
Chapter 587 Super Turtle Shell!

"This is your Excellency?"

Luo Tian only felt a flash of a figure in front of him, and Chen Lin stopped in front of him, and asked calmly without raising his head, there was a calmness in his words, it was Luo Tian who had made a small breakthrough in his state of mind, like flowing clouds Like flowing water, it is always there.

"Since your Excellency has cultivated the inner world, you are naturally a person of great background. I wonder if Fellow Daoist Han can compete with my younger brother?" Chen Lin still looks like a nouveau riche, with fairy treasures hanging on his body, as if others don't know that he is rich generally.

"Not interested in."

Luo Tian shook his head, moved his body, and went straight through the air.

"No, your Excellency must compete with Chen!" Chen Lin chuckled, "In front of me, no one can leave easily!"

"You are sick."

Luo Tian's voice came out from the void, "Chen Lin, you'd better not provoke me."

"Great blockade!"

Chen Lin directly expressed his position with actions, and he displayed the strongest supernatural power he relied on to run rampant.


The next moment, Chen Lin's complexion suddenly changed. Immediately, he immediately crushed a fairy treasure, and then the speed reached the limit, and he rushed towards the void, only to find that the space he had blocked with the Great Blockade just now, It's empty.

"Interesting, really interesting." Chen Lin said to himself, "It's only a half-step Xuanxian cultivation, but he has cultivated the inner world, and the laws of heaven and earth he cultivated are also extremely powerful, and I can't even see it with my young master's eyes. Actually, there are too many secrets in this ugly man in white clothes. Not to mention the great blockade of the young master easily, and the speed is so fast, he disappeared in an instant, and went directly for thousands of miles. Can't be locked."

"Fortunately, this young master has a tracking treasure - ask Tiansuo!"

The next moment, Chen Lin opened his mouth and spewed out a breath of immortal energy. A brown-gray shuttle-shaped fairy treasure was wrapped in the immortal energy, and it turned into a shuttle that was one foot long and five feet wide with just a trickle of rotation.

Chen Lin focused his eyes and shot directly into Wen Tiansuo.

"Burning 3000 million immortal pills and three second-order spiritual veins, I can't figure out your trace if you don't believe me!"


Tens of thousands of miles away, Luo Tian's complexion was uncertain.

"Just now, it was clearly in an area thousands of miles away, how could it be possible to go tens of thousands of miles and still not be seen?"

Luo Tian mused to himself, "Could it be that that area has top-notch blindfolds, or that area can move by itself?"

For a moment, Luo Tian hesitated.

The area he sensed just now has countless tyrannical auras of mysterious immortals, and it is very likely that Xu Baoxing's central heart vein entrance is in it, but when he has chased tens of thousands of miles away, he finds that he is far away from that area. Instead of being shortened, the area has been extended for a longer distance.

This is really weird!

After a little calculation with his eyes closed, Luo Tian suddenly opened his eyes. It was very strange that the area was clearly in front of him, but he couldn't deduce the specific location, which was simply beyond the scope of normal cognition.

"Catch up, finally catch up!"


There was a shout of fuss in the void.

Luo Tian didn't need to turn his head, he could tell that it was Chen Lin's voice. He frowned slightly, and the sky wings appeared out of thin air behind him. With just a light flap, he went thousands of miles away, and then disappeared after a few breaths.

"Did you make a mistake?!"

During the questioning of Tiansuo, Chen Lin's face was full of disbelief. Just now he drove Wentiansuo, and used several magical powers and secret methods, and finally calculated a trace of Han Yi's trajectory, and he was about to lock his specific position, so that he could no longer move He easily escaped from control, but the opponent's speed suddenly increased to a terrifying level. After just a few breaths, he disappeared from Chen Lin's perception again.

Moreover, what shocked Chen Lin the most was that the law of heaven and earth on the other party seemed to be a little different. No matter what law of heaven and earth he cast, it was as silent as a mud cow entering the sea.

"Playing so mysteriously, you must be a good opponent. I will accompany you to play, wait!"

Thinking of this, Chen Lin quacked a smile, and was extremely happy to calculate Luo Tian's traces again from Wen Tiansuo's consumption of immortal pills and spiritual veins. He had a faint feeling of excitement like taking drugs.

Damn, it really lingers!

Half a day later, Luo Tian flew through the void with a bitter face on his face. I really don't know what kind of nerves this guy Chen Lin has, so he played hide-and-seek with himself endlessly. .

"Quack, brother Han, don't waste your energy, you won't be able to get rid of this young master!"

Chen Lin, who was in Tiansuo, sent out his spiritual thoughts tirelessly and spread them in all directions, launching a carpet search.

Bang bang bang!

At this moment, Chen Lin's complexion changed slightly in Tiansuo, and then he smiled happily, "Haha, is Brother Han finally willing to come out to see Chen?"

"See your sister!"

There was an angry shout in the void, and then, a silent phantom walked out of the void, and landed in front of Wen Tiansuo in an instant, with his left hand forming a fist and his right hand holding the Jinghong Knife, he charged directly towards Wen Tiansuo.

Luo Tian was finally so entangled that he couldn't bear it anymore!

"Wow, Brother Han, you are so fierce!" Chen Lin yelled while asking Tiansuo, and then threw out the countless expendable fairy treasures hanging on his body like asking for money, "Brother Han, my younger sister's vision is not good. He is quite picky, and with Brother Han's appearance, it can be said that there is no chance at all, but if this young master can deal with it, there is great hope with Brother Han's qualifications!"

"... "

Luo Tian was speechless immediately, and then his figure flashed, getting closer to Wen Tiansuo, the fist in his left hand was like a hurricane, and the Jinghong knife in his right hand was like a dark aurora, suddenly shining in the void.

At the same time, the world inside Luo Tian's body opened up, and the Sky Swallowing Tower flew out of it, directly suppressing the countless spaces around, and attacking Chen Lin.

Layers of black light curtains swayed from the Tiantian Pagoda, directly involving those consumable fairy treasures, devouring and refining them, regardless of the destructive power brought about by the exploding expendable fairy treasures.

"It's awesome! It's awesome!"

Chen Lin couldn't help but yelled, "Brother Han is indeed a peerless genius with pearls and jade, and the inner world is so fierce! Look at the inner world of this young master, Qing Huang Zhong!"

In the blink of an eye, a light cyan brilliance appeared outside Wen Tiansuo, and in the brilliance, a simple cyan bell-shaped fairy treasure appeared out of thin air, directly resisting all Luo Tian's attacks.

"His inner world suppresses the immortal treasure, and it turns out to be an absolute defense?!"

Soon, Luo Tian found out very depressedly that although his Sky Swallowing Pagoda was capable of devouring ten thousand Taos, with his current strength, it was still somewhat difficult for Chen Lin's inner world to suppress the magic weapon Qinghuang Bell. powerless.

Of course, that was the case if Luo Tian didn't use 27 times the combat power, otherwise he would only need to pay the price of minor injuries to defeat Chen Lin.However, if you want to kill it, the difficulty is not ordinary. After all, the law of swallowing the sky is not perfect now, it can only be said that the potential is unlimited.

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