid that there would not be a little bit of peace in the future.Luo Tian didn't want to destroy the flower with his hands, but to find Tang Yan and completely erase her memory. After all, he and Tang Yan had no grievances and no enmity, so there was no need to kill her.

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