
Chapter 691 Killing the Golden Immortal!

On the battlefield of genius battles, especially in this battle of geniuses, the golden immortals can attack the flying immortals and mysterious immortals. The premise is that the immortals with low cultivation levels insulted a golden immortal for no reason, and the golden immortals can kill them.Generally speaking, even if there is a feeling of dissatisfaction with the strong Xuanxian who can rival the ordinary Daluo Jinxian, he can't insult a strong Jinxian like this. ethnic dissatisfaction.

A Xuanxian insulted the Jinxian, but it was not a Jinxian who hit the face.If this Golden Immortal could swallow his anger, he would be ashamed all over the Southern Immortal Realm, and he would never be able to raise his head again.

Therefore, once Jinxian is insulted by Xuanxian, there is only one result, fall!

But who is Luo Tian, ​​if he can be afraid of a big Luo Jinxian, then he is not the lawless Luo Tian.Even against a holy immortal with boundless strength like old man Luo Yun, Luo Tian would do his own thing, unless the other party uses force!

"Humans, die."

The Mozu Jinxian smiled coldly, and without seeing how he was acting, several eyes on his face opened directly, and several rays of light were shot out in unison. These rays of light flashed leisurely in the void, and fell on Luotian in an instant in front of you.

"A strong early stage Da Luo Jinxian is a great opportunity for me to test my own strength! Let's fight!"

Luo Tian raised his head to the sky and roared, the sound shook for hundreds of miles, and then his entire physical body moved to the limit at once, his hands flew together, drawing out strange arcs, at the same time, countless purple lotus flowers slowly emerged from the void. Emerge.

Each purple lotus is composed of sword energy that has been condensed and compressed countless times. Once it explodes, the power is really amazing.

Chen Lin's body trembled in the distance, and he looked at Luo Tian with a strange expression.

"Xiao Yizi, this is..."

Bang bang bang!

Soon, the countless lotus-shaped sword energy that Luo Tian displayed collided with the gazes of the Demonic Golden Immortals. Unexpectedly, the gazes of the Demonic Golden Immortals scattered in the void!

"Fu Moganghuo! It turned out to be Fumo Ganghuo! Human beings, no wonder you are so arrogant!"

The Mozu Jinxian couldn't help exclaiming, "But with these, you are still going to die today!"

The next moment, the entire void erupted with incomparably dazzling light, and the demon Jinxian was really angry, and even shot with all his strength.

"Want to cover up the space? Very good!"

Luo Tian smiled coldly, "Then, I'll add another fire!"

"Wan Dao Yin!"

Luo Tian directly printed the Wan Dao Seal, directly including the space of hundreds of miles around, all the laws of heaven and earth began to merge, shielding all the laws of heaven and earth.

"Thirty times the combat power!"

Luo Tian used thirty times the combat power this time, and even himself was taken aback. He didn't expect that after he entered the invincible realm of Xuanxian, he used thirty times the combat power, and directly lost one and a half second-order spiritual veins.

You must know that Luo Tian used thirty times the combat power before, but it was only half of the second-order spiritual veins, this time it was obviously tripled!

"Damn it!" Luo Tian was furious, "I'm a real poor ghost! You forced me to waste so many spiritual veins, I will definitely kill you today!"

Yes, the poor Luo Tian broke out!

Then, the Jinghong Dao appeared in Luo Tian's hands. The Jinghong Dao has now been promoted to the middle stage of the high-grade fairy weapon, and it is only a short distance from being promoted to the late stage of the high-grade fairy weapon. It is also the only one on Luo Tian's body currently. A fairy treasure that can be obtained.

Luo Tian also beheaded many strong people in the sixth battlefield, but everyone knows that this is a battle of geniuses. Except for one or two unsatisfactory immortal treasures against the enemy, generally the strongest immortal treasures are to be collected in the inner world, even It's not even brought in.It would be a big loss if a talented and powerful man could forcibly extract the fairy treasure from the inner world.

Therefore, Luo Tian didn't gain much from beheading so many strong men, except that there were slightly more elixir and spirit veins.

"Hack you!"

The Jinghong knife in Luo Tian's hand rolled up a monstrous black river in the void, and kept pressing towards the demon Jinxian. His physical body has been pushed to the limit, and now he can bear it thirty times more than ten times. Fighting power is displayed!

In a moment, Luo Tian, ​​holding the Jinghong Saber, was as mighty as a god, and the domineering saber aura in front of him condensed into a pair of huge pictures. In these pictures, countless years of yin and yang were recorded, and even more It contains the law of swallowing the sky and the fire of subduing demons, and it is oppressing towards the golden fairy of the demon race with an invincible force.

"How could it be possible that the breath suddenly increased so much, at least ten times the attack power!"

Several pupils on Mozu Jinxian's face trembled uncontrollably, and half of them were bleeding gurglingly.

"This human being is obviously just a mysterious fairy! How could he be so strong? Could it be a monstrous genius sent by some king's force to practice?!"

In the fairy world, geniuses above the top geniuses are called evildoers.These enchanting immortals are all geniuses who only appeared once in tens of millions of years. They either obtained the ancient inheritance from the distant era or the ancient times, or their talents were against the sky.

These people, geniuses who are destined to enter the realm of the Holy Immortal in the future, are called evildoers!

"God, you are playing with me!" Demon Race Jinxian couldn't help roaring in his heart, "there are many evildoers in the sixth battlefield, but you let me meet one! God is really unfair to my holy race!" , it's not fair!"

In fact, there are so many resources in the entire fairy world. Even the gods can't make everyone get the same rain and dew. Only those evildoers who have amazing luck or have heaven-defying talents can get the favor of the gods. , thus steadily stepping into the realm of the overlord of the fairy world.

"Yes! Law! Haha, he is just a Xuanxian, so what if his strength is against the sky? I have the Golden Immortal's Da Luo Law comprehension, and he is absolutely unable to resist the erosion of my Da Luo Law! Give me Die!"

The Mozu Jinxian seemed to be crazy, and laughed and displayed the Law of Da Luo.

Although the Da Luo law is also one of the laws of heaven and earth, in the fairy world, as long as you have not entered the Da Luo Jin fairyland, you can only practice the laws of heaven and earth that you have comprehended, and the Da Luo law can further strengthen your original law power.Of course, it depends on each Xuanxian's comprehension of the law of descent when he was promoted to Daluo Jinxian. Some people have a low comprehension, while others have a very high comprehension.


Soon, Luo Tian was forced to come back by the Da Luo Law of the Demon Clan Golden Immortal.

"Thirty times the combat power!"

Facing the Law of Great Law, Luo Tian also fired a real fire. He used [-] times the combat power twice in a row, and even broke the Law of Great Law of the Demon Golden Immortal. The last blow even shocked the Demon Golden Immortal. At the same time, he used the attack technique of the primordial spirit, which seriously injured the body of the demon golden fairy.

Relying on the realm of Xuanxian alone, he can kill Jinxian with his own strength!

Luo Tian is destined to be famous on the sixth battlefield!

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