
Chapter 620 One plum and one chrysanthemum

"Who can tell me! What's going on here?!" The Armed Saber Demon Lord roared angrily in mid-air, and couldn't stop screaming up to the sky. The space was directly shattered, and then transformed into smoke.

It can be seen that the arm knife demon king's attack does not seem to affect his ability to perform supernatural powers, but everything in his body is still burning unstoppably.


More intense burning!

"I want to know who is plotting against me, even if it is the remotest corners of the earth, I will definitely kill you!!!"

In the end, the projected avatar that descended from Arm Saber Demon Lord finally burned out, without even a chance of self-detonation. Until his death, Arm Saber Demon Lord thought that someone was plotting against him secretly, and left a ruthless sentence with a loud roar. Completely annihilated after the words.

In the end, the sad Armed Saber Demon Lord didn't know that it wasn't anyone who destroyed his projection clone, but the Liangyi Mote Formation!

the other side.

Chen Lin couldn't help frowning, and cursed in a low voice, "Grass! The power of this person who arranged the two appearances of dust is also a pervert. To get out of this formation, you need a dark and yellow blood. Where can I find Xuanhuang's blood! Isn't this a deceit?"

"Maybe, I can try."

After a long time, Luo Tian smiled lightly.

"You, aren't you from the third-order planet Maple Leaf Star in the Lingyun Star Field?" Chen Lin was stunned all of a sudden, "When is this, and you are still making such jokes with my brother, do you want to die here? No?"

"It's true that my younger brother is from Maple Leaf Star." Luo Tian nodded, looking helpless, "But you have to listen to me!"

"Hurry up if you have something to say!" Chen Lin turned his head and stared at the huge jade tablet suspended in the air, looking eager to try, "If it's not possible, brother will take out all the trump cards and destroy this jade tablet!"

"It's true that I was born in the third-order planet Maple Leaf Star, but I'm not a native of Maple Leaf Star." Luo Tian said with a smile, without delay.

"Could it be that you are a monk who ascended from the lower realm?" Chen Lin could almost stuff a big goose egg into his mouth.

Luo Tian said lightly: "Yes. I ascended from the Profound Sky Plane of the lower realm..."

"Brother, let me take the shot." Chen Lin shook his hands violently before Luo Tian finished speaking, "Xiao Yizi, you don't need to comfort brother, I don't believe that this Laoshizi Liangyi Mote Array is really so powerful that it can trap I!"

"Listen to me!"

Luo Tian finally couldn't bear it anymore, and yelled directly.

"..." Chen Lin was really speechless, "Say it, let's go faster."

"The Tianxuan plane I am in was previously called the Xuanhuang plane." Luo Tian narrowed his eyes slightly. He is a great power of the monster race, and I can speculate now that he is likely to be born in the Profound Sky Plane!"

"Wait, I roughly understand what you mean, but I still have a question." Chen Lin said with a puzzled expression.

"What question?"

"What is the next level of Tianxuan plane? Is it powerful?"

"Third-order plane." Luo Tian rolled his eyes angrily, "Should be among the top three in the third-order plane. I don't know exactly how to rank."


With an extremely tangled expression, Chen Lin scratched his ears and cheeks with the burning monkey, "You, you were born on a third-order plane? Damn, didn't you say that you have only cultivated for hundreds of years? How could you Can you ascend to the fairy world so soon?"

Speaking of it, I don't blame Chen Lin. If you can reach Feixian after hundreds of years of cultivation in the fairy world, you are a genius among geniuses.Not to mention that Luo Tian was only born in the lowest third-order plane among thousands of worlds, and he has reached his current level of cultivation after only a few hundred years of cultivation?What is the self who has always claimed to be a genius?An ordinary thing?Born in the fairy world, and accepted the best cultivation environment, it took only tens of thousands of years of cultivation to reach the current level.


Full of monsters!

Chen Lin couldn't help but sighed with a wry smile, and looked at Luo Tian speechlessly, "Then tell me, how long has it been since you ascended to the fairy world?"

"Uh, I really haven't calculated this carefully." Luo Tian scratched his head embarrassingly, "It probably took less than 100 years to ascend to the fairy world."

"Be honest!" Chen Lin rushed over with a vicious look, baring his teeth and claws, "What cultivation level did you have when you ascended? It is absolutely impossible to be a fairy!"

"When I ascended, it seemed that I was at the peak of a true immortal." Luo Tian thought about it casually, and felt that there was nothing ulterior about this matter, so he told the truth.

"Your mother!" Chen Lin was about to vomit blood, and kept wailing, "Your grandma, are you still human? Ah?! In less than 100 years, you have cultivated from the peak of the real immortal to the current early stage of the mysterious immortal. Cultivation! Are you a reincarnation of a fairy? Ahhhh!..."

"Stop it."

Luo Tian didn't bother to tell Chen Linduo, he jumped lightly, and jumped directly in front of the huge jade tablet, secretly praying in his heart that his blood would be effective, and then a drop of incomparably bright and incomparably bright blood flew out from between his brows, and was covered layer by layer. Wrapped in the sky-swallowing law, it fell towards the top of the huge jade tablet.

After a while, a brilliant ray of light emerged from the depths of the jade tablet, and then paved a straight avenue of ray of light in the void.

"It really works?!" Chen Lin was dumbfounded.

"What are you still doing in a daze, if you stay a little longer, you will have more variables, come with me!"

At this moment, Luo Tian also faintly felt that his drop of blood essence was being consumed astonishingly, as if it had been absorbed and refined, and an ominous premonition welled up in his heart.But what exactly is wrong, he can't tell.

The Xiaguang Avenue seems to be very long, but in fact Luo Tian and Chen Lin only spent a cup of tea before reaching the end. At the end of the Xiaguang Avenue is a space portal, shining with various colors.

"Go in?" Luo Tian looked at Chen Lin.

Chen Lin smiled wryly, "Do we have any other options?"

"This time I'm in front."

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian stepped into the space portal first, and then disappeared without a trace.

Chen Lin hesitated for a moment, and then quickly followed in.


Boom boom boom!

When Luo Tian just arrived at the other end of the space portal, the Dark Gold Emperor Spear appeared in his hand, and he swept out towards the surrounding space without hesitation, breaking the surrounding space violently.

Sure enough, as soon as Luo Tian's attack was launched, a change suddenly appeared in the void.

A dark red plum blossom and a golden chrysanthemum slowly spread and bloomed on both sides of the void. These two kinds of flowers are very common in the lower realm, not to mention the fairy world.It's just that at this moment, this plum and chrysanthemum are blooming proudly in the air, but there is an indescribable oppressive feeling.

"Boy, keep the high-grade fairy artifact in your hand obediently, and I will spare your life today."

Then, an indifferent voice came out from the void.

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