
Chapter 638 A Golden Flower, Star Destruction

"What! How could you! You..."

Gusha Laomo originally thought that he had displayed five times his combat power, and he would be able to scare the crap out of the opponent's three little guys, but he didn't expect the situation to change in the next moment. When he was about to make a move, the opponent unexpectedly showed dozens of times the fighting power that was abnormal to the sky!

Dozens of times the fighting power!

What the hell is this concept?

On the contrary, the old devil Gusha was so scared that he almost peed his pants. He looked miserable and out of his wits. Although he was already uglier than a ghost, this time he was sure that he was really scared.

Dozens of times the combat power, Gusha Laomo thought that as long as he could refine the opponent's supernatural power, he might be absolutely invincible among the Da Luo Jinxian. Moreover, based on his current Da Luo Jinxian's initial stage, if he recovered Without the combat power of the heyday, I am afraid that even if he meets the Taiyi Golden Immortal, he can fight for a while.

"I will definitely kill this son today!"

The old devil Gusha made up his mind without hesitation, and at the same time, he also began to secretly use the magic channel technique to hide the truth, lest his move would be known by the other two little guys. If they knew, he would move the forces behind him to move forward Come on, no matter how strong you are, you will end up dead.

"Yin Yang seal!"

Luo Tian created the yin and yang seal in an instant. Once the yin and yang seal was formed, it directly divided the space, distinguished yin and yang, and directly drew an insurmountable gap between himself and the old devil Gusha. Afterwards, Luo Tian The celestial wings fluttered gently, and the purple awns bloomed on it.

"Void Assassination Technique!"

Luo Tian displayed all of his trump cards in an instant, and these trump cards almost broke through his current realm. Immediately after, Luo Tian was overjoyed to discover that his physical toughness had broken through!

Luo Tian finally promoted his physical body to the level of a high-grade fairy weapon!

This time, Luo Tian's combat power doubled, at least dozens of times stronger than before!

Bo bo bo bo!

Then, Luo Tian kept slashing out in the void with the Jinghong Dao in his hand, he slashed out thousands of knives in an instant, all of these thousands of knives were hit on one of the points, and This point finally slowly landed on the old devil Gusha, no matter how he dodged, he couldn't escape Luo Tian's lock.

"Little guy, you must die!"

The old demon Gusha was hit by Luo Tian's real body, and the brown box above his head trembled violently, as if it was about to collapse at any moment.

The old demon Gusha was hit by Luo Tian, ​​he is a golden fairy, and he will be injured too!

I saw that the already serious injury of the old devil Gusha deteriorated again, and finally the movement of the immortal energy in the body became a little obscure. Without the support of the immortal energy, no matter how powerful the divine channel method is, it is useless.

"Gold Immortal is really strong!"

The Qi and blood in Luo Tian's body were churning, and the world inside his body collapsed by [-]%, and he was also slightly injured by the shock force of Gu Sha Laomo.

But Luo Tian knows that he must not relax now. He is facing a golden fairy at the moment. Although this golden fairy has been seriously injured, he still has to be extremely careful, otherwise if something goes wrong, it is very likely that he will die .

After burning a whole second-order spirit vein, Luo Tian was finally willing to spend a lot of money, and once again hit 27 times the combat power. When the physical body did not make a breakthrough before, Luo Tian displayed 27 times the combat power, but at most he could display it at one time. More than a dozen times, now that the toughness of the physical body has been promoted to the level of a high-grade fairy weapon, Luo Tian reckons that he can fight more than 27 times in one breath with [-] times the combat power.

Of course, the more times you use 27 times combat power, the more damage you will do to your body.

Even if Luo Tian was able to perform 27 times of 30 times combat power, by the time he performed the No. [-] times, he might have already been seriously injured.

There are pros and cons to everything, and there is a price to be paid for exerting 27 times the combat power, and Luo Tian is no exception.

"I beat you to death today!"

Luo Tian looked like a crazy tiger, he didn't know how many times he played 27 times his combat power, and this process definitely did not exceed five breaths.

Ka Ka Ka!Bang bang bang!Boom boom boom!

When Luo Tian went crazy like this, it seemed that the void with a radius of thousands of miles collapsed, and the void shattered and disappeared like a fragile crystal mirror. In the end, except for four people, the thousands of miles around were all black and turbulent space. .

Luo Tian fought so desperately with the old devil Gusha regardless of the cost, he was naturally putting all his eggs in one basket, but the old devil Gusha was terrified, and his previous confidence had long since been thrown into the sky.

Facing a lunatic who is not afraid of death, the old devil Gusha felt powerless for the first time.

The old devil Gusha even had the idea of ​​retreating.

But how could Luo Tian let go of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Old devil, die!"

After Luo Tian arrived, even his consciousness was a little fuzzy, but his strong and unyielding will supported him, and he finally fought hand-to-hand with Old Demon Gusha.

In terms of hand-to-hand combat, even if the old demon Gusha has the body of a golden fairy, how can he be an opponent of Luotian whose physical body has been promoted to the level of a high-grade fairy weapon?

In the end, with Chen Lin and Zheng Feng almost going crazy, Luo Tian finally tore Old Demon Gusha to pieces at the cost of breaking one of his arms.


Chen Lin couldn't help but burst into tears.

Zheng Feng said with a slightly serious expression: "Xiao Linzi, now I finally know why you value the brotherly relationship with Xiao Yizi so much. This guy is simply a lunatic with perverted talent!"

"I admit it." Chen Lin nodded generously.

After killing the old demon Gusha, Luo Tian directly threw everything about him into the inner world, and after that, the imperishable spirit went back and forth several times within a radius of [-] li, before he was completely relieved.

"This is?!"


Luo Tian almost turned pale with shock, only to see a golden flower suddenly appeared above the five black and white clouds and smoke in his primordial spirit consciousness.

The three flowers gather on the top, and the five energies go toward Yuan.

Profound Immortals who have gone through this stage can advance to the Golden Immortal Realm.

And Luo Tian, ​​who had already cultivated to the state of five qi dynasties in the Tianxuan plane, had finally successfully condensed a golden flower now.With only two remaining flowers left, he can be directly promoted to the Golden Immortal and become the overlord of the Immortal World.


Next, the three of Luo Tian found a hidden place and began to recover from their injuries.

This time it took the three of them half a year to recover to their peak level.

"Let's go, we have to leave here as soon as possible." Chen Lin frowned slightly, "Before the three of us killed so many Xuanxians of the three camps, we have already caused a great disaster. If it is exposed, I'm afraid the three of us will become street rats!"

"That's exactly what I mean." Zheng Feng nodded.

"It's up to you to make a decision." Luo Tian glanced at the two with unchanged expressions. He originally thought that the strength of the two was not as far as his own. Now it seems that these two guys are hiding deep enough. When Xuanxian fought, the two of them showed their cards that were not inferior to their own.

Moreover, Luo Tian had no doubt that that was far from the true strength of the two of them.

Whoosh whoosh!

Next, the three of Luo Tian jumped into the air together, and each of them used their fastest speed to gallop away from Xu Baoxing.

Ten days later, the three of them finally released Xubaoxing.

But when the three of them stood in the starry sky and looked back at Xubaoxing, they were shocked to find that Xubaoxing seemed to be dropped with countless explosives, and the whole planet began to collapse and explode rapidly.

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